Project Results
I. First progress report (February 15, 2008):
Activities undertaken:
1. Capacity-building activities conducted to improve grantee?s financial wherewithal; funds used to support cooperatives and a fish market
2. Campaign against destructive fishing techniques launched; community surveillance urged
3. Regulations for coastal resource conservation formulated and enacted in participatory manner
4. Community members engaged in tracking and flagging inappropriate public policies re: coastal resource management
5. Five tambols collaborating to create a development strategy for Kor Lanta
Results of activities:
1. Natural resource management regulations enacted in four project communities; coastal resource inventories also drafted in these locations
2. Three mega-projects under constant community surveillance: seafood bank and water title deeds, Kor Lanta Development Plan, and public land issues
3. Kor Lanta Community Master Plan written, emphasizing community-based approaches to resource management and the need to engage diverse stakeholders
Project expense: THB 506,675 out of first disbursement of THB 395,282.
II.Mid-course Evaluation Workshop:
Together with 11 other projects of the same class, the project attended midcourse evaluation on March 19-21, 2008.
III. Monitoring Visit by NC(June 5, 2008):
On June 5, 2008, the NC paid a monitoring visit to the project.The findings and observation are as follows:
At the grantee?s office , also the premises of Community Museum of Kor (island) Lanta- a support from UNDP CO on Tsunmai Project , the visiting team and five project leaders shared experience on carrying out activities and some immediate results. Based on what had been discussed and other relevant materials, institutional capacity of community members, thus of the network, were outstandingly increased. These included collective guarding against destructive fishing, secured cooperation and support from concerned government agencies and reaching out to other communities who had not fully participated in network activities. There are currently 15 out of total 30 villages who fully participate in the activities.
Away from the office to a community, at Baan (village) Thung Yi Peng, a mangrove area was visited. The plot has been under community protection for more than a year. In order to support function of the mangrove and commemorate the World Environment Day, a campaign to reforest mangrove was launched on the previous day. 150 students from four community schools , community members and the Lanta Chief District Officer had taken part in the reforestation of mangrove.
Next to the reforested plot , a mangrove study trail and facilities for ecotourism managed by 30 community members of Baan Thung Yi Peng looked ready for a visitor. The ecotourism has been a source of income for communities during high season of tourism.
The brief visit gave a sense of activities in progress as planned. However, declaration of Kor Lanta as an area for special economy (such as tourism), has prompted land speculation and conflict. One such project said already approved was a construction of Yacht Harbour in community fishing area. It was perceived that ,when completed, fishing communities had to go out further into the sea for fishing, let alone a ruin to a portion of mangrove, sea-grass and reefs. Note: During the visit, the Ao Phang-nga Coastal Fishing Community Food Security Project, a grantee in OP2 ( implanting THA-03-09) contributed in kindly ,Baht: 3,000 for transportation of the national coordinator.
IV.Second Progress Report (June 6, 2008):
Activities undertaken:
1. Building community ( both adult and youth groups)capacity on conservation of coastal resources and sustainable ecotourism through open forum , community schooling, campaign, study tours and cross-meeting
2. Launching aggressive measure against destructive fishing
3. Participatory promulgating and enacting community regulations for conservation of coastal resources
Results of activities:
1. Over 500 members participating in traditional / environment capacity-building activities resulting in several initiatives such as persistent watch on less well planned mega-projects , ecotourism to supplement income
2. Four drag-net fishing boats operating illegally being arrested through collective effort of community members and government officers - the case being in legal process
3. Established community regulations in three villages (out of 15 network members)
Project Communication: The network launched communication through
1. Joint activities with academic/research institutes ,such as, Chulalongkorn University , Rajabhat University Phuket, Rajabhat University Had Yai, Rajabhat University Had Yai, Ubonrathchathai University, Midnight University, and Taksin University.
