Reusing old car tires to establish children?s playground in Um Nasser village in the north of Bait Lahia town in the north of Gaza
Location: Gaza /Bait Lahia
It?s a demonstration project on minimizing the environmental damaging impact of old car tires wastes and burning by reusing these to establish children?s playground in Um Nasser village in the north of Bait Lahia town in the north of Gaza. The project aims at reusing the excessive waste disposal of old car tires to establish 1000 square meters children?s playground in Um Nasser border village with Israel in the northern area of Gaza Strip. Along with equipping the garden with tire-made playing facilities and execute the garden land escaping, the project will also launch tree-planting campaign in the main streets of the village. It will also conduct community awareness activities through meetings, tire collection campaign and distribution of brochures to disseminate information on the techniques to reuse the tire wastes in an environmental-friendly manner.
The project will be implemented with the coordination of the WFP/CHF Food for Work programme who donated the workers, the Municipality of Um Nasser who donated the land and the Palestinian Association for Development and Environment Protection who donated the trees and plants.
The project will contribute to the reduction of the resultant emissions of the tires burning such as lid oxide, zinc cadmium and CO2, N2, HCL and SO2 which immensely affect the human health, air pollution, global warming and polluting the international ground waters.
It?s a demonstration project on minimizing the environmental damaging impact of old car tires wastes and burning by reusing these to establish children?s playground in Um Nasser village in the north of Bait Lahia town in the north of Gaza. The project aims at reusing the excessive waste disposal of old car tires to establish 1000 square meters children?s playground in Um Nasser border village with Israel in the northern area of Gaza Strip. Along with equipping the garden with tire-made playing facilities and execute the garden land escaping, the project will also launch tree-planting campaign in the main streets of the village. It will also conduct community awareness activities through meetings, tire collection campaign and distribution of brochures to disseminate information on the techniques to reuse the tire wastes in an environmental-friendly manner.
The project will be implemented with the coordination of the WFP/CHF Food for Work programme who donated the workers, the Municipality of Um Nasser who donated the land and the Palestinian Association for Development and Environment Protection who donated the trees and plants.
The project will contribute to the reduction of the resultant emissions of the tires burning such as lid oxide, zinc cadmium and CO2, N2, HCL and SO2 which immensely affect the human health, air pollution, global warming and polluting the international ground waters.
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Project Snapshot
Benevolent Community Center Association/Bait Lahia/Gaza
Palestine, State of
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 37,112.25
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 3,300.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 31,000.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
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SGP Country office contact
Ms. Nadia Zuhair Elkhodary
UNDP, 4A Ya'quibi Street, P.O. Box 51359
Jerusalem, via Israel
Jerusalem, via Israel
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