Promotion of local intervention for sustainable land management in Misasi Ward
Promotion of local intervention for sustainable land management in Misasi Ward
Misasi ward has many opportunities which has social, economic and environment significance to the communities in the ward. it is threatened by a number of factors. The main threatening facators are intensive deforestation by charcoal makers and firewood sellers, soil erosion, unsustainable agricultural practices as a result of lack of sufficient extension officers offering extension services to the farmers and overgrazing respectively.
The project's main objective is to support and build the capacity of the communities and special community groups in the project focus area to conserve and protect the threatened land of Misasi ward. it will also establish multipurpose tree nurseries, demonstration woodlots and mobilize the communities for the establishment of households energy farms.
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Project Snapshot

Mkombozi Misasi Social Group
Area Of Work:
Land Degradation
Grant Amount:
US$ 21,904.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 2,630.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 9,760.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Notable Community Participation
1. Project identification 2. Provision of land to plant the trees, 3. Participate in managing the nurseries and woodlots, 4. Participate in trainings, 5. Participate in soil erosion control measueres 6. Participate in monitoring and evaluation
Capacity - Building Component
1. Soil erosion control using indegineous knowledge, 2. Nursery and tree management, 3. Village and Ward Environment committee roles, 4. By laws formation and enforcement 5. Beekeeping techniques
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SGP Country office contact

Mr. Faustine Donald Ninga
Ms. Stella Zaarh


UN House, P.O. Box 9182, PSSSF Commercial Complex, Sam Nujoma Road, Kinondoni.
Dar es Salaam, Dar es salaam Region, 255-22