Promotion of low-carbon technologies for capacity development of local communities
Promotion of low-carbon technologies for capacity development of local communities
The main goal of the project is capacity building of local communities through the implementation and promotion of low-carbon technologies. Practical task is to establish the information Center "Chornobyl. Territory of changes" (village Dytyatky, Ivankiv district, Kyiv region) to raise public awareness on the issues concerning environment monitoring in the Exclusion Zone, prospects and possible ways for sustainable development of local communities around this area, including energy efficient technologies, etc.

Project Snapshot

Center for Civic Education
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 50,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 60,240.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 2,500.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Inovative Financial Mechanisms
A video-demonstration of the results of five grant projects implemented by UNDP-GEF SGP within the framework of the UNDP/GEF project "Removing the Barriers to Support Investment in the Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings in the Small and Medium-Sized Cities of Ukraine through the Application of the ESCO Mechanism" was developed. In addition, project team participated in organizing and conducting an educational event ? SDG School: "Sustainable Development: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Israel", held from January 11 to January 18, 2018. 15 representatives of local authorities, CSOs, medical and educational institutions visited Israel to learn experience of best practices in energy efficiency.
Promoting Public Awareness of Global Environment
An official presentation of the Center on August 3, 2018, was attended by more than 85 people. Also, a series of consultations was held for more than 300 tourists, local citizens and media representatives. To ensure the Center's work and increase its visibility, its logo and a brand-concept were developed, as well as a number of informational promotional products (pens, notebooks and flash drives). In addition, souvenir products from eco-materials were produced. A brochure about the Center was developed, printed and distributed. In addition, an official page of the Information Center on Facebook ( and the official website of the Center ( were created.
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Tonnes of CO2 decreased or avoided by energy efficient and renewable energy technologies or applying environmentally sustainable transport practices introduced by SGP Project 20
Number of CBOs / NGOs participated / involved in SGP project 5
Number and type of support linkages established with local governments/authorities 1
Number and type of support linkages established with national government institutions 1
Number of households who have benefited* from SGP project 1

SGP Country office contact

Ms. Svitlana Nigorodova
+ 380 44 354 56 90 (ext. 3300)


10, Lypska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine