The sigh of relief in Maimane (Mbalavala location of Nalazi administrative post, Guijá district in Gaza province) by improving the capacity of communities to conserve and manage natural resources, through establishment of alternative income activities
The sigh of relief in Maimane (Mbalavala location of Nalazi administrative post, Guijá district in Gaza province) by improving the capacity of communities to conserve and manage natural resources, through establishment of alternative income activities
The project is to be implemented by ADEAP in Maimane, a rural village of Mbalavala location, in the Administrative Post of Nalazi of Guijá District. It is a semi-arid area with a poor hydrographical network and prone to biodiversity loss and land degradation. Additionally, the area is facing problems of scarcity of water (the village is not crossed by any river), severe deforestation caused by bush clearing for firewood and charcoal production, bushfires, and activities of illegal offtake of animals. Villagers rely mostly on farming and livestock production for their subsistence, but rarely there is an overquota of farming products for sell, limiting sustainable livelihood support.

The primary objective of this project is provide alternative subsistence means and options for livelihood support and income generation activities for the community of Maimane, while contributing to mitigate land degradation and biodiversity loss. Further objectives are to restore degraded habitats and to improve access to water at the household level. To address these issues the project will assist with environmental education, training on sustainable resource use, reforestation and fruit-tree planting, water harvest and transportation, and livestock breeding. With these activities the community of Manimane will boost their livelihoods, protect and sustainably use of local resources, and recover degraded areas around the project site. The project will be benefiting directly an average of 2,428 Maimane inhabitants. One of the major project benefits will be the provision of drinking water from harvest sources to the households at village level to an average of 25 families.

ADEAP as leading association will administer all project activities partnering with other local associations, and administrative authorities. Guijá District Agriculture Services will provide extension work assistance. And ?Associação dos Criadores de Gado em Maimane? will technically assist in controlling bushfires, livestock breeding, and community mobilisation. Local administrative authorities were consulted and involved during the project design, and will assist where possible in project execution.
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Project Snapshot

Associação de Desenvolvimento e Alívio à Pobreza
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 22,013.75
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 6,931.25
Co-Financing in-Kind:
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
Alternative income generation activities will greatly impact on household economy, limiting habitats and resources degradation and exploitation; Further impact is the provision of drinking water to 25 families, contributing to time saving, and household economy.
Promoting Public Awareness of Global Environment
Environmental Education to raise the consciousness of communities about the need for sustainable natural resource use, reducing environmental threats, bushfires, forest clearing, and promote environmental friendly activities.
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Ms Luisa Victoria Hele
+258 21481439
+258 21491691


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Maputo, RBA, 4595

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