Stopping/decreasing the "avalanches" at Arid El Joura - Becharre
Stopping/decreasing the "avalanches" at Arid El Joura - Becharre

The Project aims at the establishment of a natural barrier of fast growing trees within a mountainous newly reforested area in Cedar trees endangered by the avalanches. The natural barrier will protect the already existing trees especially trees of 1 to 3 meters of height. It will protect the biodiversity in the region (flowers, trees, plantations).

The area of Arid Al Joura at Becharre (municipal land of 40 hectares) has been rehabilitated by the Ministry of Agriculture and several reforestation projects were carried / or are still being carried in the area: The Casino forest that includes 1500 cedar trees, the forest of the Lebanese army that will include 10452 cedar trees, the forest of the Ministry of Environment that includes almost 10000 trees and the forest of the ecoclub-becharre that will include thousands of trees.

The Project also aims at raising awareness of sheperds on the importance of protecting the green cover. This awareness component will be accompagnied by the provision of incentives to herds owners through marketing their products.


1. Collect seeds and prepare the nursery. The nursery will be established on a land of almost 1000 square meters.
2. Plant the seedlings in Arid El Joura
3. Collaborate with stakeholders (Cedar Forest Friends Committee, Lebanese Army, private sector) and with the municipality
4. Raise awareness among herds owners and students. The awareness campaign will include the production of a booklet and a video.


Project Snapshot

Association for environmental conservation - Becharre
Area Of Work:
Land Degradation
Grant Amount:
US$ 40,700.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 22,000.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed

SGP Country office contact

Mr. Adnan Georges Melki
00961 1 382332
00961 1 386570


Lebanese Environment Forum. Ain El Rummanah, El Arid Road, Najjar building, 2nd floor