There are 29,070 projects available.
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CapDev Land Degradation
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: UKR/SGP/OP6/Y4/STAR/LD/2018/16 |
The main goal of the project is to establish Public environmental training center to assist communities in application of new SEA legislation at the local level. The project contributes to public participation in environmental decision-making, ( ... )
ping local strategies and action plans, including environmental impact assessment. Wide awareness raising and capacity development component is conducted, including such events as public hearings, round table discussions and trainings for all stakeholders. Moreover, the project establishes dialog group to lobby interests of local communities and
Land Degradation
Phase 5
Project Number: YEM/SGP/OP5/Y7/CORE/LD/18/04 |
Mayhah region, Qalancia District located in western Socotra. It?s known to be the driest part of Socotra Island. Whit its inner landscape, it receives the lowest rainfall in Socotra. Livestock herding is the main economic activities of the ( ... )
tion of Mayhah, hence water is very important to support herding system and grazing management.
In this area there exists neither water springs nor underground water (Tube well) that can provide local communities with domestic water use for humans and animals hence communities relay on rainwater harvest in artificially made water pools (cisterns or ?Karif?). Communities work very hard to
Land Degradation
Phase 5
Project Number: YEM/SGP/OP5/Y7/CORE/LD/18/03 |
Shatah region mainly consists of Rangeland area used by pastoralist from villages located along the main road leading to Qalancia city during their rotational grazing in the area. The only natural water resource is located close to Shatah pass which ( ... )
than 5-10 km away from the grazing areas.
Pastoralists propose building 24 rain-water harvest cisterns scattered along rangelands to allow their animals? access to drinking water while grazing in the areas. The total water harvest capacity is 1700 cubic meters. The project directly benefiting a total of 107 families with 600 inhabitants (327 males and 263 females). Awareness rising of the
Land Degradation
Phase 5
Project Number: YEM/SGP/OP5/Y7/CORE/LD/18/01 |
Shiphon Heights is the southern parts of Diksam plateau descending south towards the western parts of Nojid plain. The region is deserted from Villages as all communities live in the coastal area in Bedhola and neighboring villages influence by the ( ... )
bility of social services e.g. Schools, health clinics and roads.
Project? beneficiaries are mainly herders who practice grazing in Shiphon heights. There are 307 families with a population 1550 (868 females and 779 males). Ship and Goats are the main animals grazed the shiphon heights and employ ca. 50% of the communities whereas the rest are working in fisheries and other minor activities.
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 5
Project Number: IRA/SGP/OP5/Y7/CORE/CC/2018(197) |
As an Oil and Gas rich country, fossil fuels are rather inexpensive in Iran and are widely used in all sectors of the society
(eg. 40% of the energy used in buildings). This project builds on outcomes of two previous SGP projects ( ... )
innovative Automated Intelligent Control Systems were built to increase energy efficiency in the engine room of buildings
(at least 500 installed to date), and then training was provided to key stakeholders (including 600 servicemen and
technicians) in energy saving.
Based on new legal arrangements, Energy Service Provider companies can now sign Energy Service Contracts based
on a Business
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: BLR/SGP/OP6/Y4/STAR/MF/18/03 |
Project goal: develop and ensure sustainable operation (in the project area) of an integrated system of ecological education on climate change prevention, mitigation and adaptation.
Project tasks:
1. Develop and ensure sustainable operation of ( ... )
rst-in-Viciebsk-Region regional ecological education center. 2. Inform local communities on climate change prevention, mitigation and adaptation issues, as well as on other relevant environmental issues. 3. Clear the Lastavi?skaje lake, in particular, the spawning grounds, from excessive vegetation (bulrush, acorus, their roots, algae) restricting access of ichthyofauna to the lake. The activity
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: TJK/SGP/OP6/Y3/EDU/CORE/2017/14 |
Vahdat district is one of the largest and most densely populated Districts among the Republican Subordination Districts. The total amount of the population is 320 000 people, 12 000 of whom live in jamoat Romit and 1500 people live in Hushon ( ... )
As a result of many factors in dekhkan farms in jamoat Romit there is a lack of awareness of the environmental management of natural resources. Since Tajikistan's independence, more than 35-40% of agricultural products lose their quality and villagers cannot use ecologically clean products at the right time due to the low economic power and weak organization of the transport, storage and
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: BLR/SGP/OP6/Y4/STAR/CC/18/07 |
Project goal: 1. Reduce CO2 emissions by adopting a smart house heating management system and upgrade boiler equipment in the established Eco-Friendly Behavior Center. 2. Raise the public educational level in Cherikau District by developing ( ... )
seminating eco-friendly behavior courses: "Ecology and Entrepreneurship", "Ecology and Prudence", "Ecology and Health".
Project tasks:
1. Set up partnership between authorities, an educational institution, a non-commercial organization and business for the project implementation, in particular for local-level promotion of solutions aimed at reducing CO2 emissions by adoption of a house heating
Biodiversity Land Degradation
Phase 5
Project Number: NAM/SGP/OP5/STAR/LD/2017/01 - recoded |
The project aimed at improving rangeland management, basic livestock management and cropping practices as well as marketing training and support as climate change mitigation and adaptation. This was achieved through training lead farmers to train ( ... )
. Grazing Area committees and farmers were trained then they conducted activities such development of vaccinations plans, joint planning and budgeting and others. Professional herders were based within the communities and are part of the community
Congo, dem. republic
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: DRC/SGP/OP6/Y3/CORE/CC/2018/23 |
Le projet vise à restaurer l?écosystème par le rechargement de 200 ha et l?amélioration de technique de conservation des poissons pour réduire la consommation des bois.
