Susteinable Management of White-lipped Peccary to Feed Apinayé Indigenous Peoples
Susteinable Management of White-lipped Peccary to Feed Apinayé Indigenous Peoples
This porject is made up of a series of activities aimed at reintroduction of white-lipped peccary into the Apinayé Indigenous Land, with the goal of building a mutual relationship between peccaries and the indigenous community by means of capacity-building on topics of sustainable management of the species, making it rational rather than predatory, which made the species extinct in the region in the past. The project will be developed in two stages, at the same time community corn crops will be grown for feeding the animals.
In the first phase two groups of peccaries will be acquired (18 females and 2 males), one for the Mariazinha village and the other for the São José village, a semi-extensive breeding area will be implemented and capacity-building will be offered for younger community members. Upon birth of the first litter in semi-extensive confinement, they will be released into the Cerrado for extensive breeding, without the use of fences. At this stage, an individual from each group will be monitored by radio transmitter for identification of herd location, and all will be identified with plastic earrings.
Feed for the herd will come from a community corn farm, the seeds of which will be provided by FUNAI
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Project Snapshot

Associação Krinhinuré Apinayé
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 29,925.58
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 9,730.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Capacity - Building Component
Capacity-building will be offered for younger community members on sustainable peccary management by technical experts from the Nucleus for Conservation of Wildlife (Núcleo de Conservação da Fauna e Flora Silvestre ? NPC), through observation of peccaries in semi-extensive confinement. During the stage in which the herd is under extensive management, capacity-building will be offered by elderly community members, particularly regarding hunting. This capacity-building will provide ethnical reaffirmation by means of appreciation of the experience held by the elders, closer family relations, and rescuing the ?art? of hunting, the role of the hunter and family dietary habits. Reduced alcoholism is also an expected result
Policy Impact
Influences will hopefully be made on establishment of appropriate policy for conservation and sustainable management of renewable natural resources, in compatibility with rights, customs and traditions of indigenous people
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Núcleo de Conservação da Fauna e da Flora Silvestre ? NPC

SGP Country office contact

Ms. Jessica Pedreira
Terena Peres de Castro


SHCGN CLR Quadra 709 Bloco E Loja 38
Brasília, Distrito Federal, 70.750-515

Country Website