There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
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Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y6 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: BHA/SGP/OP6/Y6/STAR/CC/2020/64 |
As a leading Eco-school on the island of Grand Bahama, the quest to become more resilient and self-sufficient is a high priority. The objectives of the project will include the:
a) Implementation of a vermicomposting and aquaculture program - The ( ... )
ing prices for basic commodities require for a more sustainable urban farming approach such as vermicomposting and aquaculture to improve and promote sustainable and healthy living. Vermicomposting will also aid in solid waste management (e.g. minimizing biodegradable wastes in the cafeteria and households, growing and utilizing own fresh produce, utilizing earthworms to generate compost at a
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: GUA/IP Fellowship/ICCA-GSI/2020/18 |
La iniciativa de Beca PI apoyará el fortalecimiento de capacidades para la formulación, manejo e implementación de proyectos, así como para el uso de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación. Se espera que las capacidades desarrolladas ( ... )
contribuir a los siguientes:
? Contribuir a aumentar el portafolio de proyectos liderados por pueblos indígenas, tanto del PPD, como de otras fuentes de financiamiento y/o donantes internacionales;
? Aumentar el flujo de recursos financieros provenientes de donantes, agencias de desarrollo, gobierno y cooperación en general;
? Generar modalidades que permitan el involucramiento más
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y6 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: KHM/SGP/OP6/Y6/CORE/IPAE/2020/04 |
?Access to energy for householders used and Eco-tourism Development with conservation of forest for livelihood improvement for Souy IPs Community?. Project aimed to support 175 households of Souy IPs and CPA members in the project target area to ( ... )
to renewable energy through development of Solar Battery Charging Station and energy use at Community Based Ecotourism Center. Project also support the construction of CBET facility such as build CBET information Center, Toilets, signboards, ect. In addition to that project also support Raing Khvav CPA committee members to finalized CPA legalization process and get official recognition from
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: VEN/SGP/OP6/Y5/CORE/CD/2019/14 |
Se busca potenciar la capacidad de los beneficiarios actuales del Programa de Pequeñas Dona-ciones (PPD) para la promoción de nuevos medios de vida que les permita ampliar su labor de resguardo y protección del ecosistema natural en el que se ( ... )
uelven a través de la genera-ción de productos ecosostenibles y de buena calidad. Para ello, este programa de incubación será el medio para apoyar la ampliación de oportunidades para hombres, mujeres y jóvenes selec-cionados de un grupo de proyectos beneficiarios actuales del PPD (Fases Operativas OP5 y OP6) y un grupo de emprendedores no asociados al PPD, a fin de fortalecer sus
Land Degradation
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: UKR/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/LD/2020/03 |
The project is aimed at introduction of industrial organic technologies for growing medicinal and niche crops on Polissya landscape. The task is to test, improve and promote effective eco-technologies for growing medicinal and niche crops, namely ( ... )
histle, black cumin, amaranth and millet, on low-productive and degraded soils of Polissya region. Another project component will increase environmental awareness, literacy and culture of local community representatives and youth from rural areas, in particular children with disabilities. The project will conduct a series of public events: workshops, open seminars and knowledge fairs, and ensure
Cote d'ivoire
Land Degradation
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: CIV/SGP/OP6/Y4/CORE/LD/19/05 |
Numéro de projet: CIV/SGP/OP6/Y4/CORE/LD/19/05
Titre du projet: Installation d?une ferme de champignons pleurotes hors-sol comme alternative culturale à l?agriculture extensive à Séguelon, au nord de la Cote d?Ivoire
I. Promoteur : ONG ( ... )
? Contact : 47 82 47 53
? Localisation : Abidjan avec une antenne à Odienné
II. Domaine d?intervention : Dégradation des terres
III. Présentation de l?organisation, expériences et capacités organisationnelle
ARTIN est une ONG engagée dans la promotion des cultures hors-sol comme moyen de lutte contre la pression agricole sur les terres cultivables. Elle a à son actif plusieurs
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: COM/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/BD/20/06 |
Ce projet vise le développement des filières agricoles et agroforestière par le développement durable des exploitations agricoles dans les aires protégées, comprenant : (i) la gestion intégrée de la fertilité des sols ; (ii) le renforcement ( ... )
ositif technique de DRS) ; et (iii) la dissemination des semences agricoles améliorées. Ce qui requiert d?appliquer systématiquement les principes de la durabilité à la gestion de l?agriculture, dans la perspective d?assurer sa viabilité face aux changements climatiques.
