Community empowerment and sustainable livelihoods through the Barnes Hill Community Reservoir Restoration project
Community empowerment and sustainable livelihoods through the Barnes Hill Community Reservoir Restoration project
In Barnes Hill, the private sector comprising 12 businesses owners who grew up Barnes Hill is partnering with the Barnes Hill Community Development Organization (BHCDO) to see the realization of a sustainable community initiative with components to include the restoration of the reservoir, the construction of a bed/breakfast hostel providing accommodation for stop over/overnighting guests since the village is a stone throw from the airport. The skills and expertise to be provided from the private sector includes architectural , plumbing, material support to include solar lights,, galvanize building and construction materials, .The group is also receiving support from the ABSTEP where in return for labour they are providing vocational and life skills training to 15 unemployed youths and many females are included in this group. .The land where the reservoir is located has been turned over to the BHCDO by the government and another land owner has committed to giving an adjoining portion which when cleared provides sea views of the Jabberwock Beach.-the home of kite surfing.
The group came about as a result of the dominance of almost useless invasive plants no longer producing sugar apples when in years gone by the village was known as ?the sugarapple bread basket of the island?. One of the key issues was the potential loss of important heritage sites coupled with Government?s neglect of this small rural communities, loss of respect for heritage and culture and the need for understanding of traditional knowledge and of appreciation for public properties.This was the current situation in Barnes Hill until the group working loosely came together and initiated a series of actions to motivate the people in the community-that change begins with them.
This lead to concrete action and plans to restore the reservoir and the 2 acres of land surrounding the areas to provide water as the country enters into a 3rd year of drought. The group members started to clear the bushes and trees from around the reservoir and planting trees in other areas. It was noted that the women and their skills at cottage industries were underutilized with high levels of youth employment and a sense of idleness seemed to overshadow the community. Mr Gary Gore Chair of the National Trust assisted in the legal registration process and the outreach by the group to many private and civic minded individuals and business has enabled the start of building strong partnerships. Several community events have been initiated by the BHCDO to include a Whit-Monday fair, development of the organizational web site, see link ( development of the Vulnerable Risk Assessment of the community with support of the SGP National Coordinator and Village nurse. The BHCDO has started compilation and production of the stories of the community TK and photos of the seniors and their contributions to community and national development_ and efforts to adapt to the drought through this community reservoir restoration project which will be used for livelihoods creations and as a community tourism initiative impacting community development. BHCDO has completed pallet fencing of a about a ¼ acre of land in the area, planting of fruit trees by villagers of distinction and crops of egg plants, Okra, watermelon, Cantaloupe, corn, sweet potato, papaya, banana trees , cassava and seasoning peppers for the development of their community garden.


Project Snapshot

Barnes Hill Community Development Organization
Antigua and Barbuda
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 50,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 54,444.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed

SGP Country office contact

Ms. Shawna K. Natalya Lawrence


Hodges Bay, P.O. Box W420
St John's, West Indies, 00000