Creating Sustainable Communities - Building Local Capacity for Adaptation to Climate Change and for Managing Related Issues.
Creating Sustainable Communities - Building Local Capacity for Adaptation to Climate Change and for Managing Related Issues.
This project will use a watershed approach (ridge to reef) to develop a policy document along with maps which will guide all future infrastructural development in Laborie, This plan will be developed using a participatory approach and will be presented to the Department of Planning for approval and implementation. The project will overall enhance the capacity of the Laborie Development Foundation to build resilience in the community to adapt to CC. The project objectives are to: "(i) improve the Laborie community's capacity for environmental management and development planning and coordination by the end of the project; (ii) reduce the impact of climate change on community infrastructure both private and public assets as a means of helping the community to adapt to CC; and (iii) build the community's capacity for implementing public education and awareness campaigns that (a) inform and instruct community members on the imminent and adverse impacts of climate change; and (b) communicate lessons learned form project implementation."

This project will contribute to two CBA CPS outcomes as follows: (i) ecosystems services are protected as a means of increasing resilience; and (ii) Capacity of existing structures and systems improved to create learning and nurture civic responsibilities.
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Project Snapshot

Laborie Development Foundation
Saint Lucia
Area Of Work:
Community Based Adaptation
Community Based Adaptation
Grant Amount:
US$ 48,541.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 24,125.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 16,704.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Policy Impact
A policy paper with maps will be prepared to direct and guide all future infrastructural works in the Laborie Watershed. That policy will be presented to the Department of Planning for approval and implementation.
Replication of project activities
All the project activities can be replicated because of the careful documentation that was undertaken. An evaluation report is being prepared and this will also help those who wish to learn from and replicate the project.
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SGP Country office contact

Mr. Giles Romulus
(758) 452-4900
(758) 452-4900


CARILEC Building, Desir Avenue, Sans Souci
Castries, The Caribbean, P.O. Box 8206 Choc