Ce projet vise le développement d?un partenariat avec le Centre National Horticole (CNH) pour le renforcement des
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: TGO/SGP/OP6/Y5/CORE/CH/2019/04 |
La gestion des déchets, en milieu urbain, est l?un des problèmes majeurs auxquels les pouvoirs publics, ainsi que les collectivités territoires sont confrontées dans les pays en développement. En effet, au Togo, malgré les nombreux efforts ( ... )
tis, les villes, particulièrement Lomé, ne disposent pas suffisamment de moyens pour gérer leurs déchets.
L?accroissement de la population, ainsi que les changements de modes de production, de consommation et de vie sont la cause de multiplication de la quantité, de la qualité et de la nocivité de ces déchets.
Au nombre des défis, on compte les préoccupations techniques, les
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: LBR/SGP/OP6/Y5/CORE/PWD/2019/26 |
Statement of need:
This project will address the following problems and threats:
? Shortage of safe-drinking water supply to the school, clinic and residents within the mission/community;
? Difficulty for disabled persons to ( ... )
safe-drinking water from within the steep, deep and shallow well;
? Difficulty for children under age to fetch safe-drinking water from within the well and the risk associated with it;
? The constant scarcity of safe-drinking supply daily within the disabled mission/community during the dry season;
? Pollution within the residency due to the scarcity of water to have those building and clothes
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: BOT/SGP/OP6/Y5/CORE/CC/2020/01 |
The Tsodilo Village is located 67km from Shakawe, 35km away from Nxamasere village. The village which is consisted of two tribes of Hambukushu and Ju/?hoasi (San) has been an informal (ungazetted) settlement for decades until 2013, when the village ( ... )
rmal given village status. However the Community continues to depend largely on Trust for their basic needs such as safe drinking water and income generating activities such as selling of handicrafts to tourist, tour guides around Tsodilo Hills and gate takings and camping charges. The available government services to the village include mobile health care, education at boarding school in
Biodiversity Land Degradation
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: JOR/SGP/OP6/Y4/STAR/LD/19/29 |
The project mainly aims at rehabilitating the ?Gahdab? water spring located in Sakeb Village. Besides, the project will raise the awareness of local community of Sakeb Village on the importance of the biodiversity within the village and the urgency ( ... )
tect and rehabilitate the local water springs including Gahdab water spring.
Viet nam
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: VNM/UNDP/2020/06 |
The project is aimed at the following objectives and results:
o Overall objective :
- Up to 2022, all stakeholders from local authorities, social organizations, businesses and communities in Phan Thiet city, Tuy Phong and Phu Quy districts will ( ... )
e awareness, change behaviors for sorting waste at sources. Single-use plastic products, non-biodegradable plastic bags will be decreased (towards no plastic bags and single-use plastic products) by implementation of policies and activities on reducing waste flows from the land and on-the-sea operation into the environment.
o Specific objectives :
- Capacity is improved and awareness raised
Viet nam
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: VNM/UNDP/2020/04 |
Waste management has become a significant concern in Viet Nam, as waste generation is increasing at an unprecedented pace and is projected to triple over the next 15 years. Currently, the country does not have the capacity to effectively handle this ( ... )
70% is disposed of in landfills where the implementation of environmental standards is limited; while the rest is burned or discarded in nature, with much of it eventually ending up into the sea. The complex structure of solid waste management at the policy and governance level, together with the lack of reliable data and poor regional coordination worsen the situation. Citizens and businesses
Viet nam
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: VNM/UNDP/2020/08 |
The project is aimed at promoting the socialization of domestic waste management in Di An city, collecting and sorting at sources all domestic wastes from households, enhancing awareness, behaviors and good habits of domestic waste segregation at ( ... )
, and reduction of single-use plastic items and persistent nylon bags in local communities.
