Conservation and Rehabilitation of Degraded Land in Adola cabi kebele
Conservation and Rehabilitation of Degraded Land in Adola cabi kebele
The project aims to enhance the ecological service, economic benefit and environmental sustainability of the area through capacitating CBO members and enhance awareness on environment protection to the community living around & with in catchment area; carrying out physical and biological soil and water conservation/management practices to reduce land degradation in 153 hectares of land; promoting alternative livelihood opportunities to reduce vulnerability of 210 our CBO members from climate change; minimizing degradation of land by closing 153 hectares of land in Adola cabi kebele from human and animal interference to promote regeneration of the indigenous tree and vegetable species; planting 200,000 acacia saligna tree and grass species to rehabilitate 153 hectares of land; improving the livelihood of 210 CBO members by creating income generating activities from cattle fattening, bee farm.
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Project Snapshot

Wuritu Dugda Forest Conservation and Animal Fattening Cooperative
Area Of Work:
Land Degradation
Grant Amount:
US$ 17,489.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 5,061.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed

SGP Country office contact

Mr. Dejene Biru Kekeba
Ms. Hirut Hussien Musellem


P.O.Box 5580
Addis Ababa, East Africa

Country Website