2. Community radio programs, national and local newspaper , such as Matichon, Thai Post, Krungthep Thurakit, etc
3. The arrest of four drag-net fishing boats as mentioned above was aired in three days in April through two national TV Channels, i.e. TPBS and NBT
Experience and Lessons Learnt :
Problems and issues: Continuation of effort to launch mega projects in Kor Lanta remained a major threats to both ecosystems and community traditional ways of live, as these projects had not taken into consideration community context during conceptual stage.
Approaches for solution :
1. Conducting participatory activities among network , government agencies and other related agencies to ensure mutual understanding, reduce conflict and upgrade collaboration.
2. Building community capacity stressing on community right, related laws and regulation and their proceedings
Project Expense:
The project report the expense of THB: 1,134,573 out of the two disbursements of THB: 770,279.54
V. Experience- sharing meeting (January 14-16, 2009):
Together with leaders of 8 others project of the same grant cycle from various regions of the country(THA/06/01 to THA/06/12) , the project participated in the event.The group had reach agreement to produce knowledge product in a form of booklet sharing experience in implementing their project. The title of the booklet is " Weaving Ways of Lives from Mountain down to Sea".
VI. Completion report (February 19, 2009):
Date of Participatory Evaluation( December 17-18, 2008)
Number of Beneficiaries/ Participating personnel:
Women: 740
Men: 1,340
Children: 400
Number of persons trained/ attending seminars, joining study tours:
Women: 210
Men: 530
Children: 240
Project expense:
Amount received from SGP (3 disbursements): Baht: 1,135,870.51
Total amount spent out of SGP budget: Baht: 1,443,366.00
Balance: Baht: (-307,495.49)
Amount authorized for the final payment: US$: 3,777.53
Amount Received from others: THB: 2,000,000 (in kind)
Activities undertaken:
1. Building community ( both adult and youth groups)capacity on conservation of coastal resources and sustainable ecotourism through open forum , community schooling, campaign, study tours and cross-meeting (five events during January 07-December 08)
2. Propagating aqua species and providing habitats (both land and mangrove forest)
3. Building financial capacity for cooperatives and fish market
4. Launching campaigns against destructive fishing and for more appropriate , timely fishing as well as guarding activities
5. Participatory promulgating and enacting community regulations for conservation of coastal resources
6. Involving community members in watching inappropriate public policy
Results of activities:
1. Community youth , 345 in number, and community members demonstrating increased awareness and capacity through active learning , facilitating project activities and initiating a youth network in the six Tsunami-affected provinces
2. About 19,000 trees being planted and thriving , about 70,000 young aqua species being release and under protection
3. Evinced self-confidence of community members witnessed through participatory issuance of community regulations, initiation of community development plan, and endorsement of relevant government agencies on community approaches for mangrove protection in three villages
4. Apparent interval cessation of destructive fishing by drag nets
5. Target communities gaining more insight on mega-development projects prompting initiation of action plan to regulate or minimize unfavourable impacts of those projects
Project Communication:
The project communication was made through project activities. These included capacity building and experience sharing activities, which were quite outstanding at both local and national level.
Experience , Lessons Learnt , Problems and Issues:
1. Implementation of mega projects without sufficient understanding on community and local environment context was rated as the most significant problem and issue requiring attention and immediate action of communities
2. Limited technological skill of CBOs was appreciable thus required mentoring from experienced national NGOs
3. Upgrading capacity of community leaders would have to be carried on.
Plans and Activities for Sustainability:
1. Baan(village) Khoke Yoong, a participating village was approved THB: 3,500,000 by the Provincial Development Project to construct Mangrove Study Trail of 300 meters, learning centres and other learning facilities
2. Baan Toe Bar Liew, and Baan Ton Yang , two other participating villages were also approve with some budget by the Provincial Development Project to establish learning centres
3. Other communities would still focus on community economy ( community shop, network shop and activity of women?s group), and building capacity of saving groups and networks many of whom were just emerging as a result of project activities.
4. The network would establish a system for effective coordination to be able to cope with expanding communities and activities.