There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/00/27 |
Contribution a la conservation de la biodiversité a travers la protection et la restauration des especes en voie de disparition, notamment le vepris heterophila ("Kinkeliba"). Le Kinkeliba, jadis abondant dans la zone est aujourd'hui tres rare. ( ... )
une espece qui a ete surexploite pour ses vertues medicinales.
Objectifs spécifiques - Favoriser la prise de conscience des populations sur la nécessité de la sauvegarde du kinkéliba ;
- Renforcer la capacité technique et organisationnelle des populations pour une gestion durable de l?espece ;
- Restaurer et protéger les peuplements naturels de kinkéliba ;
- Créer des réseaux de
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/00/02 |
During modernisation of churches(roofs) and other parish buildings very often hatch places for barn owl (Tyto alba) and bats are destroyed, acces (wholes, small windowws) to save place is not available, blocked.It reflects in observed in past 2 ( ... )
s decline of barn owl and bat population in rural and suburban areas. churches were traditoonally the most save place for those species, with limited access of people.
Project aims in protection of hatch places for both species, construction and placement of 100 hatch boxes for barn owl, before hatching period (in march), then monitoring of results in August-November.
Publication (folder)
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/99/07 |
The main aim of the project is rising of public awareness, mainly of local community on preservation and protection of biodiversity values in the area, through active community participation in concrete demonstration to biodiversity protection. The ( ... )
t will occur in area Strelca-Korce. Rare threatened species of the zone will be identified and some measurements will be taken for their preservation and protection. The project will have its effect and influence on improvement of village stream flow reducing the erosion level and increasing the fish quantity in it. The local community will participate actively in the project, showing their
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/00/16 |
This project aims at rising of local community awareness on the protection and preservation of the Mati River Lagoon and the whole natural environment. Participation of local community in different actions is considered a key element for protection ( ... )
eservation of the environment in this area. This project aims also: the forestation of a part of degraded habitats (2ha); determination and evidence of threatened species and actual situation of flora and fauna. Are also intended to be minimized the negative effects caused by erosion, uncontrolled woods cutting, collection without any criteria of the medical plants in the area around the lagoon,
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-00-03 |
Black Vulture is a globally and nationally endangered bird species. One of the few known breeding colonies is in the Kızılcahamam area. Following the recommendations in the Action Plan for Black Vulture (by Council of Europe), the project ( ... )
o understand the main threats for this species at Kızılcahamam, propose measures for its protection, and in collaboration with (our partner) National Park Authorities, develop and start implementing a Conservation Action Plan with the participation of local stakeholders.
A national campaign against poisoning of wildlife is also launched as this is considered to pose a serious threat to
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/00/14 |
The project intends to evidence the biodiversity values in this area; to monitor and inventory of nesting and migrating birds; fishing monitoring in the lagoon; estimation of water quality; rising of local community awareness on real values of ( ... )
ersity in this area. Community participation is considering a key factor and the local community will be thoroughly involved in the process of drafting a 'Management Strategy' for this area in close cooperation with Local and Central Authorities. A Local Organization will be set up, with a large participation of local people, fisherman, hunters, farmers, pupils etc, aiming the area protection and
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/00/20 |
Protection of biodiversity of Sola River Valley through reintroduction of white poplar on the selected river course. Stengthening Sola River Valley's role as ecological colrridor connecting Wistula River with the Complex of WesternBeskidy Landscape ( ... )
Information campaign in local media to raise ecolological awareness of local society and school
Phase 2
Project Number: TUN/00/03 |
Aims to preserve the biodiversity by dressing a database of the ornithological species , defining proprietary actions to preserve birds « way of life » and reproduction rituals in a better environment, to create a local, regional and national ( ... )
y in order to show the rich ornithological species of the area and promote the eco-tourism in Sfax, to stimulate researches, initiate bird fanciers and provide an adequate training, to establish data exchange between NGOs involved in the
Phase 2
Project Number: TRI/98/G52/2101/001 |
The project addresses local community participation from the villages of Witagron and Kaaimanston, Suriname, in the management and protection of the rainforest, biodiversity and other natural resources located at the upper Coppename river area in ( ... )
98-designated 1.6 million hectare Central Suriname Nature Reserve (CSNR). The villages own concessions for community forestry, which are valuable to forestry companies, and mining operations. Faced with few economic options, villagers may be tempted to sell their concessions to large corporations which would likely result in clear-cutting and destruction of the forest. The project aims to
Biodiversity Biodiversity
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-00-11 |
The overall goal of the project is to assess the needs for the preservation of the sturgeon stock in the Black sea and to implement the necessary measures to protect it. |
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-00-09 |
Uzungöl is a volcanic lake in the eastern Black Sea region of Turkey. It has unique natural view and plenty of attractions as recreational areas and is visited by thousands of domestic and foreign tourists every year. Increasing recreational ( ... )
ties led to local developments, such as hotels, restaurants and fish farms directed towards the needs of the visitors. As a result of the increasing human activities in the vicinity of this small lake, environmental degradation has become visible. In addition, soil erosion around the lake is causing excessive sediment accumulation and diminishing the lake volume.
