Let?s protect the nature of Rudnyi Altay (Raising awareness of the local population and local authorities about perspectives and importance to conserve the nature of Rydnyi Altay)
Let?s protect the nature of Rudnyi Altay (Raising awareness of the local population and local authorities about perspectives and importance to conserve the nature of Rydnyi Altay)
East Kazakhstan, Rudny (Ore) Altay is one of the components of the Altay-Sayan transboundary biospheric territory. Large forests of the Rudny Altay make up to 50 % of all the woods of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The flora contains a lot of medicinal, melliferous, food, decorative, technical and fodder plants. Therefore preservation of the genofund of flora has both the scientific and practical significance. Increasing anthropogenous pressure breaks equation of natural populations, reduces flora and its natural renewal. Therefore it is necessary to implement explanatory informational campaigns and actions focused on population of the region.

Project aim:
Rising awareness of local population and governmental authorities on nature conservation issues, build capacity and develop their potential in nature conservation issues.

Project tasks:
- Information campaign covering a wide audience of the region to acquaint people with a biodiversity of the Rudny Altay through broadcast of environmental radio-lectures, nature-protection lectures arrangement at universities of the Ridder city, arrangement of drawing competition ?Eath?s grown?, implementation of the action «Let?s conserve fir-tree 2008-2009», information materials distribution, articles in newspapers publishing
- Strengthening mechanisms of society?s influence on biodiversity conservation

Project results:
- Strengthening of nature protecting activities of young generation
- Awareness of the local population about problems of Rudny Altay and alternative ways the problem can be solved is raised
- Partnership between NGOs, local authorities and local communities in preservation of the biodiversity of the region is strengthened
- The project will promote more efficient involvement of mass-media into ecological education of population
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Project Snapshot

The Ak-Kem-Ridder Tourist-Environmental Club
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 1,990.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 3,485.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Capacity - Building Component
Environmental lectures for local population and stimulating interest in nature conservation increase locals? knowledge on environmental issues and different ways of nature conservation.
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
Main benefits from project realization are new knowledges on nature conservation ways, own well-being increasing taking into account nature?s interests and sustainable development.
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SGP Country office contact

Zharas Tugulbayev
Ms. Zhazira Altybayeva


24 Mambetov street
Astana, 010000