There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
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Start Date |
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Operational Phase |
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: INS/SGP/OP6/Y4/STAR/BD/18/017 |
GOAL : Assist Bokonusan and Uiboa Village communities to preserve the forests and beaches and at the same time help them maximize the potential of forest and beach tourism in both villages as a sustainable source of income.
Objective 1 : Make local ( ... )
understand the importance of the meaning of the environment and local resources for them
Activity :
1. Program socialization to 30 sub-district officials (26 men, 4 women), 121 village officials and 30 indigenous parents.
2. Socialization to the community in 8 hamlets in both villages (each village is invited by 70 people)
3. Environmental Critical Education in 10 selected points (1 point 30
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: UKR/SGP/OP6/Y4/STAR/CC/2018/33 |
The main goal of the project is to establish effective ecomobility infrastructure and promote usage of electro mobiles on the steppe landscape. The project establishes a network of fast charging stations in Slovyansk town (Donetsk region) that ( ... )
ses the number of electro cars in use. An effective dialogue mechanisms is established between local authorities, CSOs and local community members to ensure ecomobility development in the region and promotion of environment-friendly transportation. Moreover, a wide awareness raising campaign is conducted within the
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: KAZ/SGP/OP6/Y2/STAR/BD/18/01 |
The project aims to create a pilot site where best practices will be implemented to strengthen existing initiatives for the development of private afforestation in Kazakhstan. The project will demonstrate various approaches to commercialization of ( ... )
e forest plantations in the Zerendinsky district of Akmola region, as well as strengthen local capacity in the field of agroforestry.
Proposed project activities include:
? Creation of the main experimental site with an area of 30mX40m in the territory of the Kokterek Nursery to demonstrate the successful model of a private forest plantation, as well as laying a mini-plantation of size 5mX5m in
Phase 5
Project Number: MDA/SGP/OP5/Y7/CORE/CD/2018/16 |
The access to quality education services is largely due to favorable and attractive conditions that meet educational standards and can ensure the development of the educational process. A modernly designed school with comfortable halls, a nice ( ... )
om and rest revitalized correspondently can enhance access to quality educational services and reduce drop-out and school absenteeism.
At the same time, a special educational program can challenge students, teachers and parents to learn and practice consistently to develop key competencies in the environmental field. These skills and abilities will be the base of the development of a responsible
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: GUA/SGP/OP6/Y2/CORE/2017/14 |
En el marco de la Estrategia Nacional del PPD Guatemala OP6 (2016-2018), este proyecto pretende llevar a cabo Diálogos entre comunidades de regiones montañosas e instituciones de Gobierno con el propósito de (a) Generar conciencia entre ( ... )
entantes de gobierno sobre el impacto que los ecosistemas de montañas tienen para las comunidades que viven en ellas y las contribuciones que éstas hacen en el manejo adecuado de los ecosistemas de montaña y en la implementación de los ODS estratégicos abordados durante el Foro Político de Alto Nivel sobre Desarrollo Sostenible 2018 (HLPF- por sus siglas en inglés); (b) Asegurar que las
International Waters Land Degradation
Phase 5
Project Number: PLW/SGP/OP5/Y7/CORE/2018/03 |
Over the past ten years the County of Ngebuuked in Ngaraard State has seen a significant decline in production of its taro patches. The women of the community speculate that this is due to decreased water flow from upstream watershed. They also feel ( ... )
e decline in rural population (transition from dependence on traditional subsistence practices (farming and fishing) to modern economy) has led to a decrease in manpower needed to maintain waterways that feed into the taro patches. This has directly impacted crop yields, food sovereignty, income generation and livelihoods of the women and their families.