Le village katoto est ravitaillée en eau par le lac Tshangalele ( ... )
t très poissonneux. Cependant, tous les arbres ont été coupés par la communauté soit pour faire l?agriculture soit pour produire la braise, soit pour la conservation des poissons par le fumage. La population qui exerce les activités agricoles, fait essentiellement à l?agriculture itinérante sur brulis. Face à cette situation inquiétante sur la dégradation de l?écosystème, la
Congo brazzaville
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: COG/SGP/OP6/Y3/CORE/BD/18/08 |
The action area of ??this project is located in the perimeter of the traditional village village of Miélékouka village, which houses within it several elephant and gorilla clearings in general and particularly the large saline of Mouadjé, of ( ... )
there are some two decades allowed the observation of more than 200 elephants. Due to the pressure of poaching, all the clearings of the north sector of Odzala-Kokoua National Park (PNOK) have been abandoned by large mammals. The objective of this project is to assist the local populations and the indigenous peoples of the Miélékouka villager's territory to rather contribute in a practical way
International Waters
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: WSM/SGP/OP6/Y4/CORE/IW/2018/12 |
Congo, dem. republic
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: DRC/SGP/OP6/Y3/STAR/CC/2018/65 |
Une forêt riche en Limba et autres essences essentielles occupait plus de 1000 Ha dans la localité et cela procurait de la bienfaisance à la communauté ; Mais à ce jour aucune souche ou signe n?indique une présence d?un écosystème de cette ( ... )
; en effet, la deuxième vague des refoulés du Shaba s?est servi de cette forêt afin de subvenir à leurs besoins car n?ayant aucune source de survie à l?époque. C?est qui est à la base de sa destruction totale.
Vu les difficultés et souffrances énormes par la communauté, elle s?est ainsi décidée à restaurer cette forêt s?elle appuyée avec un financement par l?installation d?une
Congo, dem. republic
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: DRC/SGP/OP6/Y3/STAR/CC/2018/74 |
La localité de Yamba est fortement déboisée, laissant la brousse s?installer avec force. Il n?y a ni arbres ou arbustes dans la contrée les vents violents emportent chaque fois des toitures des maisons et causent des dégâts énormes, les ( ... )
se font rares et les terres qui à l?époque procuraient des bons rendements, elles sont à ces jours dégradées sur le plan de fertilité et ne donnent des bons résultats aux exploitants.
Pour résoudre ce problème crucial à cette situation, la communauté de Yamba a opté pour l?introduction des arbres (essences forestières de préférences l?Acacia) pour sa rapidité de croissance
Biodiversity Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: URY/SGP/OP6/Y4/CORE/BD/2018/04 |
Las localidades de Playa Pascual y Villa Olímpica tienen un importante turismo interno que lo componen los 40 mil habitantes dentro de los cuales el mayor porcentaje son jóvenes menores de 29 años de los 20 barrios que forman Ciudad del Plata. La ( ... )
stera de estas localidades sufre situaciones complejas de erosión a raíz de: sudestadas, lluvias, pluviales que dan a la costa los cuales ocasionan pérdida de arena por arrastre, uso turístico, y en la faja costera derrumbe de barrancos y pérdida de médanos.
El proyecto se propone contribuir con la conservación y manejo costero de la faja de Playa Pascual y Villa Olímpica a través de la
Biodiversity Land Degradation
Phase 6
Project Number: BOL/SGP/OP6/Y2/FSP/BD-DT/18/33 |
La Sexta Fase Operacional del Programa de Pequeñas Donaciones del PNUD en Bolivia ha propuesto un enfoque de gestión de paisaje basado en la comunidad. Específicamente busca implementar una estrategia de resiliencia social, económica y ( ... )
gica en un sistema de vida en comunidades vinculadas a áreas protegidas nacionales priorizadas por el programa.
El Parque Nacional ? ANMI Kaa Iya es una de las áreas protegidas que está recibiendo apoyo del PNUD. Es así que la comunidad de Kapeatindi ha sido identificada para la ejecución de la presente propuesta, como una de las comunidades vecinas del Parque Kaa Iya, ubicada a orillas
Land Degradation
Phase 5
Project Number: PRY/SGP/OP5/Y6/CORE/LD/2018/02 |
Objetivo General: Recuperación de la fertilidad del suelo con agricultura de conservación.
Objetivos Específicos:
1. Aumentar el área con manejo de suelo, con agricultura de conservación, y la instalación de terrazas en nivel en pendientes ( ... )
s al 3%, para evitar la erosión del suelo en la comunidad de San Roque.
2. Aumentar la productividad agrícola, la diversificación y rotación de cultivos con abonos verdes.
3. Promocionar y difundir la agricultura de conservación como una alternativa de producción sostenible, a través de la capacitación, el intercambio de experiencias y la socialización de los trabajos de
Costa rica
Land Degradation
Phase 6
Project Number: COS/SGP/OP6/Y1/ESP/STAR/DT/2018/32 |
Dentro del Programa de Acción Nacional (PAN) se desarrolló una metodología que permite priorizar cuencas degradadas, utilizando indicadores biofísicos y socioeconómicos. Esta metodología permitió determinar que en Costa Rica se ubican ( ... )
s degradadas que deben ser intervenidas, de ellas, la más degradada corresponde a la cuenca del Río Jesús María, seguida por la del Barranca. Los pequeños productores que habitan y que tienen sus sistemas de producción en estas cuencas enfrentan serios problemas por efecto de la degradación de tierras y rendimientos reducidos, desarrollando sus cultivos agrícolas y explotaciones
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: PER/SGP/OP6/Y2/STAR/BD/18/10 |
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: PER/SGP/OP6/Y2/STAR/BD/18/03 |