There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 1
Project Number: TUN/95/G52/05 |
Le projet vise à :
- Contribuer à la protection de la biodiversité par la sauvegarde des forêts de pin d?Alep et du couvert végétal - le romarin
- Participer au développement d?une région (poche noire)
- Faire participer la ( ... )
au développement économique
Les activités du projet sont:
1) Mener une action de sensibilisation auprès de la population et des autorités intéressées afin de :
a) Éviter la destruction et la coupe abusive des forêts
b) Rationaliser les coupes de bois de chauffage pour satisfaire les besoins de la population locale
c) Intensifier la lutte contre les incendies
d) Mettre
Land Degradation
Phase 1
Project Number: ECU/97/008 |
Características biofísicas de la zona:
Temperatura: 11 grados C; Precipitación: 1.200 a 1.500 mm./año.
Suelo: Arcillo arenoso (franco), PH ligeramente ácido (5.8), Pendiente: 40 a 70%
Vientos: meses de junio, julio, agosto y ( ... )
mbre?velocidad: 15 Km/h
Meses de lluvia: septiembre-abril
Mese de sequía: mayo-agosto
Epocas de cultivo: septiembre-diciembre y febrero-marzo
Vegetación: Nativas.- quishuar, chilca, marco, guanto, higuerón, retama, lupino, llugro, gramineas, y ratreras. Exóticas.- pino, eucalipto, ciprés
Características socioEconómicas de la población:
Agricultura, ganadería,
Phase 1
Project Number: POL/97/04 |
The main goal of this project is to expand Foundation's activity by introducing the raising of the Zlotnicka Speckled Pig ( which is one of the farm animal breeds on the verge of extinction) with active participation of excluded and marginalised ( ... )
and scientific assistance of the Poznan Agricultural University.
- establishment of preservation breeding of 20 sows of Zlotnicka Speckled Pig;
- overhaul of the pig house;
- installation of automatic system of dosing of feeding stuff;
- training of Barka's people in preservation breeding under supervision of Poznan Agricultural
Papua new guinea
Phase 1
Project Number: PNG/97/03 |
The project was awarded USD 26,548.61 to carry out the survey of the biodiversity of the Collingwood Bay Area in Oro Province. The activities implemented include: preliminary documentation of Collingwood Bay Maisin terrestrial and marine flora and ( ... )
training of Maisin community members in basic scientific techniques; initiation of Maisin ethnoecology knowledge and practices documenattion; complete basic survey of Wildife Management Area establishment; and support and development of PNG national science capacity (engagement of national scientists).
The biological survey and the lessons learned could be applied elsewhere to promote
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: TAN/97/03 |
The school use over 700m3 of woodfuel every year. Interpreted in terms of trees felled, it is obvious that the school's contribution to the scale of deforestation is quite high. The proposed project would not only arrrest this trend of ( ... )
nmental degradation but it will help to popularize biogas technology as a nature friendly source of energy to the community around the school. Biogas plants are run by cow dung, night soil and water. This implies that they are easy to operate and maintain and therefore have longer production life. The main objective is to promote through schools the use of biogas as an alternative environment
Phase 1
Project Number: BOT/97/12 |
Study to establish the impact of continous harvesting of natural woodlands in the hardveld, sandvald and Okavango environs. The purpose of the study is to provide information for the formulation of policy that seeks to adddress over-exploitation of ( ... )
Phase 1
Project Number: OP-04.97-V |
The project aims to maintain the balance between development and conservation to assure the survival of both marine and terrestrial components of Biri Island ecosystems through community organizing for capability building of the seven coastal ( ... )
ays. Continuous information education campaign to the pilot organized barangays and expansion areas alternative technology development for all the coastal communities of Biri island. Integrated community development focused on coastal resource conservation and
Phase 1
Project Number: CHI/97/09 |
La costa de la II region es una zona vulnerable debido a la alta extracción indiscriminada de grupos de mariscadores así como la presión de estod frágiles ecosistemas. Por ello este proyecto pretende desarrollar una propuesta integral para la ( ... )
ucción y habilitación de una caleta modelo que incluya el aprovechamiento óptimo de los bienes y servicios que ofrece el ecosistema marino, teniendo como eje conductor la conservación y el manejo de los recursos e incorporando el ordenamiento territorial, el uso de energía solar o eólica y otros
Phase 1
Project Number: CHI/97/11 |
Las comunidades indígenas están ya hace tiempo interesadads en el tema ambiental en esepcial al team de l ecoturismo sin embargo muchas no tienen las necesarias herramientas para desarrollar sus iniciativas, este proyecto se ubicará en la IX ( ... )
n en sectores rurales. . Este proyecto pretende asistir técnicamente y monitorear el proyecto PNUD/CONADI?Centro turístico cultural Kolongruka" de la Asociación Indígena Achkintwe; asistir y capacitar a otras comunidades en etnoturismo y servir de enlace para otras iniciativas
Dominican republic
Phase 1
Project Number: DOM/97/28 |
Formación y adiestramiento de pescadores locales en tecnología artesanales que disminuyan su impacto negativo sobre la biodiversidad del Parque Nacional de Montecristi. |
Sri lanka
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/001 |
Loss of forest cover, depletion of bio diversity, soil erosion, land degradation, and climate change due to development activities and urbanization processes
Groups involved
Government officials, local government officials, school ( ... )
en and local communities have been identified as the target groups and stakeholders of the project.
