There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Central african republic
Climate Change Mitigation Land Degradation
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: CAF/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/CC/2020/03 |
La Récupération des terres dégradées en vue de relancer les cultures vivrières par l?agriculture multi-étagée aux villages Bokosso dans la sous-préfecture de Bayanga » consiste à récupérer plusieurs hectares de terres en dégradation ( ... )
n faire une forêt. Le multi-étage permettra aux populations de tirer des bénéfices de cette agriculture constamment : i) première et deuxième années les produits vivriers qui seront en intercalaire avec ligneux, ii) à partir de la troisième année les retombées des ligneux (chenille comestible, graines d?essessang, etc.)
Burkina faso
Land Degradation
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: BFA/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/LD/2021/02 |
Le projet vise à contribuer à la promotion de la récupération des terres dégradées pour l'agro-écologie et la valorisation des produits forestiers non ligneux dans le village de Tamnéré. Spécifiquement il s'agira de:
- Récupérer 110 ha ( ... )
res dégradées dans le village de Tamnéré
- Restaurer le couvert végétal des superficies récupérées
- Renforcer les capacités de l'organisation
Land Degradation
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: MOR/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/LD/2021/08 |
La mise en place de systèmes agroforestiers dans les zones arides entourant le village de Tnine Adar dans la province de Taroudant, est centrée sur la culture et la restauration des sols dégradés. Les principales activités du projet ( ... )
culent autour:
1. L?afforestation de 20 hectares autour du village d?Adar.
2. La plantation de 11.111 d?Antriplex halimus.
3. La plantation de 6.945 d?Argania spinosa.
4. La plantation de 6.945 de Ceratonia siliqua.
5. La mise en oeuvre d?un système pour une communication soutenue et efficace entre les contributeurs et la communauté locale.
6. La mise en place d?un système d?irrigation
Land Degradation
OP7 ?Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: MEX/SGP/OP7/Y1/ICCA-GSI-COVID/2021/02 |
Mantener e incrementar la biodiversidad y las practicas agrícolas tradicionales en 10 hectáreas a través de la implementación de huertos agroecológicos comunitarios en ocho localidades, conformadas en una Red de Huertos Agroecológicos quienes ( ... )
hace dos años trabajan en acciones orientadas a la producción de alimentos con un enfoque de conservación, ello dentro del paisaje forestal en aprovechamiento de maderables y no maderables dentro de la Reserva de la Biosfera de Calakmul.
Costa rica
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: COS/SGP/OP7/Y2/STAR/BD/2021/07 |
North Macedonia
Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: MKD/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/2020/CC/06 |
During the assessment and the preparation of the work plan for the Center for NGOs and the NGOs included in its work, it was concluded that one of the bigger problems was the heating of the offices used by the NGOs, as well as the heating of the ( ... )
rooms (toilet, meeting room, kitchen etc.). Currently the heating of these rooms is on electricity (mostly inefficient heaters), which increases the operational costs of the NGOs working in the center. The increased operational costs during the winter months leads to reduced activities of the NGOs, thus reducing the work of the center, in order to reduce the consumption of electric energy.
