River Monitoring/Stream Bank Protection – Grand Roy
River Monitoring/Stream Bank Protection – Grand Roy
The Grand Roy community is located on the west coast of Grenada. It is a community of approximately eight hundred (800) persons according to the socio economic profile generated from the recent national census. (See statistics on Table 1 attached).
The Baseline survey attached in Table 2 (Data and Statistics) take from a proper sample of the community highlights the perception of the causes problems (also listed in section 2.1 of this document), uses, recommendations by age and gender.

The water quality parameters taken from upper and lower points of the river and done in collaboration with NAWASA, measures quality and turbidity and together with the community base line will serve as the measuring stick for monitoring and evaluation. Although the comparison of tests do not provoke alarm, it is an opportune time for community intervention.
The overall goal of the project is to ensure that water quality between upper and lower points is improved and that the river would restore its attraction for bathing, washing and recreation.
(i) To build a community committee that will spearhead activities for taking responsibility for the river
(ii)To profile the river and better allow for monitoring of impacts
(iii) To select high risk areas for river bank stabilization
(iv) To periodically ensure that quality and flow tests are carried out on samples of water from the river
(v)To build awareness of different groups in the community particularly farmers, youth, users
(vi) To link the Grand Roy river project with the relevant aspects of the Ridge to Reef project

The Results Frame work provide more details of activities, outcomes etc.
The community will attempt to implement the project in 12 months (one year) providing smooth internal flow and no negative externalities to implementation.
The process of community sensitization, organization, assessment and interaction has already commenced and participants are enthusiastic about the project. Key players like NAWASA are already on board to some extent.
The overall cost of the project will be approximately USD $34,466 with Donor and Local contributions $27,394 and $7,072, respectively. Detailed budget and allocations are attached.

Goal of project is To significantly reduce soil erosion and farming practices that affect water flow and quality in Grand Roy River.

To select high risk areas for river bank stabilization
To build a community committee that will spearhead activities for taking responsibility for the river
To profile the river and better allow for monitoring of impacts
To build awareness among community members particularly farmers, youth, users of river
Train community youth to periodically ensure that quality and flow tests are carried out on samples of water from the river.
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Project Snapshot

Grenada Community Development Agency
Area Of Work:
Land Degradation
Grant Amount:
US$ 25,754.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 9,629.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 267.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
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SGP Country office contact

Ms Akarda Ventour


P.O. Box 3486
St. George's