There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
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Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Sierra Leone
Land Degradation
OP7 ?Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: SLE/SGP/OP7/Y2/CORE/ LD/15/10/2021/16 |
The project is implemented by Sierra Greenfields a profitable agribusiness that engages local communities (out-growers- mainly women and young people) and explores innovations that are driven by technology and sustainable agricultural practices. ( ... )
roject is a pilot agro-ecology in vegetable production at a village called Senehun as a nucleus farm site for their out-growers, by producing organic fertilizers from bio-fertilizers making machinery and vermicomposting. In addition, Greenfields will conduct tree planting on 2 km riparian deforested vegetation of Tibei River that runs along 10 communities in the Kamajei chiefdom. Tree planting
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: BRA/SGP/OP7/Y1/ICCA/GSI/COVID/2021/07 |
The project in question has as its main objective the generation of income through the aggregation of value to the extractivism of the babassu coconut and it foresees the gradual recovery of degraded landscapes through the adoption of sustainable ( ... )
ment practices of the forest
OP7 ?Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: GEO/SGP/OP7/Y2/CORE/BD/2021/02 |
The main idea of the project is caring for the survival of Georgian bees by introducing modern methods, technologies and preparations; Promoting the development of beekeeping in Georgia |
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: ECU/ICCA-GSI-COVID/2021/07 |
El proyecto tendrá 3 componentes: 1) fortalecimiento de la medicina ancestral a través de la enseñanza de los Yachaks mayores a los Yachaks jóvenes; 2) fortalecimiento de las habilidades personales de los Yachaks en complemento a la enseñanza ( ... )
medicina ancestral a través de educación financiera, derechos humanos y género, así como técnicas de aprendizaje; y, 3) cuidado del ecosistema a través de la conservación de plantas nativas (45 mil) y la siembra de otras 20 mil, a través de mingas
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: ECU/ICCA-GSI-COVID/2021/05 |
Los Centros Chachis Tsejpi y Jeyambi, ubicados en el río Cayapas del Biocorredor del Chocó esmeraldas, vienen conservando sus bosques; desde hace diez años a través del Programa Socio Bosque, conservan alrededor de 2000 has, ratificando su ( ... )
o con la madre tierra.
El territorio Chachi no es sólo el patrimonio de la etnia, del que se obtiene el sustento diario y la base física del pueblo. El territorio, que por siglos ha pertenecido al Pueblo Chachi, es también la morada, el olimpo de sus espíritus, de sus ancestros. Por esto el atentar contra el mismo, el convertirlo en objeto de límites y de compraventa, no afecta sóIo la
Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: COL/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/CC/2021/01 |
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: MAL/ICCA-GSI-COVID/2021/02 |
Through this project, water catchment areas will be identified and established by enforcing management systems and regulations in managing water governance and land use planning in the conserved area. Access to clean water and strengthening ( ... )
economic activities can improve health and ensure food safety in Kampung Datong community area,
OP6 - Y6 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: MAL/SGP/OP6/Y6/STAR/BD/2021/03 |
To empower six Orang Asli communities/villages to start sustainable agriculture and agroforestry to increase their food production in terms of quality and quantity to strengthen their resilience against any future crisis |
OP6 ?Y7 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: INS/SGP/OP6/Y7/STAR/BD/21/091 |
Strengthening the livelihoods of the 4 village communities on Semau Island that pays attention to the balance and sustainability of environmental, social and economic management.
objectives (SPECIAL PROJECT ( ... )
Objective 1:
Increase livestock productivity through innovation in feed processing technology
1. 1. Body weight of cattle (cows and pigs) at the age of 6 months.
2. 2. Number of farmers using new feed.
3. 3. Number of Farmers using Bokashi Organic Fertilizer and POC
1. Support for the procurement of a chopper that can be used to chop forage for animal feed and
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: MAL/ICCA-GSI-COVID/2021/01 |
The overall objective of this project is to revive traditional medical practices of the Penan community through documentation |
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 ?Y7 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: LBR/SGP/OP7/Y2/CORE/CC/2021/47 |
A project, being Mentoring Women and Girls to tackle the effects of Climate Change in Agriculture. Because women are more likely to live in poverty than men, have less access to basic human rights; like the ability to freely move and acquire land, ( ... )
ce systematic violence that escalates during periods of instability, it is important to support them in the wake of climate change. ?These factors, and many more suggest that when climate change intensifies, women will struggle the most. In fact, the Paris climate agreement includes specific provisions to ensure women receive support to cope with the hazards of climate change ?.
