Consolidation and Expansion of innovative RET promotion and dissmination approaches for outreach to the vulnerable population
The South Asia region has seen an increasing adoption of renewable energy technology in recent years. Despite of that increase, not much success has been achieved in reaching out to the poorest and most vulnerable people. There exist inherent financial barriers as a result of poverty such that even where the conditions and Government policies are conducive (e.g. giving out subsidies), the poor have not benefited from these initiatives. Conventional approaches for promoting renewable energy technologies make it hard for development agencies and Governments to reach all those who require energy services.
Providing energy services is one clear way of addressing the environmental problems and improving livelihoods of the poor communities. As a result of this recognition, the project has aimed to expanc and consolidate two innovative approaches to break the financial barriers for reaching out to poor. These approaches were tested in three villages through part-support from the GEF Small Grants Programme, Nepal. The two approaches have proved to be very effective in promoting renewable energy technologies and also reaching out to the poor despite the many financial challenges facing them. They are
? Home Employment and Lighting Package? (HELP)
? Solar Sisters? overseas volunteer program
The Home Employment and Lighting Package? (HELP) was expanded to Sri Lanka, while the Solar Sisters? overseas volunteer program was introduced in India through this program. Beside expansion in Sri Lanka and India, the two approaches were consolidated and expanded in Nepal.
Details of the two approaches:
a) Home Employment and Lighting Package? (HELP):
This approach was primarily developed to break the financial barriers for promoting renewable energy technologies to the poorest of communities after it was realised that even in situations where the Nepal Government gave subsidies for Renewable Energies (RE), the poorest could not access them because of their inability to raise the balance of the financial resources required.
HELP program?s objective is to provide solar electric system by use of social capital as collateral to rural poor communities who do not have capital or financial assets. Because of general lack of financial capital, the poor cannot have access to rural credit systems. Among the projects benefiting from the approaches tested in Nepal is the Solar Village Electrification Demonstration Project (SOVED). The project was developed and implemented by Himalayan Light Foundation in Bongadovan Village Development Committee (VDC) of Baglung District. This project was supported and funded by United Nation Development Program/Global Environment Facilities Small Grants Program (UNDP/GEF-SGP) and co-funded from GoN/Alternate Energy Promotion Centre. The project has also received support from the District Development Committee (DDC) of Baglung and Bongadovan VDC. There was a mutual collaboration with the District Development Committee aimed at sustaining the activities and providing the needed support for the implementation of project. The program concentrated in the promotion of solar lighting, other renewable energy technologies, community development activities, and local human resource development.
b) Solar Sisters Programme:
This is the second innovative approach developed to break the financial barriers of promoting renewable energy technologies for social (public) amenities in remote and poor populations. The objective of the solar sisters program is to offer solar energy to communities who could not afford electrical systems. The Solar Sisters? Program is a simple and effective way to distribute community-controlled solar systems to rural communities through communally used facilities such as schools, health centres, monasteries, orphanages etc. It provides the international volunteer with a responsible and remarkable alternative to tourism experience of exploring places in the world while contributing in development.
It provides an opportunity for the poor communities and the international volunteers to forge partnerships in protecting the environment while reducing poverty. It allows the development of close relationships for diverse cultures. It also creates an opportunity for international volunteers to forge partnerships with village residents and to learn about practical applications of solar electricity. This enables tourism to aid poverty reduction activities through RET promotion.
The two approaches were the main themes of expansion to Sri Lanka and India. Whereas solar lighting was the technology mostly promoted in Nepal, other renewable energy technologies can apply the same approaches.
Providing energy services is one clear way of addressing the environmental problems and improving livelihoods of the poor communities. As a result of this recognition, the project has aimed to expanc and consolidate two innovative approaches to break the financial barriers for reaching out to poor. These approaches were tested in three villages through part-support from the GEF Small Grants Programme, Nepal. The two approaches have proved to be very effective in promoting renewable energy technologies and also reaching out to the poor despite the many financial challenges facing them. They are
? Home Employment and Lighting Package? (HELP)
? Solar Sisters? overseas volunteer program
The Home Employment and Lighting Package? (HELP) was expanded to Sri Lanka, while the Solar Sisters? overseas volunteer program was introduced in India through this program. Beside expansion in Sri Lanka and India, the two approaches were consolidated and expanded in Nepal.
Details of the two approaches:
a) Home Employment and Lighting Package? (HELP):
This approach was primarily developed to break the financial barriers for promoting renewable energy technologies to the poorest of communities after it was realised that even in situations where the Nepal Government gave subsidies for Renewable Energies (RE), the poorest could not access them because of their inability to raise the balance of the financial resources required.
HELP program?s objective is to provide solar electric system by use of social capital as collateral to rural poor communities who do not have capital or financial assets. Because of general lack of financial capital, the poor cannot have access to rural credit systems. Among the projects benefiting from the approaches tested in Nepal is the Solar Village Electrification Demonstration Project (SOVED). The project was developed and implemented by Himalayan Light Foundation in Bongadovan Village Development Committee (VDC) of Baglung District. This project was supported and funded by United Nation Development Program/Global Environment Facilities Small Grants Program (UNDP/GEF-SGP) and co-funded from GoN/Alternate Energy Promotion Centre. The project has also received support from the District Development Committee (DDC) of Baglung and Bongadovan VDC. There was a mutual collaboration with the District Development Committee aimed at sustaining the activities and providing the needed support for the implementation of project. The program concentrated in the promotion of solar lighting, other renewable energy technologies, community development activities, and local human resource development.
b) Solar Sisters Programme:
This is the second innovative approach developed to break the financial barriers of promoting renewable energy technologies for social (public) amenities in remote and poor populations. The objective of the solar sisters program is to offer solar energy to communities who could not afford electrical systems. The Solar Sisters? Program is a simple and effective way to distribute community-controlled solar systems to rural communities through communally used facilities such as schools, health centres, monasteries, orphanages etc. It provides the international volunteer with a responsible and remarkable alternative to tourism experience of exploring places in the world while contributing in development.
It provides an opportunity for the poor communities and the international volunteers to forge partnerships in protecting the environment while reducing poverty. It allows the development of close relationships for diverse cultures. It also creates an opportunity for international volunteers to forge partnerships with village residents and to learn about practical applications of solar electricity. This enables tourism to aid poverty reduction activities through RET promotion.
The two approaches were the main themes of expansion to Sri Lanka and India. Whereas solar lighting was the technology mostly promoted in Nepal, other renewable energy technologies can apply the same approaches.
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Project Snapshot
Himalayan Light Foundation
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 149,090.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 243,883.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 5,300.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Planning gef grant
Effort is ongoing in Srilanka to finalize replication parameters and draft actual fundable village proposals for submission for program replication probably through Medium Scale Project with GEF.
Gender Focus
From the very beginning of the project, both the men and women were involved in the program. The HELP program gives great emphasis on women?s participation. The program itself demands and depends on women?s participation. Both HLF and SLF makes ensure that there is adequate women?s representation in the SDC so that any decision made in the SDC should be equally shared and acceptable to the women participants also. In fact, there is always an equal participation of both the sexes in the HELP program because HLF has experienced that without the support from the entire family the program cannot be successful in terms of both the ownership, accountability and production.
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SGP Country office contact
Mr. Vivek Dhar Sharma
UNDP, P.O. Box 107
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