There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: MEX/97/11 |
Desarrollar actividades agropecuarias que permitan al grupo tener alternativas productivas que a su vez subsanen el grave problema del desempleo en que se encuentra la comunidad. A través de la capacitación sobre el manejo del solar, se trabajaran ( ... )
lares entre cinco familias; esto permitirá ordenar el uso del suelo y la organización de los equipos de trabajo necesarios para las actividades que se
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: TRI/95/G52/2101/004 |
Stakeholder workshops to finalise and endorse GEF/SGP draft country programme strategy |
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: THA/97/G06 |
Being notified with grant allocation, Thailand GEF/SGP had initiated activities set forth in the Country Programme Strategy. The first step was to make the programme visible and solicit concept papers/proposals from target population.
At mid ( ... )
there were over one hundred of concept papers/ proposals submitted for consideration. The NC had pre-screened out and kept 75 concepts/proposal as likely to generate global benefit in GEF focal areas. The stakeholders workshops to upgrade these would have to be conducted as per the CPS.
1. To make GEF/SGP more clearly understood among the selected proponents and other major
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS-97-G22 |
The project goal is to promote community based environmental programmes in Indonesia by increasing knowledge and capacity of local NGOs |
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: KEN-GEF-97-002 |
5 days workshop to enhance the capacity of CBO and NGO to design and implement GEF/SGP eligible projects which successfully address local environment and development issues within the GEF areas of concern. |
Phase 1
Project Number: PAK/96/07 |
The project is located in Northern Areas of Pakistan and targets to carry out a detailed study of the birds that share the habitat with Woolly Flying Squirrel and study the possible dependence of these birds on the squirrel and vice versa as well as ( ... )
y threats to the existence of this endemic species which had been thought to be extinct just a couple of years back and had been rediscovered in 1994.
The main objective of the project is to save the habitat of the Wooly flying Squirrel, which is threatened because of timber extraction. The conservation of flora and fauna at the selected sites will directly contribute towards the protection of
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: PPS-23-97 |
Support for training activities on monitoring and evaluation, project design and development for GEF/SGP Guatemala?s stakeholders. Objectives: To provide access to SGP organizations with timely and appropriate technical advice and training in ( ... )
ties related to project implementation and monitoring. /This project has the specific purpose to support SGP's activities and organizations with a series of workshops and specific training activities to facilitate their project implementation. It has been approved by the NSC after receiving formal authorization from GEF/SGP Coordination Unit due to the lack of funds in the original budget for
Phase 1
Project Number: ECU/97/003 |
La población afro-ecuatoriana de la comuna río Onzole ha vivido combinando las prácticas de siembre con la utilización del bosque. Entre los cultivos tradicionales se tienen los siguientes: caña de azúcar, coco, plátano, cacao así como ( ... )
a de animales mayores y menores. Del bosque se extrae madera para la venta y además se obtienen recursos para la cacería así como la recolección de ciertos frutos y palmas que son comestibles y las actividades económicas como la pesca que la realizan en ríos y estéreos. En general la población es de origen Africano con su derivado afro-esmeraldeño, las características
Land Degradation
Phase 1
Project Number: ECU/97/020 |
Características socioEconómicas de la población:
Elevado índice migratorio de sus pobladores hacia las ciudades principales del país, ocasionando un debilitamiento en la organización comunitaria.
Ausencia de la práctica de cambia mano ( ... )
ealizar actividades agrícolas entre familias puesto que la responsabilidad del hombre como jefe de hogar era periódico.
El índice de pérdida de suelos agrícolas fluctuaba alrededor del 20-25% .
Objetivo del proyecto:
Proporcionar el uso y manejo sostenido de los recursos naturales que intervienen en los procesos productivos.
Evitar que los procesos erosivos continúen
Phase 1
Project Number: ECU/97/017 |
Características socioeconómicas de la población:
La población es heterogénea. Existe un pequeño grupo de propietarios de negocios (hoteles, restaurantes, comercio al por menor), otro grupo esta formado por profesores y funcionarios ( ... )
cos que trabajan en el sector o en Portoviejo y dueños de transportes o pequeñas embarcaciones de pesca. El grupo más numeroso y más pobre está formado por los larveros, peones y asalariados temporales, así como microempresarios en actividades turísticas.
