Both women and men were equally involved in project, in positions of experts, trainers, consultaints, designers and aprticipants of the events.
Many pond-keeping households of Issuk-Kul province come to Cholpon-Ata and Lipenka village to learn ew methods of fish breeding and use of the renewable energy sources.
Planning non gef grant
OSCE Centre in Bishkek plans to bring its co-financing and create eco-demonstration area on the base of Biostation in Cholpon Ata city.
Capacity - Building Component
Project allowed to raise capacity of the NGOs and pond-keepers of Issyk-Kul province about new approached in fish breeding sector. Scienticis consultations were provided by experts from National Academy of sciences.
Inovative Financial Mechanisms
Project meterials (poster about fish diversity of the Issyk-Kul lake) were issued both in Russian and Kyrgyz languages. Short participatory video was developed.
Significant Participation of Indigenous Peoples
Project meterials (poster about fish diversity of the Issyk-Kul lake) were issued both in Russian and Kyrgyz languages. Short participatory video was developed.
Project sustainability
The proejct is sustainable, as not only endemic fishes, but also commersial spwcies of fish are going to be grown in Biostation. It is sustainable source for income and maitanance of the purchased equipment.
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
The proejct is sustainable, as not only endemic fishes, but also commersial spwcies of fish are going to be grown in Biostation. It is sustainable source for income and maitanance of the purchased equipment.
Policy Impact
The project demonstrated new approach for fish breeding, and suggested innovation by using renewable sources of energy for heating water in the process of incubation of the fich from caviar. Fish department of the MInistry of Agriculture and National Academy of sciences were closely involved in the project.
Policy Influence
The project demonstrated new approach for fish breeding, and suggested innovation by using renewable sources of energy for heating water in the process of incubation of the fich from caviar. Fish department of the MInistry of Agriculture and National Academy of sciences were closely involved in the project.
Promoting Public Awareness of Global Environment
The project had good coverage in mass media. Several presentations were organized by National Academy of sciences.
Notable Community Participation
Young scientists were involved into the project at the stage of field visits to the project site,, conduction of th experiment (in cooperation with "issyk-Kul pond keepers" NGO from Lipenka village).
Linkages gef projects
Planning gef grant
Project Results
1. Project Management Committee Established, which includes representatives of the PF "Biodiversity conservation", PA "Issyk-Kul pond", representatives of Biology and Soil Institute of National Academy of Sciences, Biological Station staff, etc.
2. Renewable energy equipment purchased - solar collectors to heat water to the optimum temperature - 18°C required for the reproduction of fish, as well as solar panels to ensure the smooth operation of the pump needed to circulate the water in the system, as well as an aerator (provides saturation of oxygen in the air) .
3. On the basis of museum of local lore in Balykchy the exposition devoted to the water world of the lake and fish richness of Issyk Kul was created.
4. Acquisition of construction materials and renovated old concrete pools that were used previously at the biological station.
5. Through the co-financing from the OSCE Centre in Bishkek preparing to purchase the necessary equipment for the organization of the process of reproduction of fish.
6. A partial restoration of the fencing of the area to ensure the safety and conditions of the experiment.
7. Facilitated rehabilitation of one of the laboratories of the biological station in order to organize the conditions for research (repair).
8. A primary research on the possibilities of reproduction in artificial conditions.
9. In cooperation with the fish farm in Lipenka village, stimulants for artificial reproduction of fish was transferred to biostation, as well as according to the special permission capture of endemics species of marinka and naked Osman was organized and experience shared on the reproduction of fish.
10. Prepared for publishing a booklet about the project with the determinant of fish of Issyk-Kul.
11. Project work covered in the media.