Both women and men were involved in project activities. The leader of the project is woman, who mobilized local activists of Ak-Dobo village fo action.
Colourful leaflet about bee farm was issued within the project.
Eco exhibition about bee-keeping was also organized in the museum of Balykchy towm.
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
Creation of the bee farm allowed for at least 15 members of the "Altyn aary" CBo to get job and income. Ecotourism, organized at the territory of the bee farm, brings additional benefits.
Capacity - Building Component
During proejct grantee has got consultations of Association of bee-keepers of Issyk-Kul province. They were also instructed on how to develop eco-tourism and organize trainings.
Planning non gef grant
It is expected that at least two bee farms will be created in the south regions of Kyrgyzstan.
Replication of project activities
Other organization from different regions of Kyrgyzstan were inspired to create bee farms in the south of Kyrgyzstan.
Promoting Public Awareness of Global Environment
Project got good coverage in mass media. In cooperation with "Kumtor Gold" company GEF SGP organized presentation and visit of the journalists to the place.
Web page in Facebook social network was created for general public.
Significant Participation of Indigenous Peoples
Project materials (content of the educational stands) were prepared both in Russuan and Kyrgyz languages.
Project sustainability
The proejct is sustainable, as bee farm allows grantee to get good honey, and their income, starting from year 2015, became enough to maintanace of their social enterpreneurship.
Policy Influence
The project has got good public resonance, the "Golden Bee" farm now became famouse in Jeti Oguz rayon of Issyk-Kul province. Their initiative was approved by the Governor of the Issyk-Kul province.
Policy Impact
The project has got good public resonance, the "Golden Bee" farm now became famouse in Jeti Oguz rayon of Issyk-Kul province. Their initiative was approved by the Governor of the Issyk-Kul province. other organization from different regions of Kyrgyzstan were inspired to create bee farms in the south of Kyrgyzstan.
Notable Community Participation
Yoth was actively involved in the project activities. Young members of "Altyn aary" CBO and from Ak-Dobo village took part in creation of the "Golden bee" farm. Educationa levents were organized in local school.
Linkages gef projects
Planning gef grant
Project Results
1. The Project Management Committee was created, at the first meeting the structure of committee was approved, consisting of members of Jamaat "Altyn aary?, activists of the village, representatives of local government, local school, the representative of Association of beekeepers of Issyk-Kul, the director of the Issyk-Kul national park.
2. The equipment necessary for maintaining beekeeping is acquired.
3. Partially implemented the repair of external walls of Jaeger house and decorate it under the bee farm. Issyk-Kul State Reserve provided co-financing.
4. Framed exposition devoted to beekeeping in Issyk-Kul on the basis of the "Issyk-Kul" biosphere territory museum in Balykchy.
5. Training of members of a Jamaat in skills of beekeeping with help of Association of the Issyk-Kul beekeepers is provided. Training has captured not less than 20 people.
6. Beekeeping products were received (honey, propolis, cerago). Marketing strategy for sale of the received products is developed. Labels were made. A leaflet about the farm, which is currently being distributed to travel agencies operating in Issyk-Kul.
7. Through co-financing the "Kumtor Gold" company for the needs of the bee farm purchased used track GAZ-66 for transportation of the hives in the summer season in the alpine meadows.
8. Developed and produced information and education stands for tours of the bee farm.
9. On a column about the route and on the way to the village information boards and plates indexes about a bee farm "Altyn aary? for involvement of tourists were established.
10. With the help of the local school in the village held a colorful presentation of project results in the form of a village festival of honey. As part of the celebration for the population held a master class on making solar Self-assembling systems. Solar water heater barrel installed as a demonstration on the farm. Workshop on the development of ecotourism are also organized.
11. The page on Facebook was created about a farm.
12. Results of the project were covered in mass media.