There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/00/09 |
The main aim of this project is to improve of retention functions of old degradated polder and renaturalization of its surface through use of sipmle proecological methods (renewal or construction of simple barriers and dams on channels.
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/00/G19 |
Khoke Yai forest is a catchment area draining into Siew River, a tributary of Mekhong River. The forest has been providing sources of food , wood and fuel for surrounding communities. The threatening problems are community encroachment for more ( ... )
ated land, illegal logging, and wild-fire. Consequently, the forest has become degraded and subsequently affected the ecology of Mekhong River.
Besides, Khoke Yai forest has long contributed to the control of soil salinity. Without it or with such capacity decrease, the saline soil will expand and spoil cultivated land and water courses.
The network was established by small groups of
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/00/G32 |
The project location is the watershed area for 2 river basin: the Yom River basin and Mekhong River basin. There are 2 communities whose majority (90 %) earn their livings by planting maize and cotton. The plantation of these 2 cash ( ... )
s encouraged by private sector who aims to make profit regardless the environmental damage. The rate of chemical fertilizer and pesticide application is increasing every year and depositing its effect in the soil , water courses and human bodies. ( 8 out of 10 farmers under examination were found high level of toxic chemical in their blood).
Depending upon the 2 rivers for livelihood, the
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/OP2-2000-015 |
Project Development Goal:
Sustainable management of nature resources in Tiga Gili with community based approach and supported by stakeholders
Project Objectives :
1. To empower community through establishment an institution which has ( ... )
y to determine it?s bargaining position
2. To establish ecotourism management focusing on sustainable and just ecosystem management
3. To foster the emergence of local government policy on ecosystem management with community and stakeholder involvement
4. To establish strong community based control system on nature resource management
Expected Outputs :
1. The establishment of
Viet nam
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/VN/99/028 |
Vietnam is a country, which is recognised as a centre of origin and diversity for cultivated Rice (Oryza sativa L.), and other crops. The total number of native plant species found in Vietnam is estimated at 4,800. Conservation of agrobiodiversity ( ... )
refore identified as a national priority in the Vietnam National Biodiversity Action Plan (NBAP, 1995).
The project will be carried out in Phong Chau and Thong Hue Communes, in Trung Khanh District, Cao Bang Province, a northern mountainous and border province and is home to a number of ethnic minority groups, such as Tay, Nung. Cao Bang is the area which is rich in plant genetic resources of
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-00-08 |
Çirali is a small village on the Mediterranean coast, important for sea turtle nesting, backed by the high mountains of the Olympos National Park. Its remoteness delayed the uncontrolled development of mass tourism facilities of the '90s. Its ( ... )
e natural (marine turtle nesting beaches) and cultural (Olympos archaeological ruins) richness was enjoyed by the locals and few tourists. The first medium size hotels and illegal construction on the coast are the main threats to the site. The project aims "to promote environmentally and socially sound development through local participation, planning, promoting traditional and alternative
Phase 2
Project Number: BOT/98/G52/00/08 |
Since the early 1980s, the National Institute of Development Research and Documentation has initiated and promoted research on sound harvesting and management of renewable natural resources. However, there is less comprehensive research on some ( ... )
ces such as the Phane caterpillar/worm which is an example of a veld product that is being highly commercialised (Moruakgomo, 1996).
This project seeks to provide information about the ecology and responsiveness to use of phane and mophane woodlands, with a view to informing communities on the the best options to sustainably utilise these natural resources. To provide reliable information
Phase 2
Project Number: S/OP-35.00-M |
The project is about erstablishment of a sustainable and competitive seaweed farming industry in Siargao Island, with the end view of providing a sustainable source of income to fisherfolk and establishing a natural mechanism for the protection of ( ... )
rine-based environment. A joint project of GEF SGP and Land Bank of the Philippines, the project involved the establishment of a sustainable and competitive seaweed farming industry in Siargao island. LBP provided the organization with a loan for the seaweed production while the GEF SGP provided a grant for the coastal conservation activities. The project was able to: provide a sustainable
Phase 2
Project Number: PPS-03-2000 |
To establish agroforestry systems under organic management using native species of trees and vegetables, including soil conservation techniques and the rescue of endangered tree species, at three communities of the San Marcos ( ... )
ce. This project will establish tree nurseries at the 3 participating communities, soil conservation techniques and native vegetable species to conform agroforestry systems which production will be commercialized on an organized manner. The vegetable production will provide first and susequent years income, and native fruit production will be added at third project implementation
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: TUN/00/07 |
Justifications du projet :
Le projet de développement rural intégré d?El-Brek s?intègre parfaitement dans le domaine prioritaire du FEM relatif à la biodiversité et au changement climatique. Il vise la lutte contre la dégradation ( ... )
ls et la désertification dans les douars de Soualmia et de M?Chaïria de l?Imadat d?El Brek par la conservation des eaux et des sols et la reforestation. Il s'inscrit aussi dans la lutte contre la pauvreté, l?amélioration des conditions de vie et de production des populations en zones rurales défavorisées et l?amélioration des conditions de vie des femmes.
