Support forthe development of sustainable tourism in Thethi National Park
Support forthe development of sustainable tourism in Thethi National Park
Frequently places that are rich in biodiversity are located in remote areas and host human communities that have very low incomes and are marginalized from the opportunities offered to other communities living in less remote areas. Poor communities rely heavily on ecosystem services and as the demand for these services increases due to changes in the lifestyles induced by expansion of tourism so does the risk of damage to the biodiversity. In this situation it is necessary to intervene quickly at the onset of tourism so that the right patterns are presented and installed into the hosting community. It is essential that the promotion of these correct patterns be supported by viable sources of income that are based on socially acceptable and environmentally friendly activities.

This project is in compliance with the new strategy of SGP-Albania for creating a geographical focus and helping the marginalized communities in the Thethi National Park. The project is coofinanced and it is complementary with the GTZ project that has the goal of creating a stable demand for sustainable tourism in the valley of Thethi.

The GTZ is supporting the refurbishment of 12 guesthouses in the village, whereas the SGP will complement this intervention by supporting the following activities:
? Measures for the thermal insulation including traditional roof tiling.
? Establishment of a simple waste separation and composting practice.
? Introduction of high efficiency wood stoves.
? Training on the production and marketing of local ?bio? products.
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Project Snapshot

Association for Development of Family Tourism in Thethi
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 14,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 24,000.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 5,000.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
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SGP Country office contact

Mr. Arian Gace


GEF/SGP Rr.Pjeter Bogdani,Pall.38/1,Kati 4,Ap.15
Tirana, Europe and the CIS, 1019

Country Website