Specific objectives include:
- Better improving awareness of integrated waste management and plastic waste mitigation among local communities in Dong Hoa, Tan Binh and Di An wards, Di An city.
- Successfully deploying models for raising awareness of domestic waste segregation at source; developing
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: GEO/SGP/OP6/Y5/CORE/PWD/2020/02 |
Implementation of alternative energy sources related to climate mitigation in Khobi municipality and popularization of positive practices |
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: GRD/SGP/OP6/Y5/CORE/CC/19/05 |
This project will achieve the following;
1. To design and implement capacity building workshops that focuses on (1) Sustainable Farming (2) Fresh water Resources (3) Mangrove and Sea Grass Beds (4) Coral Reefs (5) Marine parks and (6) Open Ocean ( ... )
2. Field trips that will allow participants to observe various sites related to focal areas above. Allowing them the opportunity to also appreciate the realism of nature thus eradicating the ?nature deficit? among the youth.
3. Practical Community and school projects that will foster awareness among all citizens, while encouraging nationwide behavioral patterns that will protect and improve
Biodiversity Climate Change Mitigation Land Degradation
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: CMR/SGP/OP6/Y5/CORE/IPAE/2020/03 |
Mbororo Social and Cultural Development Association (MBOSCUDA), through the project ?Introducing the Renewable energy to the Pastoral Mbororo indigenous peoples? will contribute to reduce the pressure on the natural resources such as firewood for ( ... )
ng and reduce the chances of future conflicts that may arises between the Pastoral Mbororo indigenous peoples and the local communities who claim the traditional ownership of the land.
Cote d'ivoire
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: CIV/SGP/OP6/Y4/CORE/CC/19/11 |
Numéro de projet: CIV/SGP/OP6/Y4/CORE/CC/19/11
Titre du projet : Introduction de fourneaux améliorés dans la production de sel marin chez les femmes productrices dans les villages de ??Ahua, Grand-Jack et Adjacoutié, dans le département de ( ... )
ville?? en remplacement des fourneaux à trois pieds.
I. Promoteur : Initiatives pour le Développement des Communautés - IDC
- Contact : KOUADIO Marie-Laure Présidente de l?ONG / TEL +225 01 89 64 56
- Localisation : Villages de ??Ahua, Grand-Jack et Adjacoutié, Jacqueville
II. Domaine d?intervention : Changement Climatique
III. Présentation de l?organisation, expérience,
CapDev Climate Change Mitigation Land Degradation
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: BDI/SGP/OP6/Y5/CORE/YCC/2019/05 |
La forêt de Murehe est confrontée à plusieurs problèmes environnementaux, les plus critiques sont le manque de pratiques et de mesures efficaces de protections de cette dernière. Les délits souvent enregistrés sont ceux des vendeurs de bois ( ... )
uffage et des charbonniers. La faible régénération des essences de la forêt contribue à la réduction des populations et constitue un des problèmes relevés pour la conservation de la réserve de Murehe, l'Association "Jeunesse et Environnement " voudrait donc introduire des foyers améliorés et des fours solaires en vue d'apporter des solutions durables de cuisson énergétiques à la
Climate Change Mitigation Land Degradation
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: BDI/SGP/OP6/Y5/CORE/YCC/2019/06 |
Le paysage Mugere-Nyamusenyi se trouve confronter à une série de problèmes environnementaux liés notamment à l'inconscience des effets néfastes de la dégradation de l'environnement, aux impacts négatifs des changements climatiques et au ( ... )
d'autres sources alternatives d'énergie abordables aux populations locales. La situation géographique près de le ville de Bujjumbura augmente les pressions sur le bois qui est presque exclusivement le seule source d'energie pour la cuisson alors que la zone a un taux de couverture forestière très faible. Le paysage Mugere-Nyamusenyi surplombe le lac Tanganyika, qui est l'un des rares lacs