There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
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International Waters
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: HND/SGP/OP6/Y5/CORE/IWBE/2020/01 |
La Asociación Pro Comunidades Turísticas de Honduras ? LARECOTURH, presenta la siguiente propuesta de proyecto ?Mejorando las condiciones de vida de los pepenadores de la ciudad de Tela a través del fortalecimiento de sus capacidades socio ( ... )
tales y económicas?, específicamente en los que trabajan el nuevo relleno sanitario ubicado en la Aldea Hulera y que viven en la Aldea del Kilometro Cuatro. Este documento recoge las razones e interés de nuestra institución en participar en este proceso de fortalecimiento de capacidades en las comunidades para un mejor manejo de los residuos sólidos, sobre todo a aquellos actores que puedan
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: BOL/SGP/OP6/Y2/FSP/BD/20/01 |
El proyecto se enmarca dentro de los objetivos del PN ANMI-Serranía Iñao y en los ámbitos estratégicos del SERNAP los cuales son de preservar y conservar la diversidad biológica, los espacios naturales, como así también el de promover el ( ... )
ollo económico social sostenible de las comunidades asentadas en las zonas que corresponde al área de amortiguación mediante el manejo integrado, se considera que la problemática de la degradación de los recursos naturales suelos, agua y bosque, a consecuencia del mal manejo y la aplicación prácticas culturales inadecuadas en la producción agrícola, que afecta negativamente a los
Land Degradation
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: ERI/SGP/OP6/Y5/CORE/LD/2019/16 |
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: BLR/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/CD/20/01 |
Project goal: to increase the capacity of the current regional mechanism for expanding activities to develop and support environmental initiatives throughout the territory of the implementation of the National Strategy of the GEF SGP in the ( ... )
ic of Belarus for 2019-2023.
Project tasks:
1. Increasing the capacity of the regional council and local initiatives to develop, support and implement environmental initiatives in line with the GEF SGP priorities, regional and local priorities and contribute to the achievement of the SDGs;
2. Increasing the capacity of local communities in micro-regions to develop and start implementing
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: GIN/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/BD/2020/02 |
Le projet cherche à Mettre en défend de 30 ha de forêts communautaires pour une régénération assistée de la flore et de la faune aux flancs des collines et montagnes des Aires Protégées Autochtones Communautaires de la CU et des CRs de ( ... )
ya et Selouma en vue de mieux concilier les demandes pressantes et la capacité des Aires Protégées Autochtones Communautaires (APACs ) à satisfaire les besoins en produits forestiers pour une gestion durable des forêts
Congo, dem. republic
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: DRC/SGP/OP6/Y3/STAR/BD/2020/78 |
Mise en valeur des produits forestiers non ligneux dans une optique de préservations des écosystèmes et développement socio-économique |
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: TGO/SGP/OP6/Y5/CORE/BD/2019/09 |
Les forêts communautaires protègent la biodiversité et contribuent à assurer la sécurité alimentaire ; elles atténuent et facilitent l?adaptation au changement climatique en capturant le carbone et en maintenant les barrières naturelles ( ... )
les intempéries ; elles constituent un outil important pour la reconnaissance des droits coutumiers ; et elles aident à sécuriser le régime foncier et facilitent les investissements à long terme des communautés concernées.
