Prevention of land degradation by protecting and restoration Red Book forest flora, planting fast growing sorts of trees as an alternative to natural forest and organization of pasture rotation.
Prevention of land degradation by protecting and restoration Red Book forest flora, planting fast growing sorts of trees as an alternative to natural forest and organization of pasture rotation.
The land degradation has been a great challenge for this region. If this problem is not considered in the closest terms the land in this region may loose the oppotunity for restoration. The NGO has set a goal not only to restore the land and avoid the negative effect of degradation but also they intend to protect the forest area. To solve the serious problem of degradation the NGO plans to plant fast growing types of trees that can substitute the trees that are enlisted in the Red Book of Kyrgyzstan and now are used for enegy supply. The actions that are considered in the project are to fense the wood and arrange a better protection for forest wash-out during the floods. This project will cover the significant zones of Western Tyan-Shyan. In the course of the project there are going to be several meetings, and seminars. Comunity patrol and mini reserves are going to be organized. This actions are important because the livestock that uses some of this area as a pasture doesn't allow the fertilization process to take place that is why the plants do not have a chance to grow out and fight degradation. The area of main concern is going to be fenced. The project management is going to conduct an inventarization of the significant natutal items. Mini nursery is going to be organized. All of these actions are going to be supported by information campaign to increase the awareness of people about the current situation and also to inform about the outcomes of the project. As a result of the project the land degradation is projected to decrease and the even growth and pasture are going to contribute to the ecological and economic advantages of the people of this area.
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Project Snapshot

Jamaat Kelechek
Area Of Work:
Land Degradation
Grant Amount:
US$ 24,365.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 11,630.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 14,134.82
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Capacity - Building Component
Population acquires knowledge about the degradation and receives an opportunity to establish new methods of energy supply.
Policy Impact
The activities by jamaat are supported by local authorities due to the nature of the project and due to the vast community involvment.
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Hectares of globally significant biodiversity area protected or sustainably managed by project 1500
Number of CBOs / NGOs formed or registered through the SGP project 1
Hectares of degraded land rest 1500
Number of individuals (gender diaggregated) who have benefited* from SGP project 150

SGP Country office contact

Ms. Irina Talkambaeva


195 Kalyk Akiev str.