Reduction of Persistent Organic Pollutants in transboundary river Isfara by introducing new alternative innovative technologies of processing agricultural land , increasing public awareness of local people in Kyrgystan and Tadjikistan and also preservation of riverside wetlands.
The river Isfara flows on the territory of two countries Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan and there are numerous households that are located along this river. Their lives are closely tied with the river because people use the water from the river for irrigation and livestock. The persistent organic pollutants have been a great problem for this area since large quantities of POP are constantly dropped into the river. The major reason why the POP gets into the river is the pestisides that are transported to this region by illegal means. Usually they are of chinese production. The way the POP gets into the river is the use of ex-government factories that had large amounts of pesticides and the second reason is the secondary use of lands that have had pesticides in them during the Societ times. There is a great antropogenic impact on the ecosystem of the river. The population of this area is not aware of the great danger that pollution of the river can cause. Many types of flora and fauna have already dissapeared and the flood-lands of the river have greatly depleted. After the members of NGO have defined this problem they also have identified the main challenges to overcome. One of which is lack of awareness about the river's condition and the hazardous effect of POP. To help preventing the major ecological crisis this project is to be implemented. First of all systematic approach in increasing the awareness of the population and the the field research and analyses and evaluation of the water in the begining, middle and the final stages of the project are going to be carried out. To increase the awereness various seminars, round tables, and tranings are going to take place. The project management plans to educate the local population about alternative methods of management without using pesticides. Cleaning the wetlands of Isfara river is also one of the priorities. To provide people with better understanding about the situation laboratory research is going to be carried out to demonstrate the effect of POP on the land, animals, agricultural product. Then the results are going to be presented to the citizens of both countries through the media. To decrease the use of pesticides the plants that do not require their use will be planted.
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Project Snapshot
Jamaat Tangi
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 29,970.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 2,000.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 25,276.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
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Project Characteristics and Results
Capacity - Building Component
The capacity of the project will be reassured with the alternative methods of management without using pesticides in 5 local villages.
Policy Impact
The local authorities are supporting the project by jamaat and this support is not only in the form of finance also by required policies.
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Number of indigenous people participated/involved in SGP project
Number of households who have benefited* from SGP project
WHO-TEQ (Toxic Equivalency)/year reduction into the environment or elimination of U-POPs namely Dioxins, Furans and PCBs (Poly-chlorinated biphenyls) through the SGP project
SGP Country office contact
Ms. Irina Talkambaeva
195 Kalyk Akiev str.
Visit the Kyrgyzstan Country Page