There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 5
Project Number: FSM/SGP/OP5/Y5/CORE/BD/2018/04 |
Project being U Municipality and Dehpehk Marine Sanctuary and Mwahn Marine Sanctuary intended to change lifestyle and how the community manages and protects its marine environment. |
Phase 5
Project Number: FSM/SGP/OP5/Y5/CORE/BD/2018/02 |
Improving seafood market conditions, quality and investment for local stakeholders in Pohnpei, Micronesia |
Phase 5
Project Number: MDV/SGP/OP5/Y7/CORE/BD/2018/01 |
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Phase 5
Project Number: STK/SGP/OP5/CORE/18/05 |
GEF Small Grants are important source of funding that help communities achieve socio-cultural, economical, and environmental development goals.
GEF grants require measurable outcomes, accurate and complete reporting, while encouraging maximum ( ... )
ity participation and gender equality. GEF grants therefore helps communities achieve Sustainable Development Goals.
Many community groups fail to access or successfully complete GEF grants because of difficulties with grant (a) writing (b) project execution/management and (c) reporting.
The HTA wishes to address this issue by building capacity among its membership with the following
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: BHU/SGP/OP6/Y4/STAR/CC/2018/20 |
Project Summary
Ugyen Gatshel (Doh-Rangthang) Nunnery (hereafter referred as nunnery) under Barp Gewog, Punakha Dzongkhag is a Buddhist nunnery under the care and patronage of H.E Dungse Garab Rimpoche and the Rangjung Foundation. Currently there ( ... )
nuns enrolled from classes I to IX . It is managed by a management team headed by a principal. The nunnery has plans to expand to a larger capacity to accommodate additional 50 nuns in the next two years.
Since the nunnery is located in a remote place it is dependent on firewood for cooking, bathing and heating purposes. On an average, annually the nunnery uses eight truckloads of firewood
Phase 4
Project Number: VEN/SGP/OP4/Y4/RAF/CD/18/02 |
La presente propuesta está dirigida al fortalecimiento de capacidades comunitarias en las si-guientes áreas clave de la Estrategia Programa País OP6: Cobeneficios del acceso a tecnolo-gías con bajas emisiones de carbono, Innovaciones de la ( ... )
ología climáticamente inteli-gente, Emprendimientos sociales y medios de vida sostenibles; mediante la organización, ejecución y evaluación de tres talleres nacionales, dos ferias de proyectos PPD y una feria de emprendimientos sociales. Esta estrategia de generación de capacidades estará estrecha-mente relacionada con la de gestión del conocimiento desarrollada por el PPD durante el
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: BOL/SGP/OP6/Y2/FSP/CC/18/02 |
La necesidad de iluminación en las comunidades rurales como es el caso de la comunidad de Joya Charal, conlleva a la utilización de combustibles fósiles y naturales, como el petróleo y carbón para generar energía lumínica a través del uso ( ... )
heros, velas, pilas y baterías, considerados inadecuados por la emisión de dióxido de carbono y ser fuentes de contaminación al medioambiente.
La comunidad de Joya Charal al encontrarse lejos de los centros poblados del Municipio y dentro del área protegida ANMI El Palmar, no recibe el servicio de alumbrado público por el costo que implica el tendido de la red. Esta realidad asociada a
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: HND/SGP/OP6/CORE/Y2/CC/17/08 |
El proyecto Micro hidroeléctrico tiene como fin: Protección y Conservación de la Microcuenca de Camaguey, como principal recurso para la generación de energía hidroeléctrica, para lo cual se realizaran acciones de conservación de la ( ... )
uenca, para lo cual se trabajara en actividades de producción de plantas de protección, capacitación para la concientización en el uso de cultivos agroforestales que contribuyan tanto a la producción de cultivos de granos básicos, siembra de frutales y el establecimiento de especies de protección del suelo y especies de valor comercial, lo que ayudara a además de proteger los recursos
Phase 6
Project Number: MOZ/SGP/OP6/Y2/CORE/CH/2017/10 -AFSD |
Phase 4
Project Number: VEN/SGP/OP4/Y4/RAF/CD/18/01 |
El PPD inició actividades en Venezuela en 2010. Desde entonces, ha financiado 172 proyectos dentro de las fases operativas OP4, OP5 y OP6. A pesar del esfuerzo realizado y la cantidad de recursos asignados a las organizaciones beneficiarias, hasta ( ... )
ento no se ha consolida-do una estrategia efectiva de gestión del conocimiento. Esta propuesta tiene como propósi-to desarrollar una estrategia de gestión del conocimiento que permitan sistematizar, docu-mentar y difundir las buenas prácticas y lecciones aprendidas de iniciativas claves financiadas por el PPD. Entre los productos a lograr están: casos de estudio, carpetas promocionales pa-ra
Central african republic
Biodiversity Land Degradation
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: CAF/SGP/OP6/Y4/CORE/BD/2018/02 |
L?exploitation du diamant est devenue l?une des sources principales de revenue pour les communautés. les impacts négatifs de l?exploitation artisanale du diamant sur la réserve participent à la dégradation rapide des conditions d?accès des ( ... )
autés aux ressources de base nécessaire à leur survie. Les cours d?eaux déviés et pollués, les zones de pêche et de chasse détruites, les sols appauvris, les puits profonds de plusieurs mètres remplis d?eau et abandonnés sont autant de facteurs qui augmentent les risques sanitaires et alimentaires pour les populations minières.