Area Intervenida:
70 heatáreas.
Recurso manejado:
Mangle (5) y fauna (22)
Objetivo del proyecto:
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: CHI/97/10 |
Se realizó un taller que tenía como objetivo reunir a los coordinadores de los proyectos, a la coordinación con actores relebantes de los servicios de Gobierno que tienen etingencia ambiental.Preparación y coordinación en conjunto con la ( ... )
nación Nacional del PPS de un Taller de capacitación para Coordinadores de terreno de los proyectos en una jornada de 3
Phase 1
Project Number: MEX/97/03 |
Sistematizar la Educación Ambiental dentro del Ecoparque El Fénix y posteriormente expandirlo al entorno del Area Natural Protegida |
Phase 1
Project Number: ECU/97/030 |
Protect, recover and provide sustainable use of the native forests and the biodiversity of two areas in the Sozoranga and Macará cantons through activities intending to achieve equitable and sustainable development of the communities in the buffer ( ... )
of the forests of Tambo Negro and Jatumpamba - Jorupe.
Operational phase
GEF & Dutch
Phase 1
Project Number: POL/97/06p |
Project aimed in preparation of technical design of the breeding center for pond turtle , a focal ceter for all activities linked to protection of pond turtle in Poland based on experience of team which completed project POL/94/22. |
Papua new guinea
Phase 1
Project Number: PNG/97/01 |
US$4,496. was granted to the Social Concerns NGO to undertake the development of a tree nursery and to then undertake tree planting in the village of Terebona, Chimbu Province. The project was completed and the objective to establish 60-80 000 ( ... )
ngs has not been
Phase 1
Project Number: MAR/95/G52/I/05 |
Aims at the ecological restoration of 2 islets near Mauritius for socio-economic development, educational and recreational purposes and for eco-tourism. GEF/SGP Grant used to establish a databank on the ecology of the islets and to develop a model ( ... )
servation equilibrium. Project includes training programmes for local residents and
Trinidad and tobago
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: TRI/95/G52/2101/001 |
The project addresses the prevention and reduction of pollution of Tobago's coastal waters. The Network will provide community members with the tools to monitor coastal water quality at six (6) bathing beaches around Tobago and the information and ( ... )
sational capacity needed to effectively work towards solutions.
The objectives of the project are to:
a) sensitise communities to the importance of keeping Tobago's coastal waters clean and free of pollution;
b) empower the community by providing hands-on involvement in the maintenance of Tobago's environment;
c) generate accurate data regarding the quality of Tobag's nearshore waters;
Trinidad and tobago
Phase 1
Project Number: TRI/95/G52/2101/003 |
Government policy on tourism development in Trinidad and Tobago is primarily focussed on nature-based tourism or ecotourism. A spin-off of tourism development has been the involvement of community members and CBOs in the delivery of their own tour ( ... )
mmes. However, while the community-based tour guides have had formal training in the knowledge-based aspects of their programme, which complimented their local knowledge and expertise, no facility was readily available to the guides to help them in the area of inter-personal and communication skills.
The project addresses the strengthening of the inter-personal and communication skills of
Phase 1
Project Number: PPS-05-97 |
ADISRA is a young organization composed by coffee growers that want to avoid the traditional practices of cultivation based on agrochemical. Additionally they have been planting their coffee under natural forest shade which is habitat for resident ( ... )
ratory birds and local wildlife. They depend heavily on native deciduous trees for their plantation?s soil and have conserve this natural forest, mainly for this purpose. Project objectives are: to facilitate the participation of the local communities on the change from traditional agrochemical dependent coffee plantations to organic ones through the promotion and use of a revolving credits fund,
Phase 1
Project Number: OP-03.97-L/V |
Community-based development of monitoring and evaluation tools for coral reefs towards increasing understanding and commitment of local communities of marine protected areas; increasing coastal management effectiveness at the community level; and ( ... )
ping simple methods for reef monitoring and