Demonstration Project on Community Landscape Conservation and Livelihood Development in Sanjiangyuan Area
Demonstration Project on Community Landscape Conservation and Livelihood Development in Sanjiangyuan Area
The project site Tuanjie village is located in Qumalai County, Qinghai province, where is the water conservation area of Yangtze River system. The average of altitude is 3950m. The annual average temperature is -2.6 ?, which is typical alpine frigid climate.
Due to the topography of high mountains and deep valley, it formulates rich biodiversity. There are 592 higher plant species, 30 animal species and over 60 bird species. The plants are distributed by forest- bushwood- meadow-grassland from southeast to northwest.
The project site is very close to Gaduo Juewu Sacred Mountain.The project site covers 50667ha. of land, among which 2797ha. is available grassland. The total population is 2313 people of 525 households. The average income is $807 per year per capita. There are 239 poor people in this village according to China's poverty line. The average income of poor population is $415 per year per capita.

Main problems:
1. inappropriate human activities lead to the degradation of the ecological environment and the decline of biodiversity
2. biodiversity of sacred mountains and traditional ecological conservation are challenged by too many tourists
3. community garbage is increasing
4. community is lack of capacity of ecological conservation and capacity to deal with modern environmental problems only has single source of income and limited livelihood development skills

1. conduct community participatory survey and KAP baseline survey; organize community assembly to select head persons; prepare to establish community environmental protection group;train the trainers;
2. Support the local community to establish CCA and formulate their CCA plan and initiatives;
3. implement CCA initiatives including CCA patrolling and monitoring and establishing natural resources management and sustainable use mechanism;
4. periodically conduct community waste management and other trace-less outdoor activities;
5. develop community sustainable livelihood including handicraft, Eco-tourism and etc.

anticipated results:
1. 100 people participated in KAP baseline survey and complete a survey report; 20 people become community conservation head persons; 30 people are trained and they have the capacity to train other community members;
2. Tuanjie village CCA is established and about 33,000ha.of forest and grassland ecosystem are conserved;
3. At least 12 times patrolling conducted by community; establishing mechanism to monitor Chinese caterpillar fungus base; 1ha. of Chinese caterpillar fungus base is under sustainable management; print 300 copies of community natural resources management and sustainable use brochures; Gaduo Juewu Sacred Mountain forum is organized;
4. develop and print 300 copies of community waste management brochures; 50% of community people are trained on waste management; organize 2 trace-less outdoor activities and outreach activities at Gaduo Juewu Sacred Mountain, at least 300 people accepted positive impact; Bagan township ecological conservation forum is held;
5. at least 10 women are trained on handicraft development; 5 households are trained on Eco-tourism reception skills; the participated households' income increased 500-1000RMB;
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Project Snapshot

Beijing Fuqun Social Service Center
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 50,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 50,353.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Gender Focus
Both man and women will benefit from the project through participating in their CCA management. The project will pay attention on women's development and will provide alternative livelihood training to women to increase women's income and their social status.
Inovative Financial Mechanisms
The knowledge will come from the practice. The project will develop community natural resources management and sustainable use brochure and community waste management brochure and share with community and tourists.
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Hectares of globally significant biodiversity area protected or sustainably managed by project 33000
Number of CBOs / NGOs formed or registered through the SGP project 1
Number of indigenous people participated/involved in SGP project 500
Increase in household income by increased income or reduced costs due to SGP project 153
Number of households who have benefited* from SGP project 200

SGP Country office contact

Ms. Meijia Lu
Ms. Lixia Zheng


No. 2 Liangmahe Nanlu
Beijing, Chaoyang, 100600