Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: KAZ/98/03 |
This planning grant 1) enhances the degree and the quality of community and stakeholder participation in the project design and development, 2) provides the grantee with access to relevant scientific and technical expertise to ensure that the ( ... )
t has a sound scientific and technical foundation, 3) provides access to technical assistance in sound project design and
Phase 1
Project Number: KAZ/98/04 |
This planning grant 1) enhances the degree and the quality of community and stakeholder participation in the project design and development, 2) provides the grantee with access to relevant scientific and technical expertise to ensure that the ( ... )
t has a sound scientific and technical foundation, 3) provides access to technical assistance in sound project design and
Phase 1
Project Number: KAZ/97/07 |
This planning grant 1) enhances the degree and the quality of community and stakeholder participation in the project design and development, 2) provides the grantee with access to relevant scientific and technical expertise to ensure that the ( ... )
t has a sound scientific and technical foundation, 3) provides access to technical assistance in sound project design and
Papua new guinea
Phase 1
Project Number: PNG/98/22 |
Phase 1
Project Number: KAZ/98/02 |
This planning grant 1) enhances the degree and the quality of community and stakeholder participation in the project design and development, 2) provides the grantee with access to relevant scientific and technical expertise to ensure that the ( ... )
t has a sound scientific and technical foundation, 3) provides access to technical assistance in sound project design and
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF INS/YBUL/97-055 |
Project goal:
Strenghthening economic condition of local community which will be based of natural conservation efforts done in Mt. Halimun
Project objective :
1. To collect, gather, inventarized and study on natural resources characteristic ( ... )
2. To conduct market research in order to select high potential local products
3. To develop potential product that has economic value with necessary modification (product desaign)
4. To empower human resources available with management skills (organization, financial, marketing)
5. To develop community based natural conservation model (biodiversity)
6. To increase community
Papua new guinea
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: PNG/98/11 |
A grant of US$1,666.67 was provided to the Pompabus Vocational School which teaches school dropouts life skills. The grant will be used to undertake an environment awareness dayworkshop with the students and their parents and surrounding community ( ... )
ing planting of a varienty of tree species around the
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF INS/YBUL/97-047 |
Project goal:
Supporting the natural conservation efforts by the villagers around Taman National Park through developing alternative income generating activities.
Project objective :
1. To establish a clear map and position of national park ( ... )
rounding villages;
2. To set up a clear boders between national park and villages, coordinating with the Management of Bali Barat National Park
3. To identify an effective utilization of the national park for adjacent villages;
4. To disseminate the study to the community in order to draw their participation;
5. To conduct a study on proposing the establishment of national park buffer
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: TAN/98/07 |
The workshop is planned for September 1998 in Nairobi. Its main objective is to facilitate a National Consultative Meeting in Tanzania to address issues which will feature during the Regional Workshop on Women and Sustainable Energy in Africa to ( ... )
d in
Phase 1
Project Number: OP-9.97-M |
Development of a plan for the conservation and protection of Ligawasan Marsh biodiversity. |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: PAK/98/34 |
Project provides a planning grant to SGDO for preparation of Proposal for Tree Plantation in Jamshoro Area, District Dadu, Sindh.
Activities to be carried out under project are a physical survey of the area participatory environmental appraisal, ( ... )
ty analysis of SGDO preparation of detailed proposal for getting small grant from UNDP/GEF, including budget, implementation methodology and team building for the project, development of logical framework for the project.
