Mangroves Forestation and Conservation at Kajhar and Seer Creeks
Mangroves Forestation and Conservation at Kajhar and Seer Creeks
? Planting the mangroves in Thatta?s Coastal areas to habitat them and to establish a nursery that fulfill the needs of plants and replanting around the 250 acres of area to the end of project. To mitigate the environmental hazards like sea erosion, wind erosion and save the wetlands. To provide sustainable livelihood for the people of this area and conserved through community conservation efforts.

? To educate the people especially youth, children and fisherman about the importance of Mangroves and involve the community and stakeholders through meeting, trainings, brochures, pamphlets and to motivate the local residence that how they replanting and protect the Mangrove in future.

The activities will be carried out through as the project runs our focus will be on the conducting the baseline survey of the area, Organizing the capacity development of community members and involve the stakeholders like civil society, community and government officials, and make an excellent network with other NGOs CBOs and sharing the experiences with them through the exchange visits. Form an equal representation of women from villages to aware the society through campaigns, formation of Cos, social mobilizing, meeting, pamphlets and broachers.

? To conduct extensive base line survey of area: The expected output from the baseline study is the profile of socio-economic data, natural and environmental data for Thatta Coast. This data will form the basis for the development of a comprehensive plan for the Thatta Coast
? Form the 10 COs with equal representation of females in 10 villages.
? Organize 10 capacity Development Sessions for community members (One in each village) on environmental issues and community organization.
? Publication of 1 Project Brochure and flyover
? Publication of 3 Pamphlets on issues of Thatta Coast and cultivation of mangroves
? Development of a Documentary on Thatta Coast
? Establishment of one mangrove plant nursery in project area.
? Re-plantation of Mangroves in 250 acres.
? Project stakeholders and beneficiaries:


? Communities including local NGOs, CBOs and professionals
? Local government
? Environment Protection Agency (EPA)
? Population of Thatta coastal zone.
Above 14000 direct and indirect population including Women, children and men of 60 villages surrounding the Thatta Coast.
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Project Snapshot

Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 49,919.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 48,354.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed

SGP Country office contact

Mr. Chatro Khatri

Country Website