Plantation and Production of Medicinal Herbs in Ura to preserve the indigenous knowledge of traditional use of medicine
Plantation and Production of Medicinal Herbs in Ura to preserve the indigenous knowledge of traditional use of medicine
Bhutan widely known for its richness in medicinal herbs possessess diversified species of herbal plants that grows all over the country. Although, the practice of using herbal medicine dates back to the ancestral times yet the formal establishment of such practices was initiated only a few years back. It may be noted that with the escalating economic development and population growth numerous epidemics and diseases are anticipated. As such it is imperative to develop the practice of herbal medicine in the country in conjunction with the import of chemical drugs.

The basis of establishing this Community Based Organization (Meday Thuendrel Tshogpa (MTT)) is to serve and benefit 100 households if possible, and if not, a minimum of 50 households. To manage the CBO, a committee comprising of 11 people who have the capacity to care and manage the plantation, who will meet frequently and discuss on the ways to plant and manage the plants grown in the high altitude. Technical backstopping will be sought from the ITMS and Research Centre, Yusipang. It would benefit all the sentient beings and as it has many benefits.

Project Objectives and intended Results:
The short-term objective of the project are:
1. To preserve the indigenous knowledge of traditional use of medicine;
2. To lessen the impact on the environment by growing the medicinal herbs in the field;
3. To capture and document the existing knowledge of traditional medicine;
4. To generate income by selling the plant materials and
5. To provide gainful employment to the youths if the venture becomes successful.

The Long-term Objectives are:
1. To contribute towards biodiversity conservation in the long run and
2. To provide a forum for researchers to built on the existing knowledge of traditional medicine.

Anticipated Results:
The practice of harvesting and collecting medicinal plants from the forests and transporting it has caused a negative impact on the forest and the environment. The Tshogpa will strive to grow the medicinal plants that are rare to find and harvest it by increasing the yield from 25% every year and achieving the 100% yield within 10 years.

As the Community of Ura is located in the high altitude, the source of livelihood from the agriculture is almost impossible. The plantation and management of medicinal plants would give us a source of livelihood and income. This project would also make the community self-sufficient and through the marketing of medicines it would help in enhancing the livelihood of the people.

Project Activities:
1. Identification and harvesting of Existing Medicinal Herbs;
2. Procurement and Installation of Equipment;
3. Plantation of Medicinal Herbs;
4. Fencing of the plantation area;
5. Documentation of the indigenous knowledge of medicine use.
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Project Snapshot

Meday Thuendrel Tshogpa
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 19,026.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 10,326.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Project sustainability
Low volume can be sold at local market and Menjong Pharmaceuticals
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ITMS and RNR RC, Yusipang, MoA

SGP Country office contact

Ugyen Lhendup


UN House, Peling Lam (Street), Kawajangsa, Thimphu, P.O. Box No. 162
Thimphu, Bhutan, 11001