Land Degradation
OP6 - Y6 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: ERI/SGP/OP6/Y6/STAR/LD/2020/22 |
Eritrea was endowed with an abundant and diversified plant species, but due to mismanagement continuing for a century, the long-drawn-out war and recurrent droughts these natural resources have declined dramatically. Thus, forest cover, which once ( ... )
d some 30% of the total land area of the country, has been drastically reduced and reached less than 1% (FAO, 1997. In many parts of Eritrea, a sizeable forest cover that plays an important social and economic role. The forestry formations, which include the highland forests (Juniperus procera, and Olea africana) which cover about 0.8 %, mixed woodlands of Acacia spp. and associated species,
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: ECU/ICCA-GSI-COVID/2021/18 |
El presente proyecto pretende generar un aporte a las familias de la provincia de Napo y del Ecuador a través de la sistematización de las historias de vidas de los ancianos y ancianas, líderes y madres de las comunidades en el que se pretende ( ... )
ar las prácticas que realizan para frenar la expansión del covid-19 dentro de sus comunidades y las estrategias utilizadas para mejorar las defensas en prevención de un contagio y cuales son los mecanismos utilizados como medicina ancestral para reducir los síntomas luego de un contagio dentro de la comunidad. Esta investigación pretende ser un texto de divulgación en el que se reconozcan
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: MOR/SGP/OP7/Y1/ICCA-GSI-COVID/2021/04 |
L'APAC « Oasis de Mouye » se trouve en amont de la grande Oasis de Ghéris. Elle dispose de paysages naturels et culturels de haute qualité en plus d?un savoir-faire et d'un attachement de la population à son territoire. La palmeraie est encore ( ... )
e en grande partie par la communauté locale à travers sa « Jmâ » et appuyée par les structures associatives locales. La population entretient depuis fort longtemps, une relation étroite et profonde avec son territoire et a développé une civilisation autour de l?eau qui provient essentiellement de la source "Mouye" et des eaux provenant du Haut Atlas à travers Oued Ghéris.
Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: MOR/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/CC/2021/07 |
Le projet « Mobilisons-nous pour réussir le virage vers une mobilité durable, Intelligente et inclusive de CASABLANCA », vise à contribuer à la mise en place d?un système cohérant de transports en commun efficient et propre et accélérer le ( ... )
lavement des quartiers périphériques de la métropole.
Pour cela, Ce projet envisage de promouvoir le droit à la mobilité pour tous, tout en contribuant à la réduction des inégalités sociales et territoriales, à la réduction de la ségrégation et l?exclusion spatiale au niveau de Casablanca.
Dans le même sillage, ce projet compte assurer la synergie et la complémentarité avec
Biodiversity CapDev
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: LAO/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/BD/2021/90 |
Xaysatharn district, Sayabouly province is a high land that covers by mountain of 90 percent. There are 21 villages, and 17 villages are still poor, and Paklong is one of the poorest villages. The main occupation of people here is shifting ( ... )
ation, livestock, rely on natural resources of NTFPs for living and income. There is a landslide in rainy season causing to less productivity even they try to do more on agriculture, and this still leads to food insufficiency for household. People's skills, knowledge, abilities are still limited and insecure due to livelihoods. The project aims to establish a participatory model of community
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: INS/SGP/Y1/ ICCA-GSI-COVID/2021/08 |
Name or title proposed project
Model of Semau Island Goes Planting during Covid-19 Pandemic
Site of Project
Semau Island, Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province
12 months
Starting date
15 July 2021 ? 31 June ( ... )
1. Extra biochar-based gardening as an alternative to provide daily food for the family in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic
2. Semau local food cultivation to maintain local cultivars and provide seeds and food independently so as to reduce contact with people or outside areas during the covid-19 pandemic
3. A mini horticultural agro-tourism model with simple substrate drip
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: COL/ICCA-GSI-COVID/2021/14 |
Se va a realizar realizar un monitoreo comunitario de fauna silvestre en nuestros predios con el objetivo de promover en la población juvenil y comunidad en general el conocimiento de la fauna existente en la Serranía La Lindosa y su importancia ( ... )
ecosistemas de esta área
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: PAN/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/BD/21/07 |
Conocer la ecología de los primates que sobreviven en los fragmentos de bosque de la provincia de Los Santos e implementar practicas de conservación. El objetivo se enfoca en estudiar que especies interaccionan con sus hábitats, evaluar el estado ( ... )
itats fragmentados aledaños y aplicar estrategias de conservación en cinco comunidades de la provincia de Herrera, en la península de
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: PAN/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/BD/21/05 |
El objetivo general del proyecto es enfatizar el empoderamiento de la ciudadanía, en particular de las
mujeres, para el monitoreo de tres grupos taxonómicos clave (peces, aves y mamíferos) en las
comunidades indígenas localizadas en el área ( ... )
ctividad entre el Humedal de Importancia
Internacional San San-Pond Sak y el PILA, en su vertiente Caribe, dos de las áreas protegidas de
mayor biodiversidad de la provincia de Bocas del