Transforming Lives Through Renewable Energy Iniative and Youth Enpowerment in Majesty Gardens
The Community Renewal Programme (CRP) has been conceptualised by the Government of Jamaica on the premise that security, justice and community economic well-being are pre-requisites for the sustainable development of Jamaica?s communities and for the country as a whole. Further, all citizens regardless of socio-economic background must be free to make their own choices, take responsibility for their own actions and be afforded equal opportunities for self-development to make a meaningful contribution to nation building. The goal of the CRP is to empower residents to achieve their fullest potential and contribute to the attainment of a secure, cohesive and just Jamaican society as outlined in Goals 1 and 2 of Vision 2030 Jamaica. Vision 2030 identifies ?gradual intervention in targeted communities that are most vulnerable and among population segments such as young males? (Outcome 5, Security and Safety, p. 106) as a major component of the long term solution. This is supported by National Strategy 5-1: Strengthen the capacity of communities to participate in creating a safe and secure society. It also corresponds with recommendations contained in the National Security Strategy and Community Safety Strategy (CSS) and the recommendations of the JCF Strategic Review completed in 2008.
The CRP, therefore, is a platform for the coordination of development initiatives aimed at reversing the negative socio-economic trends in communities which contribute to their marginalization from the Jamaican society; the exclusion of their residents in the economy and society; and focus on 100 volatile and vulnerable communities in the 5 most crime-affected parishes (these parishes account for over 80% crime and 70% of Jamaica?s murder rate).Targeted communities were selected based on the following vulnerability and volatility criteria.
Majesty Gardens is the pilot community under the CRP. The Majesty Gardens Renewal Intervention is a multi-agency effort aimed at re-asserting the legitimate role of the state in the community and elevating the standard of living of its residents.
The community of Majesty Gardens has an estimated population of 3,168 persons, 65.4% of which is below the age of 30. There are approximately 880 households with an average of 4.0 persons per household in a space of 1,500 km2 with 56% headed by females (SDC survey - January 2009). The community is faced with poverty and high levels of unemployment. Over 80% of the population does not pay for electricity. The community is also highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change such as flooding and drought due to poor infrastructure (i.e. inadequate sanitary conveniences, poor drainage, and improper waste disposal). These social issues have severely impacted the quality of life for these residents, especially their livelihoods.
The CRP, therefore, is a platform for the coordination of development initiatives aimed at reversing the negative socio-economic trends in communities which contribute to their marginalization from the Jamaican society; the exclusion of their residents in the economy and society; and focus on 100 volatile and vulnerable communities in the 5 most crime-affected parishes (these parishes account for over 80% crime and 70% of Jamaica?s murder rate).Targeted communities were selected based on the following vulnerability and volatility criteria.
Majesty Gardens is the pilot community under the CRP. The Majesty Gardens Renewal Intervention is a multi-agency effort aimed at re-asserting the legitimate role of the state in the community and elevating the standard of living of its residents.
The community of Majesty Gardens has an estimated population of 3,168 persons, 65.4% of which is below the age of 30. There are approximately 880 households with an average of 4.0 persons per household in a space of 1,500 km2 with 56% headed by females (SDC survey - January 2009). The community is faced with poverty and high levels of unemployment. Over 80% of the population does not pay for electricity. The community is also highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change such as flooding and drought due to poor infrastructure (i.e. inadequate sanitary conveniences, poor drainage, and improper waste disposal). These social issues have severely impacted the quality of life for these residents, especially their livelihoods.
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Project Snapshot
Environmental Health Foundation
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 50,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 10,834.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 167,136.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Photo Gallery
Project Characteristics and Results
Inovative Financial Mechanisms
As part of the Capacity building initiative, participants would be required to attend workshops, training sessions and participate in an apprenticeship programme. Results from these sessions would be captured using both video and still shots. At the end of the project it is expected that a brochure in booklet form would be produced to capture knowledge gained from the project and also highlight the achievements of the project.
Gender Focus
Gender issues will be a major focus of the project as it relates to building community resilience. Women, being the main transmitters of behaviour and information within households, will be central to the success of the project as well as the important role that children and young people can play in advancing climate change adaptation and mitigation.
Climate change is expected to impact everyone in some way or the other. The impacts can affect men and women differently due to socio-cultural, demographic and economic factors. In many cases, research has shown that women are more vulnerable to, and hence more impacted by disasters than men. Initiatives aimed at building community adaptive capacity and resilience to climate change must therefore be gender sensitive. This will ensure that the needs and concerns of men, women and children are addressed equitably.
However, the intention of the project is to target everyone; specifically the women?s group and the men?s group. As it pertains to Majesty Gardens, substantive participation of women in consultation sessions has been important and valuable as approximately 65%-70% women use SAS. This can be supported by the percentage of households headed by females in Majesty Gardens which accounts for approximately 56%.
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Number of women participated / involved in SGP project
Number of value added labels/certifications/quality standards received or achieved
Number and type of support linkages established with national government institutions
Total monetary value (US dollars) of clean energy services provided to project participants and / or community as a whole (in the climate change focal area)
SGP Country office contact
Ms Hyacinth Y Douglas
(876) 978-2390-9 ext. 2030
Ms. Faradaine Forbes-Edwards
1-3 Lady Musgrave Road
Kingston 5, LA and the Caribbean
Kingston 5, LA and the Caribbean
Visit the Jamaica Country Page