A leaflet with CD about the red frog in Russian language - 1000 copies - was developed and published.
Both women and men were involved into project activities equally (both like participants of the events, and project experts).
Promoting Public Awareness of Global Environment
Exposition about red listed frog was organized in the Museum of Balykchy. Poster exhibition about red listed frog, biodiversity of wetland and renewable sources of energy was organized in local school.
Capacity - Building Component
Jamaat members were trained to use renewable energy equipment and development of the eco-tourism. At least 30 people took part in the training.
Significant Participation of Indigenous Peoples
Local communities supported this project and made their labour contribution during ecological actions on planting trees and creation of the nursery pond for growing young frogs.
Policy Influence
Realisation of the project contribute to implementation of the Biodiversity convention in the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as Ramsar convention, because project activities improved situation in wetland areas near Kuturgu village.
Policy Impact
The proect demonstrated atractive ways of protection wild species, via development of the eco-tourism and shift to alternative ways of getting income.
Replication of project activities
The project demonstrated atractive ways of protection of wild species, via development of the eco-tourism and shift to alternative ways of getting income. this can serve an example for other NGOs and local groups on creation of the public microreserves in differet regions of Kyrgyzstan.
Project sustainability
The project is financially sustainable, as use of the RES increased the income of CBO's members, as use of the solar dryer allowed to produce up to 15 tons of dried fruit in a season. The reduction of household expenditure on electricity will be 5000 0.7 kW = 3500 soms per a year.
As a result of the project there will be protected about 13 hectares where Central Asian frogs (Rana Asiatica) inhabit.
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
With the realization of this project, local residents will have more jobs and increase their income. This will ensure further sustainable livelihoods.
Income from producing of drying fruit will be about 900000 soms.
Notable Community Participation
Within the framework of the project women and youths were involved in coduction of the public awarness campaign. Local school prepared an eco -performance (fairy-tale) about red-listed frog, and demonstrated it in the village meetings.
Linkages gef projects
Planning gef grant
Planning non gef grant
Project Results
1. Project management committee was created, which includes members of Jaamata "Topol", activists from the local population, local authorities and others. Rural gathering was hold.
2. Works on creation of the community wildlife reserve area for reproduction of a Red Book amphibian are carried out (catching of uterine fish is made, the grid chain-link has fenced the boggy territory for cultivation of young amphibians and protection them from snakes, etc. predators, forages purchased).
3. Solar batteries for illumination of a security lodge are purchased during the period of reproduction of amphibians. The lodge (container) is purchased through co-financing of "Kumtor Gold" Company.
4. Possibilities of development of ecotourism were provided. At the entrance to the reserve the arch was set. Acquired joint yurt, a gazebo and swing. Organized an informational meeting for members of Jamaat and local population on the basics of ecotourism.
5. For sustainability initiatives and opportunities for extra income, fruit trees and fast-growing trees were planted around the nursery.
6. For the processing of a crop of fruit purchased the solar collector and the Self-assembling materials for solar kiln.
7. On the basis of the local lore museum in Balykchy an exposition of the Red Book amphibians and wetland ecosystems of Lake Issyk-Kul was created.
8. A training for members of Jamaat "Topol" and locals on use of renewable energy techniques in order to reduce the volume of felling of trees and the protection of local ecosystems was provided.
9. Information banners prepared and released. Organized by the Centre advice on conservation and use of renewable energy sources in Bishkek, on the basis of which the drying takes place and realization of collected fruit from Kuturgu village.
10. Issued colorful leaflet and a CD dedicated to the amphibians. Held an informational meeting with the teachers. The children organized environmental tale staging.
11. The ceremony of opening of an ecological corner (an exhibition of stands and banners) devoted to a Red Book amphibian and bioindication at local school, and also what platforms on use of RES in local FAPE was hold.
12. The project activities are covered in the media. Create a page on facebook.