Afin de remédier à la dégradation des milieux, au
Phase 4
Project Number: PER/SGP/OP4/RAF/BD/18/02 |
Sri lanka
Land Degradation
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: SRL/SGP/OP6/STAR/LD/2018/13 |
These wetlands are situated in an area which is fast developing and as a result face the threat of being lost or seriously degraded. Competition for land and water, encroachments and demographic changes are some of the main threats to the health of ( ... )
wetlands. They are of immense value in the locality and serve as catchment and flood control areas; help climate cooling; provide water for agriculture and other ecosystem services; harbor high biodiversity and are of aesthetic value.
The purpose of implementing this project is to conserve and protect the Mattegoda Wewa and the adjacent wetlands by working towards giving it legal status.
Community Based Adaptation
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: ZMB/UNDP-FSP/2018 /08 |
Main Project Objective
To work with the communities in the project areas to save land, wildlife and other forms
of the ecosystem by educating and empowering them to enhance their livelihood.
Specific objectives
1. To educate and sensitize ( ... )
ities on land use management and governance.
2. To promote alternative sustainable livelihood to lessen pressure on wildlife and forests.
3. To enhance village management and establish accountable micro-governance systems.
4. To train communities in the project area in small business management.
Expected Results
1. Reduced poaching
2. Reduced deforestation and forest
Community Based Adaptation
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: ZMB/UNDP-FSP/2018 /03 |
Main Project Objective
To transform SHIMUKA and MBUNSUTE into conservation agents as well as wealth creators and to build capacity in the two areas with economic activities through goat?rearing that will culminate into creation of employment ( ... )
y reduction at household level.
Specific objectives
1. To Increase number of people rearing goats in Shimuka and Busunte Village Action Groups
2. To impart new skills in goat rearing activities through the planned Goat-Rearing activity. This will
help them to generate income to meet their daily needs without resorting to destroying the
forest and wildlife in
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: ZMB/UNDP-FSP/2018 /01 |
Main Project Objective:
To promote conservation of the wildlife in National Parks through integrated Aquaculture
Specific objectives:
1. To increase the number of people rearing goats
2. To impart new skills in goat rearing activities through ( ... )
goat ? rearing activity.
3. This will help them to generate income to meet their daily needs without resorting to
destroying the forest and wildlife in general
4. To empower people with the skills in energy saving stoves.
Expected Results:
1. Strengthen the already existing local structure in Natural Resource Management and National park conservation
2. To promote goat farming
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Phase 5
Project Number: STK/SGP/OP5/CORE/18/06 |
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: BHA/SGP/OP6/CORE/CD/2018/52 |
The primary objective is to facilitate and deliver a Grant Writing & Training Workshop to local CSOs, NGOs and CBOs within The Bahamas (with a focus on Grand Bahama, Bimini and Abaco) which will provide relevant training and skills to cover the ( ... )
ing areas:
1. Key Skills for Grant Writing for CSOs, NGOs and CBOs. Completion of Project Concepts and Project Proposal Development, Project Implementation, Monitoring & Evaluation.
2. Resource Mobilization & Capacity Development for CSOs, NGOs and CBOs
3. Understanding Co-Financing & Budgets for Project Grants
The workshop will focus on fundamental skills used in preparing grant
Land Degradation
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: NEP/SGP/OP6/Y3/CORE/LD/2018/08 |
Large Cardamom (Amomumsabulatum, Roxb.) is a perennial herbaceous spice crop grown from an elevation of 600 to 2000 masl where annual rainfall is between 1,500 to 2,500 mm and the temperature varies from 8° C to 20° C.
Being a shade loving plant, ( ... )
m is plated as understory of Alnus Nepalensis. Thus promoting large cardamom itself maintains the forest cover in the mountain thereby preventing soil erosion, gullies and landslides.
It has been listed as one of the most potential crop for export in Nepal Trade Integration Strategy 2010. Lamjung is one of the 40 districts of Nepal where the cultivation of this crop is expanding. Large Cardamom
Saint Kitts and Nevis
CapDev Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: STK/SGP/OP6/Y2/CORE/17/09 |
The Learning Environment at Cayon School can be improved for efficiency in energy and resource use and can also be transformed into a student friendly green space
(i) Transform school grounds into green landscaped areas that support ( ... )
od Based Classes and provide additional learning spaces
(ii) Promote green learning and living in sporting aspects of the school curriculum
(iii) Provide opportunities for Green Livelihoods for at 20 risk youths within the school
(iv) Expose 25 students to a green curriculum which compliments History Geography and Social Studies