Barbados Community Organic Greenhouse Agriculture Pilot Project
Barbados Community Organic Greenhouse Agriculture Pilot Project
The project seeks to to develop a streamlined method of introducing sustainable organic farming under controlled conditions to demographics not traditionally involved in agriculture to provide income and/or to improve community food security, while teaching proper land management techniques to discourage further soil degradation.

The objectives are:
(i) To pilot the development of four replicable, portable small-scale greenhouse facilities and high quality personnel (HQP) familiar with organic greenhouse growing techniques and proper land management techniques by training two cohorts of 10 to 12 persons (24 maximum) over a six month period.
(ii) To facilitate knowledge transfer in the areas of: principles of organic farming, principles of greenhouse technology, principles of community based cooperatives, conflict resolution, harvesting, post-harvest processing and packaging, marketing, basic bookkeeping, the use of social media and civics, so that the two cohorts of 10 to 12 persons (24 maximum) are able to successfully grow crops, first under supervision, then with limited guidance, from seedling to harvest and sale and move towards individual and collective agriculture based entrepreneurism.
(iii) To aggregate a set of teaching materials and human resources, developing approximately two modules by one subject matter expert per content area, for each of 10 areas, an aggregate of 20 modules developed by 10 people. This should allow for replication of the knowledge transfer process.

Project Snapshot

Caribbean Center for Food Sustainability and Security
Area Of Work:
Land Degradation
Grant Amount:
US$ 45,750.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 133,590.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Gender Focus
Both men and women will have equal roles in the project
Capacity - Building Component
Members will gain more knowledge of organic agricultural practices and processes in order to be able to adequately support the community-based projects. Several experts will be engaged to provide the requisite information on organic farming, land conservation and land management techniques, greenhouse farming and the latest developments and innovative methods in these areas.
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Number of women participated / involved in SGP project 12
Number of individuals (gender diaggregated) who have benefited* from SGP project 24

SGP Country office contact

Mr. David Bynoe


UN House, Marine Gardens, Hastings
, Christ Church

Country Website