Agrobiodiversity Agroecological Production and Susteinable Management Demosntrative Unit
Agrobiodiversity Agroecological Production and Susteinable Management Demosntrative Unit
This project has as its main objective implementation of a model agroecological and sustainable agrobiodiversity management production unit in the Gabriela Monteiro settlement in the satellite city of Brazlândia (Federal District). 21 settler farmer families will directly benefit from the project, and 4 thousand families of settler or encamped (awaiting consolidation of settlement projects) families will be influenced. Among its specific objectives, the following stand out: implementation of practical agrobiodiversity management practices, e.g. agroforestry systems and restoration of degraded areas by means of densification with native species; develop and test alternative production technologies aimed at agroecological production and sustainable management in agrarian reform settlements; promote the return to peasant culture; establishment of communication with government agencies for preparation of socioenvironmental development in agrarian reform settlements. The Gabriela Monteiro settlement has a farmer training center which will be technically strengthened by this project, which thus bears large potential fro replication and sustainability
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Project Snapshot

Cooperativa do Trabalho da Reforma Agrária do Distrito Federal e Entorno
Area Of Work:
Multifocal Area
Grant Amount:
US$ 29,504.65
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 4,340.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 118,333.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Promoting Public Awareness of Global Environment
Focus will be placed on sustainable production alternatives in agrarian reform settlements and thus has a strong component of public awareness of the environment at a local and regional scale. Indirectly, due to its proposal to influence the totality of agrarian reform settlements, the project will contribute to awareness building in society as a whole about the importance of an agrarian reform model with the matter of sustainability at its core
Capacity - Building Component
emphasis will be placed on capacity building for settler farmers on agroecological practices and sustainable biodiversity management
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Associação Nacional de Cooperação Agrícola ? ANCA, Centro de Formação Gabriela Monteiro, EMBRAPA Cerrados, EMBRAPA hortaliças e EMBRAPA CENARGEN, Rede Nacional de Produção de Sementes BIONATUR, Centro de Agricultura Alternativa do Nort

SGP Country office contact

Ms. Jessica Pedreira
Terena Peres de Castro


SHCGN CLR Quadra 709 Bloco E Loja 38
Brasília, Distrito Federal, 70.750-515

Country Website