La valorisation et l?augmentation des revenus devraient être au c?ur de la foresterie communautaire, en particulier dans les zones rurales où les possibilités de
Saint Lucia
Land Degradation
OP6 - Y6 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: STL/SGP/OP6/Y6/STAR/LD/20/05 |
This project proposes to use Aquaponics as a teaching system at a school for students who have not performed well in the formal school system and those who have been labelled young delinquents by the criminal justice system. The project objectives ( ... )
(i) to design and establish a sustainable Aquaponics system as a teaching and viable production unit; (ii) integrate Aquaponics into the formal curriculum as part of the vocational training in climate smart agriculture and to support at least six independent units for graduates; (iii) design and implement a marketing plan which will ensure the financial viability of the system; (iv) establish
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: NAM/SGP/OP6/Y5/ICCA-GSI/2019/01 |
The context for the project is the remote Nyae Nyae Conservancy, where the impoverished and marginalized, Ju/?hoansi, indigenous San Community are spread over an area of 8,994km². This community does not have access to electricity, proper ( ... )
tion or mains water. This remote community (location shown on the map below) also relies heavily on the environment for its survival is already feeling the impact of climate change. They are further constrained by their geographical remoteness, lack of job opportunities, poor communication infrastructure, limited literacy and widespread
Climate Change Mitigation Land Degradation
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: JAM/SGP/OP6/Y5/CORE/LD/2020/03 |
The Springdale and surrounding communities, with a population of some 800 residents is predominantly an agriculture-based with over 100 farmers - 69% males and 31% females. The community has been plagued with poor farming practices like improper ( ... )
learing, soil husbandry to name a few. These poor practices have negatively impacted the forest cover and availability of water in the Rio Cobre watershed. Traditional agricultural systems and knowledge sharing methods have degraded over the years with limited opportunity for young farmers to learn the necessary skills for climate smart agriculture. Farmer knowledge on the importance of
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: MAL/SGP/OP6/Y5/STAR/BD/2020/22 |
With less than 1,500 individuals left in the wild in Sabah, Bornean elephants (Elephas maximus borneesis) are under severe threat (currently listed as Endangered, IUCN Red List). Because of forest exploitation and conversion to other land-uses ( ... )
ly oil palm plantations), the species faces habitat loss and fragmentation leading to increased human-elephant conflicts (HEC) with retaliation acts where local farmers poison or shoot elephants to protect their crops and belongings. Unofficial statistics in Sabah shows that up to 20 elephants may be killed every year as a result of HEC. Addressing HEC and pioneering community engagement in
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: BOT/SGP/OP6/Y5/CORE/CC/2020/11 |
Botswana like other sub-Saharan countries have been experiencing energy shortages. Botswana portion of electricity have gone down placing pressure on local production. The price of connection to the national grid is at a flat rate charge ( ... )
000, this amount is still too high for those living in rural impoverished areas where energy is needed to sufficiently and efficiently improve their standard of living.
b. Solution
Biogas ?With a cattle population of 2,220,000 in 2008 (statistics Botswana, 2012), the volume of cow dung may be enough to run a number of stand-alone power plants in hybrid arrangement farms.
This is an
Biodiversity CapDev
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: LAO/SGP/OP6/Y5/STAR/BD/2020/61 |
Namphao Village, Khop District, Xayabouly Province is boundary of Phupadeng Protected Area. Phupadeng has abundance of forest resources where has been declared as a protected area after villages? settlement. Most of local people are relying on ( ... )
resources for their livelihood. For this reason, there is conflict between government and villagers to access the resource use. For reducing the problem is proposed to establish a community forest project to preserve the natural resources and environment for improving the livelihood of local people. For the conservation of natural resources and infrastructure development, along with improving
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: MON/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/CH/2020/05 |
?Model village on waste management and transport logistics? prioritizing awareness raising activities among the public, the NSC unanimously supported the project aimed at establishing a model soum with sustainable waste management. |
Climate Change Mitigation Land Degradation
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: VEN/SGP/OP6/Y5/CORE/LD/2019/08 |
Este proyecto se desarrollará en la Comunidad el Retazo, parroquia San Carlos de Austria del Municipio Ezequiel Zamora estado Cojedes; su objetivo está enmarcado en la restauración ambiental, protegiendo los suelos y las nacientes de aguas, de la ( ... )
enca la Yagaura, a través del fortalecimientos de capacidades comunitarias y medios de vida con la producción del café Coffea sp) con variedades de fácil adaptación a estos suelos, alternando con los cultivos del aguacate, cambur y quinchoncho, para ello se desarrollará un programa de formación para la conservación ambiental desde la producción agroecológica, ya que la siembra de
Saint Kitts and Nevis
OP6 - Y6 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: STK/SGP/OP6/STAR/20/02 |
OP6 - Y6 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: PRY/SGP/OP6/Y6/CORE/WLE/2020/03 |
OP6 - Y6 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: COL/SGP/OP6/Y6/STAR/BD/2020/26 |
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: MAL/SGP/OP6/Y5/STAR/CC/2020/27 |
Issues to be addressed:
Climate change is a complex problem, yet collaboration within and between civil society organizations and government ministries is limited, at least in part due to a lack of awareness of this complexity. Meanwhile, the ( ... )
l public has limited options to express their perspectives, resulting in apathy.
Proposed Approach:
The project combines two proven models of encouraging citizen participation - Citizens? Assemblies and vTaiwan
- to bring together multiple stakeholders to explore links between climate change and government ministry scopes. The findings of the planned workshops, surveys and forums will be
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: TON/SGP/OP6/Y5/BD/CORE/2019/04 |