Create awareness among the identified groups, reforest the forest areas that are getting destroyed, introduce perennial crops, cultivate plants to meet the food, timber and medicinal needs of the community, establishment of forest gardens in selected locations, planting of trees
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: MEX/97/04 |
Proporcionar un servicio de atención a la niñez de 2 a 4 años de la comunidad de sino atreves de una casa de cuidado diario. Mediante la capacitación de las socias en el área de educación de género en cuidado, alimentación nutrición y ( ... )
Dominican republic
Phase 1
Project Number: DOM/97/10 |
Establishing a Center for Environmental Education and implementation of a Environmental Educational Program that will be of ecological and historical relevance while building the consciouseness of the inhabitants of the Dajabón Province, teaching ( ... )
he need to preserve Juan Calvo´s
Phase 1
Project Number: ZIM/92/G52/026 |
The Nyangani Ecotourism project is an idea that was borne by the Nyangani community, MDA Africa 200 and other relevant organizations and governament departments like AGRITEX, RDC, and DNR whwo have been consulted on their inputs into the project ( ... )
al development. The Nyangani community are located in the Mutare district and comprise 100 households, about 6000 people. The Nyangani Area is characterised by severe deforesation, soil erosion and siltataion which leads further deforestation and soil erosion and siltation of rivers. Thus the project is encourage sustainable utilization of resources and implement a sustainable land use system
Phase 1
Project Number: ZIM/92/G31/17 |
Situated in a very dry part of Southern Zimbabwe, this project seeks to rejuvinate the local environment though developing environmental activities based on the availability of water in the locality. Its components include a dam, local biodiversity ( ... )
ation, gardening and sustainable cropping (promotion of traditional, small drought resistant grains through environmentally sustainable methods).With the fact that the nearest dam is 7km away and boreholes are shortlived ,this project will help relieve the chronic water shortages experienced in the area.
-increase vegetation cover and diversity through replanting and the creation
Phase 1
Project Number: TUN/95/G52/03 |
Le projet vise à :
- Rehausser le taux des matières organiques dans les sols de l?Oasis par des techniques de l?agroécologie se basant essentiellement sur des pratiques de compostage et de fertilisation organique
- Lutter contre la ( ... )
tification, la dégradation des sols et préserver la diversité biologique:
- Mobiliser la population locale pour la conservation de leur environnement
- Appuyer la recherche, la collecte de données et la préparation d?inventaire:
- Dispenser une formation à l?intention des fellahs:
- Appuyer les échanges d?expérience entre ONG
Activités du projet sont:
- Travaux
Phase 1
Project Number: ECU/97/028 |
Características biofísicas de la zona:
Altitud: 1300 msnm ? 2650 msnm.
Formación ecológica: bosque seco ? Montano Bajo
bosque seco - Premontano
Características socio económicas de la población:
La fuente principal de ( ... )
os es la explotación ganadera en la zona alta, y hacia las zona media y baja la agricultura representada por los cultivos de caña de azúcar y frutales como papaya, guineo, naranja y guaba.
Los propietarios de las zonas ganaderas (propietarios del bosque) viven en Celica y su posición económica es alta; en tanto que la población que vive en las comunidades rurales posee una situación
Phase 1
Project Number: BZE/97/07 |
The Barrier Reef is one of Belize?s most important natural resources and the most important resource to the community of San Pedro. Therefore, the recent die-off of coral triggered by high water temperature signals a very serious threat to the ( ... )
ic well being of the people of San Pedro. This project will inform the community of San Pedro about the recent die-off of coral and the potential for further coral losses with increasing global temperatures. It will also involve resource users such as commercial fishermen, tour guides, and dive operators in monitoring the health of the reef and evaluating it?s economic value to the community.
Phase 1
Project Number: BRA/97/07 |
Cerrado medicinal plants will be transformed into medication and studied in the community center built by this project. Potential uses will be explored and disseminated. Traditional use of natural resources will be rescued and promoted. Health will ( ... )
boost in quality in the region affected by the project. The community will co-exist with the environment in a non-destructive manner. These are all objectives of this initiative, which will take place in the Cedro Community, in the municipality of Mineiros, in the state of Goiás. A garden and a laboratory for these plants will be implemented in the community of descendants of slaves, and a
Phase 1
Project Number: ECU/97/006 |
La población en un inicio se dedicó a actividades agrícolas en el Bosque Tambillo, con la tala de pequeños espacios para dedicar a la ganadería, en la actualidad se dedica a esta actividad en mínima escala únicamente para pastoreo ( ... )
al, no se ha desarrollado otras actividades agrícolas.
El Objetivo del proyecto es incentivar a la conservación del Bosque de Tambillo a través del uso sustentable de las orquídeas, fortaleciendo a la organización y proporcionando un ingreso económico del bosque en pie a la Cooperativa de Desarrollo de la Comunidad Jima.
Los componentes y actividades son:
- Inventario de la