The main aims of this project
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/00/04 |
Preservation of biodiversity of valuable wetland and creation of conditions for development of local tourist services based on natural beauty and value of Przemkowski-Przeclawskie Swamps near Przemków ( area of previous - up to 1992 - Russian ( ... )
n and military training field).
Phase 2
Project Number: MOR/00/03 |
The project targets the protection of the endangered yellow bee specie by improving and modernizing the apiculture sector. This goal will be achieved through: the improvement of the yellow bee farming (Introduction of modern ruches, plantation of ( ... )
and rehabilitation of autochthon specie with the local community participation); the training of the farmer on modern apiculture techniques, and the creation of a cooperative. The project will also contribute to poverty and rural migration
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/98/G52/002 |
Protection, Reforestation and collection of data of fauna and flora in urban forest patch and watershed, obtain approval of relevant government departments, construction of pathway deed, collect data, awareness raising of communities, planting, ( ... )
tion of soil erosion, watershed conservation
Phase 2
Project Number: MX/98/024 |
Desarrollar la tecnología de cultivo en laboratorio de postlarvas de camarón rojo del Caribe (F, brasiliensis), capacitar a los pescadores en las técnicas de cultivo de esta especie, dar a conocer a la población a la acuacultura como actividad ( ... )
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/00/03 |
The main objectives of this project are as follows:
-pointing out the real values in the area 'Pylli i Sotires' and the present situation of trees and rare species.
-rising of public awareness, particularly of local community, aiming the ( ... )
tion of recent damages, uncontrolled cuttings and unlegal hunting in this area.
-drafting a set of measurements aiming a long-term common strategy for improvement of the actual situation in the area
-increase of lobbying among organisations and public authorities for right implementation of actual legal frame for this area.
-the project intends to withdraw the attention of local and
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/00/10 |
The Caspian Sea is one of the major water arteries of Kazakhstan, and plays a very important role in economic and social aspect of sustainable livelihood of the people. Now the reservoir, as well as other water pools, is exposed to strong ( ... )
pogenous influence through pollution mostly by industrial wastes, degradation of the coast due to felling of trees, etc.
The project is directed on carrying out of information campaign on prevention of pollution of Caspian sea by industrial oil corporations. Within the project information about polluting sources and the size of emissions will be summarized, the results of independent
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: S/OP-036.00-N |
The UNDP GEF Small Grants Programme managed by the UNDP continues to search for community-based environment and natural resources (ENR) project models that can showcase sustainable development practices demonstrated primarily by people's ( ... )
zations and communities.
For the past several years, the Philippine GEF/SGP under the UNDP assisted a critical sample of people's organization population specifically located in lowland agricultural, upland cultural eco-zones and coastal areas. Thirty (35) projects have already been implemented during the pilot phase (1992 to 1995) and twenty-three (23) for the first operational pahse (1996
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/00/16 |
The environmental crisis of the Aral Sea, being a big international water basin, requires consolidation of efforts of community, local authorities, state nature protection bodies to solve environmental issues and prove livelihood of the people of ( ... )
gion without delay. And thereupon, forming of environmental awareness of population plays a very important role.
The project combines ecological education taking into account cultural traditions of Kazakh people.
The programme will be based on performance of Kazakh singers, ?akyns?, who will inform people about the problem of the Aral Sea degradation to the audience through songs. Famous
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: MAR/98/G52/II/04 |
This project aims at raising awareness on the existenceand to rpomote the use of sustainable technologies technologies. Its specific objective is to organise a half-day conference followed by a one and a half-day exhibition at the Octave Wiehe ( ... )
rium of the UoM. Through the above activities, the Chemical Engineering Society of the University of Mauritius hopes to be able to promote the adoption of cleaner technologies, raise awareness on renewable energgy resources and climate change and create links with local companies and suppliers of sustainable technologies. GEF/SGP grant will mainly be used for the organisation of the conference