Project participants and/or beneficiaries Are Community members- men and women, of villages, Abdullah Chawro and Gul ,Mohammad Brohi. Anticipated results of project are a
Phase 1
Project Number: TUR-98-02 |
Creating and disseminating a data base on Nature Reservation Areas in Turkey;
And determination of endemic plant species in Gevne Valley (Alanya Hadim), and capacity building and income generation for in-situ conservation of these ( ... )
Project had been planned in two stages, and objectives of the projects were:
1.Determination of structural properties and biological diversity, presenting this information to the interested public bodies, development of more effective methods for their protection, development of a data based required for realization of scientific researches and training activities, in 35 nature reserve
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/98-078 |
Project goal:
Implementing community based conservation effort on endangered natural springs in Bandung
Project objectives:
1.To strengthen information basis
2.To raise community awareness on natural resources conservation effort
3.To improve ( ... )
ty capability in managing the natural resources available around their living environment
4.To integrate natural resources development with conservation effort
5.To increase community participation in managing natural resources conservation activities
6.To provide alternative income source by planting economic yet conservation kind of plants
7.To conserve biodiversity by planting local
Phase 1
Project Number: BRA/98/12 |
This project will take place in São Miguel do Tocantins, state of Tocantins. The regional rural working women?s association will have its production diversified by the implementation of areas producing mamona and urucum. Mamona oil will be ( ... )
ted in the same plant used for babassu oil extraction. These areas will be agroforestry systems. Working capital will also be increased to enable the association to reach the break-even point in their activities. Capacity-building activities will also be offered to the associated women in local biodiversity medicinal plant
Phase 1
Project Number: MEX/97/20 |
Fortalecimiento del FMAM en la región maya del norte de Quintana Roo., mediante la capacitación a comunidades de la región en el manejo de la fauna silvestre local |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: MEX/97/16 |
Fortalecimiento de IEPAAC en el incremento de sus capacidades organizativas, técnicas, de capacitación y de gestión para ampliar su cobertura operativa y territorial para así contar con personal profesionalizado en el campo de asistencia ( ... )
ca vinculada con aspectos productivos y de manejo de técnicas alternativas que eviten las quemas y otras prácticas dañinas para el medio
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: MLI/97/12 |
Programme de vulgarisation de cuisinieres solaires a travers la formation des menuisiers.
Le Mali, pays couvert a 58% par le désert du Sahara et 14% par le Sahel, se trouve confronté a un probleme d?approvisionnement de sa population en énergie ( ... )
que. Les principales sources, bois de chauffe et charbon de bois se font de plus en plus rares a cause des sécheresses de plus en plus fréquentes, et une démographie sans cesse galopante. La combustion du bois de chauffe, du charbon de bois et des résidus agricoles genere des émissions de CO2, CH4, CO, Nox, N2O et NMVOC, provoquant l?échauffement de notre planete. La peur du phénomene
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: OP-19.98-N |
An undertaking to determine the extent the UNDP GEF/SGP projects have attained objectives; identified critical success factors that influenced its attainment and sustainability. The results of the documentation were used in the formulation of the ( ... )
proposals and policy advocacy strategies for dissemination to various
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: SEN/98/05 |
Le projet de communication s'inscrit dans le cadre des orientations stratégiques dégagées par la Stratégie de Programme du Sénégal du PMF/FEM. Par ailleurs il est noté la faiblesse du nombre de projets présentés dans le cadre des ( ... )
ments climatiques.C'est ainsi que les objectifs du projet sont les suivants:
- Amélioration de la visibilité du PMF/FEM et du Réseau Afrique 2000 par une capitalisation et une documentation des expériences des projets
- Elargissement de l'assiette des bénéficiaires par un renforcement du dialogue, de la communication et de l'échange
- Sensibilisation des populations sur les changements
Burkina faso
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: BKF/98/02 |
Les principaux objectifs du projet sont de :
* produire et planter des espèces locales et exotiques (10.000) ;
* créer un arboretum de plantes utilitaires et espèces en voie de disparition ;
* construire et utiliser ( ... )
yers améliorés et des foyers dolo ;
* produire et utiliser 13,20 tonnes de fumure organique en deux ans (avec la contribution du PDI/Z) ;
* aménager 60 ha de terre (avec la contribution du PDI/Z) ;
* traiter une ravine (avec la contribution du PDI/Z) ;
* accroître les capacités d'intervention des bénéficiaires ;
* mettre en place et gérer une mise en défens de 5 ha de formation