Ce projet
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: ECU/00/003 |
Contribute towards protecting the environment in the Manglaralto communities, decreasing the use of conventional energy and recycling waste in the Educational Complex of the Santa María del Fiat Foundation.
El Objetivo del proyecto es contribuir ( ... )
protección del medio ambiente de las comunidades de Manglaralto, disminuyendo el uso de energía convencional y reciclando desechos dentro del Complejo Educativo de la Fundación Santa María del Fiat.
Los componentes y actividades son:
Contratación de obra.
Compra de materiales y equipo.
Redes hidráulicas:
Construcción de digestor.
Construcción depósito gas.
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/00/05 |
The 70 families inhabiting the São Francisco Agrarian Reform Settlement, in Nortelândia, state of Minas Gerais, will be mobilized for defense and conservation of biological diversity through capacity building and information exchange activities. ( ... )
entory of flora present in the settlement will be taken, and integrated management of the same will be promoted. Promotion of permaculture, with forest cultivation techniques, diversified production systems, consortia systems, perennial planting groups which can be replicated by other groups, is planned. A collective contract will also be established for species conservation and sustainable
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-00-20 |
Project's objectives are:
1. To protect the environmental situation in Qena Governorate by encouraging and introducing technologies utilizing the solar energy as clean , new & renewable source, thus minimizing the negative impact emerging from ( ... )
traditional sources.
2. To conduct 10 awareness seminars for the targeted community to introduce it to the project
3. To provide 50 solar heaters to be installed on three phases throughout one year, 5 of which will be installed in public places.
4. To prepare publications promoting solar heaters
5. To conduct
* one training program for the three technicians working in the project
Phase 2
Project Number: MAR/98/G52/II/03 |
Winner of the 2001 Whitley Foundation Award: cash prize 25,000 English Pounds and trophy
The aim of the project is to prevent the over-exploitation and possible extinction of a wide range of useful plant species that are endemic to Rodrigues. The ( ... )
t will focus upon developing propagation techniques for endemic handicraft and medicinal plant species and involving the user-community in the safe-guarding of these species, the establishment and sustainable management of community plantations and in awareness-raisisng about the sustainable use of the species. These measures will safeguard the populations of many useful plant species endemic to
Phase 2
Project Number: ZIM/98/G52/035 |
The project is focussed on the preservation and sustainable utilisation of a palm locally known as Ilala found in western Zimbabwe. The palm is threatened with extinction due to unsustainable harvesting methods especially by peoples from other ( ... )
s of the country for purposes of weaving basketry effects. The project components include regeneration of ilala forests, training on protection and sustainable harvesting inventories and general environmental activities.
Project objectives
1. to protect and restore the biological diversity of the illala palm forests in the Jotsholo area in lupane
2. to promote the sustainable utilization of
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-JOR-98-G52-22 |
The project will enable the NGO to run a revolving fund which will provide funding through full pay back loaning system to local community members to undertake several measures that will contribute to soil conservation measures and sustainable land ( ... )
actices in an arid to semi-arid eco-system south of Jordan. Measures include soil terraces, stone tree basins, under-cropping systems, construction of rain collecting cisterns and other activites. The project will contain a training component as well as an outreach program. The NGO had successfully implemented a first operational phase project dealing with similar activities and received great
Phase 2
Project Number: PPS-07-2000 |
To rescue local tradition of the plantation of native vegetables among young people of the Quetzaltenango area. This project will establish a series of training workshops and practical activities to establish model organically native vegetable ( ... )
plots in two communities in the vecinities of Quetzaltenango. The project is directed to achieve participation of young men and women, and developing appropriate educational materials to rescue traditional uses of these native
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/00/09p |
cost of feasibility study done by the Institute of Hydrology and Metorogy in Warsaw on possible installation of power grnrtaion wind-mills near Siemianowka Lake;project proposal was received without a serious datas |
Phase 2
Project Number: PPS-02-2000 |
OBJECTIVES 1)To provide technical advise and training of trainers to implement a watershed level strategy of organic farming on the Lake Atitlán protected area, to diminish water pollution due to agrochemicals.2)To develop and disseminate ( ... )
riate technical training and educational materials on organic farming techniques and methodologies for 9 NGOs that work on the southwestern region of Guatemala.To provide on-site technical assistance to implement organic farming practices on each organization?s locality.To train participant NGOs Boards of Directors on fair trade and organic markets commercialization requirements. /This project
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-00-16 |
Project's objectives are:
1. To protect the environment through promoting the use of new & renewable energy instead of traditional energy to minimize its negative impacts.
2. To Minimize the high cost of solar heaters by introducing the mechanism ( ... )
ing on installments that is suitable to the public.
3. To raise the public awareness in Minia City.
4. To install 65 solar heaters with a capacity of 150 liter/ heater.
5. To training 4 people on how to maintain and service the solar