Introducing and demonstrating sound solid waste management within Gissar communities, especially on separation of the different solid waste to the categories and introduce production of the bio-compost from the organic waste, thereby contributing to the local environmental protection and sustainable waste management.
Introducing and demonstrating sound solid waste management within Gissar communities, especially on separation of the different solid waste to the categories and introduce production of the bio-compost from the organic waste, thereby contributing to the local environmental protection and sustainable waste management.
The waste management in Tajikistan is not on the top of priority for the Governmen of Tajikistan, hense this sphere is no developed. During the last decade the waste generation rate in Dushanbe doubled from roughly 160 kilogram per capita per year to more thPan 320 kilogram. In the rural areas such as Gissar the situation is even worse. The ?Sunbula? landfil inGissar was founded in USSR time with violation of environmental standarts.
Project suggests to start from population from raising awareness about the threat that might coused from infinitely growing garbage. Seminars and hands-on trainings will teach the public how to get benefit from separation and delivery the sorted organic waste and to introsuce use of high organic fertilizer "biocompost" in agriculture. This small contribution of local community will help them to make money and to learn getting quality fertilizer for agriculture use .
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Project Snapshot

NPO ?Support and Development of Badakhshan ?
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 20,438.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 7,638.58
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 12,361.42
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
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SGP Country office contact

Ms Surayo Nazirova
(+992 44) 600 5590


1st passage, 5 Lohuti str
Dushanbe, 734025