Sustainable Utilization and Conservation of Economically Important Species of Cane and Bamboo in Silambi Geog
Sustainable Utilization and Conservation of Economically Important Species of Cane and Bamboo in Silambi Geog
Cane and Bamboo is means of livelihood enhancement is not new to the region or to Bhutan and has been a part of the local tradition. The resource management in the past has been fairly simple as there was no commercial exploitation. However, with the commercial exploitation of these picking up as more people turn to it as an economic means of enhancing livelihoods, sustainable management as well as proper resource utilization and conservation options need to be explored and adopted. Bamboo and cane can replace the use of wood to a large extent and this is yeat to be fostered. Most Bhutanese homes use a lot of wood in its construction even as most of this use could be suitable replaced with the use of bamboo and cane as is the case in many of the South East Asian Countries.

The Tarayana Foundation supports both social and economic development at the grass roots, working closely with remote and rural communities in a holistic manner. The Foundation is also equally concerned with the use of raw materials in a sustainable manner hence this proposal so that the exploitation as well as the rehabilitation of the raw material base is complicated in the case of cane. Tarayana Foundation aims to concentrate on the two villages of Jaigong and Dhak in Silambi. The total number of households in each of these villages is 22 and 45 respectively with a population of 258 and 395 each.

The main objective of the project is to:
1. To ensure sustainable use of as well as supplement raw material availability for the cane and bamboo industry in the community through properly managed harvesting and utilization of the plantations;
2. To enhance awareness on local natural resourc conservation through workshops, consultation and sustainable harvesting management plan;
3. To ensure that the economically good species are cultivated and its supply for local industry assured augmenting supply of raw materials available in the wild;
4. To ensure employment opportunities for youth of the community and
5. To provide cash income opportunity and alleviate poverty through improved skills and marketable products.

To realize the above objectives, the project aims to carry out the following activities:
1. Initial Stakeholde Workshop;
2. Community Mobilization Meetings;
3. Crash Course in nursery raising techniques for cane and bamboo & Nursery Raising;
4. Training of trainers;
5. Product development, design, styles to suit contemporary demands;
6. Community plantation of cane and bamboo;
7. Construction of Community Watershed/Storage facility.

Project activities as completed:

1. Inception workshop held in the three communities of Nagor, Dak and Gyelgoan amongst the stakeholders including the local Government officials from the geog as well as the Drungkhag. one additional workshop for the office bearers was conducted.
2. Three basic worksheds have been put int oplace to serve the three communities of Nagor, Dak and Gyelgoan respectively. These worksheds serve as community meeting veneues in addition to facilitating the cane and bamboo weavers to come together very evening to work on their crafts.
3. Cane and bamboo plantations - community plantation of bamboo have been initiated in all three communities (7 acres in Nagor, 5 acres in Dak and 5 acres in Gyelgoan);
4. A 1 acre cane and bamboo nursery has also been established in Nagor.
5. solar sets have been provided for the three worksheds, so that the craft activities can be taken up during the evenings after their normal workday.
6. Quality standardization and design improvement training held;
7. Representatives participated in the National Craft fair as well as in the Tarayana Fair 2007;
8. Community development committees formed (3 committees);
9. Community Development fund initiated wherein 1% of all sales proceeds are collected for use to improve facilities within the communities.

Activities yet to be completed:
1. Quality standardization;
2. Natural dyeing training;
3. Cultivation of natural dyes in larger quantities;
4. Purchase and distribution of improved tools to be continued;
5. Documentation (video)
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Project Snapshot

Tarayana Foundation
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 50,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 8,000.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 3,000.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
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Tarayana Foundation (NGO), Community Contribution and Dzongkhag Contribution

SGP Country office contact

Ugyen Lhendup


UN House, Peling Lam (Street), Kawajangsa, Thimphu, P.O. Box No. 162
Thimphu, Bhutan, 11001