Growing and diversifying a community sea moss enterprise to a sustainable community and national enterprise with export capacity in the village of Praslin, Saint Lucia.
Growing and diversifying a community sea moss enterprise to a sustainable community and national enterprise with export capacity in the village of Praslin, Saint Lucia.
This project will transform a small community enterprise into a national industry through the development of the production, processing, marketing, and sale of sea moss and its by-products to local and overseas markets. The project will also establish a water quality monitoring system which will help to design interventions which reduces coastal pollution from land based sources. The project objectives are to: (i) establish an environmental monitoring system which will assist in maintaining water quality in the Praslin Bay within six months of project commencement;
(ii) develop and implement an environmental awareness and education programme which will contribute to improving and maintaining the environmental quality in the Praslin Watershed and reduce praedial larceny; (iii) improve the drying and bleaching process and reduce the impact of disasters in order to minimize loss and achieve consistent quality within six months of project commencement; (iv) reduce and minimize reliance on fossil fuel as a source of energy within six months of project commencement; (v) significantly upgrade the processing plant and diversify the product line in order to reach a wider market within one year of project commencement;
(vi) achieve HACCP Certification and implement national standard for sea moss cultivation and processing in St. Lucia within one year of project commencement; (vii) improve the capacity of the PSFA and the capability of its members to optimally manage a modern sea moss enterprise;
(viii) revise and improve the current business plan for the period 2014-2020 which will transform the PSFA into a modern market and community oriented organization; and (ix) document the project implementation and management process to produce and publish a case study for dissemination by the end of the project.

Project Snapshot

Praslin Seamoss Farmers Association
Saint Lucia
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 90,962.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 77,527.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 6,382.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Promoting Public Awareness of Global Environment
An integral part of the project is to increase the community's awareness of the detrimental impact of agro-chemicals on water quality.
Gender Focus
Equal opportunity to men and women will be given through affirmative action based on the principle of equity.
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SGP Country office contact

Mr. Giles Romulus
(758) 452-4900
(758) 452-4900


CARILEC Building, Desir Avenue, Sans Souci
Castries, The Caribbean, P.O. Box 8206 Choc