Testing scheme of cooperation of private and public sector on the example of installation of micro hydro power station in village Jany-Ayil
Testing scheme of cooperation of private and public sector on the example of installation of micro hydro power station in village Jany-Ayil
The village of Jany Ayil is located in Jalal-Abad Oblast with total population of 8910 people and 1450 households. The village livelihood is mainly based on the remittances from relatives working in Russia or livestock breeding.
The winter lasts in the average of 4 months from December to March and the village population heats their homes by burning coal or firewoods. The average discharge of coal is 3 tonn, and 3m3 of firewood per family for a year. The calculation shows that the total emission of CO2 from such attitude is around 2500 tonne per year.
The project initiated by Jamaat Jany Ayil to address this problem and reduce the carbon footprint into the atmosphere. For this purpose it was proposed to establish a micro hydro power station with a power of 12 k.w.h. Currently, the micro hydro power is established and functions and it is mutually run by Jamaat members and owner of private tourist complex.
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Project Snapshot

Jamaat "Janyaiyl"
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 20,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 3,441.86
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 1,441.85
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Policy Influence
According to the information gathered and described in the report, tourists coming to the village are very interested in the micro hydro power station and wish to share their experience. Disseminated brochures and manuals also has risen the awareness of broader public in the region.
Notable Community Participation
Five families in Jany Aiyl village gathered together with a tourist complex owner to buy a micro hydro power station.Additionally, the local population participated in the planting of 200 species of trees along the river.
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Number of globally significant species protected by project 4
VRA2: Efficacy of coping mechanisms to current climate risks 1
Innovative financial mechanisms put in place through SGP project 1
Increase in household income by increased income or reduced costs due to SGP project 22281
Number of households who have benefited* from SGP project 5

SGP Country office contact

Ms. Irina Talkambaeva


195 Kalyk Akiev str.