4 educational stands were installed at the coast of Issyk-Kul, and exhibition was organized in the museum of Balykchy.
3 informational meetings were organized. Regular coverage of the project news in the mass media were ensured.
Support was provided via preparation of the environmental assessment reports and recommendations to the public.
A map of the polluted site was developed.
Short particiaptory video was issued.
Project sustainability
Sustainability of the project depend on financial resources, which needs to be allocated by key partners - State Agency on nature protection of the KR, and Gazpromneftasia.
Gender Focus
The project involved youth and teachers from local schools via trainings and workshops in Balykchy town.
Significant Participation of Indigenous Peoples
The project involves representatives of different parties, including community-based organizations Balykchy, community leaders, representatives of the administration, city services, city council business.
Short particiaptory video was issued.
Replication of project activities
The project is planned to be contunued by State Agency on nature protection, which will allocate money for restorative works together with Gazpromneftasia and other partners.
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
The project provided scientific base for restoration of soils and vegetation on the site in the coastal zone of Lake Issyk-Kul, which is the habitat for whooper swan, which is listed in the Red Book of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The project allowed providing clear scientific recommendations to restore the site and a list of the necessary measures for the residents of Balykchy, city administration and international donors.
Policy Impact
The project suppored State Agency of Kyrgyzstan in development of measures on cleaning soils at the polluted site. New method on bioremediation was approbated.
Representatives of the city administration, city council, city services, representatives of the city council were closely involved in the project.
Policy Influence
The project suppored State Agency of Kyrgyzstan in development of measures on cleaning soils at the polluted site. New method on bioremediation was approbated.
Representatives of the city administration, city council, city services, representatives of the city council were closely involved in the project.
Capacity - Building Component
This study will form the basis for the decision of one of the most pressing environmental problems Balykchi and biodiversity of Lake Issyk-Kul. Implementation of the project will strengthen the capacity of the organization and the people Balykchy.
Notable Community Participation
Youth was actively involved in the proejct. A special accent was made on involvment of the young scientistc from Institute of Chemistry, and Kyrgyz-Turkish "Manas" university.
Linkages gef projects
Planning gef grant
Planning non gef grant
Project Results
1. Project management committee was created, at its first meeting the composition of the PMC was approved.
2. Field visits of scientists were organized, and 3 test plots for approbation of the bioremediation method were organized on the base of the general directorate of the "Issyk-Kul" biosphere territory under the supervision of microbiologists.
3. Consultative visit of scientist from the Institute of Microbiology named by Vinogradski (Moscow) to the polluted site was organized.
4. Consultation of the hydrologist and chemist were provided to establish the level of level of pollution in groundwater, and suppoting land works (at a depth of 1 - 1.5 m.) were carried out (supportedby Gazpromneftaziya).
5. A project of the cleaning drainage ditch (engineering documentation) were prepared (by State Agency).
6. On the coast of the Issyk-Kul lake an observation area for whooper swans and other wetland birds was constructed (in Balykchy Bay).
7. Educational stands about whooper swans were developed and installedat the site.
8. Eco-exhibition about wetland birds of Issyk-Kul were developed and installed in the museum of Balykchy.
9. The project was widely covered in media, many presentations on the results of the project were organized in Balykchy town for general public and stakeholders.