Development Program of community based Sea Management Area (Kawasan Kelola Laut/KLL) in Hari Island
Development Program of community based Sea Management Area (Kawasan Kelola Laut/KLL) in Hari Island
Project development Goal:
To develop sea management area system in Hari Island to manage sustainable and environment friendly sea biodiversity

Project Objectives:
1. To develop and to broaden Sea Management Area to protect, to restore the condition and to conserve coral reef ecosystem in Hari Island area
2. To develop the long term management of sustainable and environment friendly sea biodiversity utilization patterns
3. To develop more sustainable alternative fisheries business to reduce destructive activities

Expected Output:
1. Existing capacity building for the community to develop the sea management area system
2. Existing sea management area in every villages with environment friendly utilization patterns
3. Formulation of sea management area regulation in every level, starting from villages until Sub District
4. Existing agreement in coordinating the joint management of Hari Island area
5. Existing catching methods, fisheries cultivation and another post harvest of sea product which adoptable by the community and can be developed in sea management area
6. Existing marketing network that could stimulate the development of alternative business which give more benefit to the community
7. Existing communication and information media for the community as a tool to exchange information concerning sea management area within them

Activities to be conducted:
A. Conducting capacity building for the community to develop the sea management area system:
1. Consulting and coordinating by having informal meetings with related parties
2. Strengthening existing groups (in Baho and Saponda)
3. Creating community?s working group in new villages (Mekar, Tanjung Tiram and Labuan Beropa)
4. Exchanging information within the community in the village and preparing the joint management planning
B. Creating sea management area in every villages with environment friendly utilization patterns
1. Identifying natural resources and community?s role based on the methods and catching target in every villages
2. Making joint agreement for the sea management area
3. Transferring knowledge for sea management system
4. Joint mapping in management area
5. Composing a joint area utilization pattern
6. Holding consultation in a form of kampong meeting and public consultation
7. Rehabilitating sea management area for assisted villages
8. Having participative patrolling, monitoring and evaluation
C. Creating formulation of sea management area regulation in every level, starting from villages until Sub District:
1. Revising existing village regulation (perdes) in Saponda and Baho
2. Composing regulation in certain level: group, kampong, and local government
3. Conducting public consultation in village level
4. Legalizing the regulation in village regulation (perdes) form
D. Having an agreement in coordinating the joint management of Hari Island area
1. Conducting inter village meeting or discussion
2. Joint mapping of Hari Island area
3. Joint planning of Hari Island area management
4. Creating a joint regulation
5. Conducting public consultation
6. Having inter village participative patrolling, monitoring and evaluation
E. Creating catching methods, fisheries cultivation and another post harvest of sea product which adoptable by the community and can be developed in sea management area
1. Training on catching methods and cultivation
2. Granting revolving fund incentive
3. Creating groups for joint business system
F. Creating marketing network that could stimulate the development of alternative business which give more benefit to the community
1. Reviewing the existing market network
2. Developing market network and capital access
G. Creating communication and information media for the community as a tool to exchange information concerning sea management area within them
1. Identifying media
2. Providing communication and information media equipment
3. Conducting capacity building trainings for media management
4. Giving environment education as awareness tools for the community
5. Having information management and publication
H. Monitoring and evaluation
1. Monitoring
2. Evaluation on middle and end of program
I. Reporting

Participant and/or Beneficiaries:
1. Labuan Beropa Village, Tanjung Tiram and Mekar community
2. YARI institution
3. Government of Konawe district and South Konawe district
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Project Snapshot

Yayasan Bahari
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 50,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 11,366.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed

SGP Country office contact

Ms. Catharina Dwihastarini
(62-21) 720-6125/722-0905
(62-21) 722-0905
Ms. Hery Budiarto


JL. Bacang II No.8, Kramat Pela Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan, 12130

Country Website