Trinidad and tobago
International Waters
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: TRI/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/IW/21/01 |
This project will facilitate the education and certification of four (4) boat tour operators in Tobago |
Land Degradation
Phase 5
Project Number: VUT/SGP/OP5/STAR/LD/Yr8/21/08 |
Educating the communities to adapt to changing environment
Providing scientific data that will assist with decision making to communities on their changing coastal
environment. And established monitoring techniques to monitor the dynamics of the ( ... )
line erosion
with the participation of the local
North Macedonia
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: MKD/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/2020/CH/08 |
In due time of technological development the society is constantly in problems with the electronic waste which increases day by day and will increase in future, so necessary precaution measures should be taken in order to decrease this kind of ( ... )
Besides the organized gathering/collecting of this kind of waste another way is the promotion of fixing the electronic appliances and by fixing it the benefit would be multiplied i.e. besides the decrease of throwing this kind of waste the economic gain for the citizens itself from prolonging the period of use and the biggest benefit will have the young people/generation who will be trained to
Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: MLI/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/CC/2021/08 |
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: TJK/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/WST/2021/07 |
North Macedonia
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: MKD/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/2020/CH/03 |
In the Republic of North Macedonia the waste is the second abysm and emitter of greenhouse gases and it is right behind the energy sector. From 2004 until today, the amounts of greenhouse gases from waste are constantly increasing. On average, in ( ... )
waste contributes with a total of 3% of total greenhouse gas emissions, while in the Republic of North Macedonia this percentage ranges between 5.5 and 7. Most of the waste in the Republic of North Macedonia is accumulated at the legal and illegal landfills, which due to being overloaded with any type of waste they often burn / self-ignite, thus meaning risk to biodiversity, agricultural land
North Macedonia
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: MKD/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/2020/CH/02 |
In the Republic of North Macedonia the waste is the second abysm and emitter of greenhouse gases and it is right behind the energy sector. From 2004 until today, the amounts of greenhouse gases from waste are constantly increasing. On average, in ( ... )
waste contributes with a total of 3% of total greenhouse gas emissions, while in the Republic of North Macedonia this percentage ranges between 5.5 and 7. Most of the waste in the Republic of North Macedonia is accumulated at the legal and illegal landfills, which due to being overloaded with any type of waste they often burn / self-ignite, thus meaning risk to biodiversity, agricultural land
Biodiversity Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: MAR/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/BD/2021/01 |
Dominican republic
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: DOM/SGP/OP7Y1CORE/BD/2020/04 |
Mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida de los beneficiarios/as directos/as y de las comunidades a través de un cambio de cultura de producción de subsistencia por uno más rentable basado en la diversificación de cafetales, enfocándose, a la ( ... )
n la protección de los recursos
OP6 - Y6 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: COL/SGP/OP6/Y6/STAR/BD/2020/14 |
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: TAN/SGP/OP7/Y1/ICCA-GSI-COVID/2021/05 |
Tanzania Government have been trying hard, over the ages, to rectify national policy for environmental conservation of 1997 and Forest Act (2002) for Participatory Forest Management (PFM) in Tanzania which supports various interventions to ( ... )
the worse situation of forests. However, deforestation rates in Tanzania including natural forest especially in no conserved forests) are quite high. Out of 641,900 Hectares of Monduli district, Forest Reserves covers 23,022. The proposed project aimed at improving conservation and management of 3,689 hectares of Lendikinya forest and Nanja lengai water dam around Sepeko ward in Kisongo division.
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: ALB/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/BD/2021/03 |
Karavasta National Park on the Albanian Adriatic coast represents a combination of wetlands with the last remaining Mediterranean coastal forests that once covered the low alluvial plains in Albania. The national park has broad leaves forest in the ( ... )
while the southern part is dominated by coniferous mostly belonging to the Mediterranean pine. This project will plant approximately 500 pine trees in the southern part of the park. It will also clean about 1 hectare and install 30 waste bins through the
Land Degradation
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: MOR/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/LD/2021/04 |
Le projet sera mis en place dans les douars de Tagounite et de Timsaguine habités par des communautés berbères traditionnelles d?environ 360 habitants. Ils sont situés dans le versant sud des montagnes de la région de Souss Massa (limitrophes ( ... )
c de Souss Massa).
Le climat de référence est très spécifique aux zones montagneuses de l?Afrique du Nord, avec une combinaison de climat méditerranéen et montagneux, en même temps qu?une grande fluctuation entre les saisons : des étés chauds et secs, et des hivers froids et humides.
Le changement climatique est observé et vécu par les communautés, avec une augmentation des
Congo, dem. republic
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: DRC/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/BD/2021/13 |