Dil-Ngebuked Sustainable Livelihoods
International Waters Land Degradation Chemicals
Phase 5
Project Number: LAO/SGP/OP5/Y7/STAR/CH/2017/26 |
Huoyxai and Tonpherng district, Borkeo Province; Beng and Hun district, Oudomxay Province. These two provinces are affecting from using chemical fertilizer in agricultural activities, especially some projects that have agreement on land concession ( ... )
illagers for agricultural cropping which is causing impacts on environment and livelihood of villagers. Previously, these areas are based on nature methods of cropping and farming, however in recently this 4-5 years an import of the forbidden agriculture material increasing day by day, that included chemical fertilizer, accelerate fertilizer, pesticides and etc., which is not allowed from the
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: MEX/SGP/OP6/Y1/STAR/BD/2018/39 |
Remodelación y mejoramiento de su infraestructura y equipamiento para la obtención de una producción sustentable, compatible con el medio ambiente en su producción apícola y asegurando el manejo inocuo de la miel y la cera, así como las ( ... )
iones de seguridad de su centro de acopio; diversificar las actividades productivas ampliando la incorporación de mujeres y jóvenes; adquirir herramientas y capacidades para el control administrativo, el control interno del sistema orgánico, la trazabilidad de la miel y la rendición de cuentas e ir aumentando la equidad de género dentro de la
Saint Lucia
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: STL/SGP/OP6/Y3/STAR/BC/18/08 |
This PG will help to determine the probability of establishing a national residual monitoring plan as the basis for further developing the national apiculture industry as an exporter of apicultural products to the EU. The project will identify new ( ... )
species that are more resistant to the impacts of CC and that can be used for bee forage; determine the possibility of developing an Apitourism Industry in Saint Lucia; explore the probabilities of attaining HACCP certification of the group?s honey processing facility and laboratory; and setting the stage of harvesting Apitoxin for export. We expect a FG project proposal to emerge out of this
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: NIU/SGP/OP6/Y4/CORE/BD/2018/04 |
1. Educate government and communities on the impacts of coral bleaching in a localized context
2, Build capacity of youth and women in Niue to document high risk environmental issues and traditional knowledge
3. Build awareness of Niue people on ( ... )
isk environmental issues and conservation measures to mitigate them
4. Engage schools and provide tools to assist with environmental learning programs
5. To engage a wider audience through the internet via social media and You Tube
6. Project management to monitor project on a quarterly basis for timely preparation of the
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: MON/SGP/OP6/Y3/CORE/BD/2017/08 |
Under the project, the CBOs will plant rare and endangered plants in Mongolian soil and increase the overall stock of plants. This will enable the population to use those plants in a sustainable way and increase their income. The CBOs will lay a ( ... )
tion for the planting of fruit trees. Breeding will be carried out in the fenced
Community Based Adaptation Biodiversity
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: NAM/SGP/OP6/Y4/CORE/CC/2018/13 |
To assist a San community in Donkerbos to indentify an eligible projects for funding that will help them to adapt to climate change. It will also be an awareness creation to educate the San community on the impact of climate change on their ( ... )
nding and
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 6
Project Number: BOL/SGP/OP6/Y2/FSP/CC/18/07 |
El sistema de explotación de los recursos naturales en Bolivia y particularmente en la zona del proyecto es extractiva lo que conlleva al subdesarrollo en el medio rural. Los agricultores propiamente dichos enfrentan múltiples problemas y ( ... )
ltades que se generan desde el inadecuado manejo de sus sistemas productivos hasta los efectos del cambio climático que en estos últimos tiempos está poniendo en riesgo la seguridad alimentaria de los productores constituyéndose en una amenaza para las zonas más vulnerables y un serio obstáculo para la reducción de la pobreza y la seguridad alimentaria, en especial de los habitantes más
North Macedonia
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: MKD/SGP/OP6/Y3/CORE/CH/2018/05 |
South africa
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: SAF/SGP/OP6/Y2/CORE/BD/2018/01 |
Improvement of biodiversity conservation through restoration and protection of indigenous trees in sacred sites, rivers and wetlands as well as transferring indigenous knowledge to younger generations in the Vhembe District. |
Land Degradation
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: CPR/SGP/OP6/Y3/STAR/LD/18/01 |
The project site is located in the hinterland of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and part of the Sanjiangyuan National Nature Revere. There are rich biodiversity here including snow leopard, lynx, bear, wild ass, blue sheep and snow cock etc. There are also ( ... )
ant wetlands in this area.
Main problems:
1. Overgrazing due to population increase and livestock increase, which caused the erosion ditch on the plateau peat land;
2, Grassland degradation due to overgrazing;
3. Road construction caused cutting of the wetland reservoir bed and the fragmentation of habitat;
4. Harvesting Chinese caterpillar fungus damage the grassland;
5. Dividing
International Waters
Phase 5
Project Number: FJI/SGP/OP5/Y7/CORE/IW/17/01 |
The project aims to to build capacity for ecosystem based management planning with the islands of Yasayasa Moala (Islands of Matuku, Moala, Totoya and Vanuavatu). |
Antigua and Barbuda
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: ATG/SGP/OP6/Y4/IWECO/03 |
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: PER/SGP/OP6/Y3/STAR/BD/PE/18/03 |
Biodiversity CapDev
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: URY/SGP/OP6/Y4/CORE/BD/2018/17 |
El proyecto se propone ampliar las actividades del Centro Emmanuel y aumentar su atractivo turístico para lograr un producto diferente que se integre a propuestas culturales e históricas de Colonia Valdense. El Centro es una granja agroecológica ( ... )
rativa que tiene tambo, quesería, producción de hortalizas en invernáculo y a campo, compostaje, producción de semillas. Se realizan visitas son guiadas por sus instalaciones a cargo de técnicos del Centro. Se complementará este circuito con la formación de un pequeño jardín de plantas nativas, cartelería de apoyo en cada estación, folletería para los visitantes y lugares de