Both women and men took part in the project equally, on positions on the consultants and participants of the project events.
Colourful posters on chemical security in Russian, Kyrgyz and Uzbek languages were issued within the project.
Capacity - Building Component
Consultsations of experts on chemistry, medicine and public awarness on environmental issues were provided to the grantee. International experts from Green Cross and Milieukontact-OosT Europa also took part in the project and provided their consultations during field visits.
Promoting Public Awareness of Global Environment
During the meetings with all the stakeholders as well as with local population the Grantee talk to people and explain the project in detail. In order to cover broader public audience there will be posters and leaflets developed and distributed among the local population as well as all the stakeholders in the region.
Project sustainability
For the sustainability of the project all the necessary agreements were concluded with state and non state structures and different assignments were given to all to ensure the long term sustainability. Thus, all the technical measures (fencing the territory, digging the parameters and covering the dangerous zone with membrane) have been implemented. The project has a good cooperation scheme which is a bases for the long term sustainability of the project that will positively effect for the given region.
Policy Influence
For the sustainable and long term longevity of the project results there are meetings held with Rayon and Oblast Administrations, with state bodies of relevant fields like Sanitary and Epidemiological Centre and others to ensure the strong support from the policy sector. The guarantee from all involved sectors are received and promoted.
Planning non gef grant
It is planned by State Agency and Black Smith Institute to continue work on the nearby place - Suzak B, localed further then project place (Suzak A).
Replication of project activities
It is planned to replicate this project for the other burial sites existed in the territory of Kyrgyz Republic and share the good experiences with other regions.
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
Proper management of the burial sites of POP and pesticides will have considerable positive effects of the livelihood of local population from the surrounding villages which are in total reach 55 000. During a long period of time local community were suffering from harmful effects of POP that affects people's health and livestock health. By implementing this project people can improve their health conditions, livestock breeding, save their money that previously was spent on medicines for people and for animals. Therefore, the project has enormous positive effect to the people and local and global environment.
Significant Participation of Indigenous Peoples
The Committee of Project Management involves vice head of Suzak Rayon Administration, sanitary inspector of Suzak sanitation and epidemiological center, Head of Oblast Center of Chemical use and plant protection, Head of Suzak Rayon Forestry, vice head of village administration, disaster specialist from administration, specialist of working with NGOs and CBOs and GEF SGP representative of Jalal Oblast.
Policy Impact
The project has produced strong policy impct, as it has contributed to implementation of the obligations of Kyrgyzstan on realizatrion of the Stokholm convention.
Notable Community Participation
Youth was actively involved in implementation of the project. Serial of the educational events (trainings, information meetings, presentations) were organized in schools of Suzak province. Colourful posters in Russian, Kyrgyz and Uzbek languages were distributed among youth groups.
Linkages gef projects
Planning gef grant
Project Results
The project has considerable positive effects on health of people and animals in the region as well as for the environment.
The Jamaat Green Light could implement a successful cooperation with numbers of state and non state actors in the regions as well as with international organizations. There are several organizations providing technical support funding as well as material support to the project.
The specific objectives of the project has been reached:
- the project management committee has been established with involvement of all relevant to this issue people,
- Agreements with state and non state actors are reached and singed, every partner undertakes their part of responsibilities,
- Two information meetings were held,
- Meetings and visit to the burial site was conducted jointly with experts from Dutch NGO Millieocontact, Green Cross and other organizations who gave their recommendations and proposals,
- According to the recommendations the burial site was covered with 0,5mm membrane, all the perimeter of the site was fenced and dogged to avoid animal penetration to the zone of burial site.
- Double room house was built for the watchman which fenced yard, he will care of the burial site in future and paid by the village administration