Engaging Rural Lao Youths to Promote Community-based Organic Vegetable Farming to Mitigate Impacts of Agro-chemicals
The demand for the consumption of vegetable in Laos has increased rapidly in the recent years. In terms of tons of agriculture production, vegetable product accounts the second largest crop produce after rice. However, to meet the increasing demand, farmers has resorted to the use of agro-chemicals particularly pesticides and inorganic fertilizer to up household productivity and cope with the demand. Despite two-year ban of specific farm chemicals, proliferation has been unhindered and control of use is minimal. The livelihood challenges facing the target population includes rampant use of pesticide in farms to manage cash crop such as maize and other crops. Downstream impacts of the use of pesticide and other agro-chemicals undermine soil fertility making famer?s livelihood relatively unsecure. There is generally lack of technical knowledge among farmers on the proper application of these chemicals. Continuous and indiscriminate application of agro-chemicals negatively impacts agro-biodiversity an important component that makes agriculture land productive in long term. The aim of project will help to support chemical risk mitigation in farming systems and promote organic farm by establishing numerous organic vegetable gardens in the target community in Vangtong Village, Phoukood District and Songhong Village, Nonghed District, Xiengkhouang Province. The intervention will promote awareness among farming communities that increase in productivity is possible without the use of harmful agro-chemicals, ultimately mitigating negative impacts of agro-chemicals both to human health and the environment.
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Project Snapshot
Huam Jai Asasamak Association
Area Of Work:
International Waters
International Waters
Grant Amount:
US$ 46,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 12,285.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
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SGP Country office contact
Mr. Bounmy Phommakone
Ms. Vilaylack Tounalom
Lane Xang Avenue, P.O.Box 345
Vientiane, Asia & Pacific, Lao PDR
Vientiane, Asia & Pacific, Lao PDR
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