?Development of Ecotourism Through Integration of Small-Scale Alternative and Energy-Efficient Technologies in Jamoat Sartalo (Lyakhsh District)?
?Development of Ecotourism Through Integration of Small-Scale Alternative and Energy-Efficient Technologies in Jamoat Sartalo (Lyakhsh District)?
he project aims at the integration of small-scale alternative and energy-efficient technologies in two villages of jamoat Sartalo (Lyakhsh district) and the advancing of energy-efficient technologies (solar kitchens) in high-altitude pastures.
The project will integrate models of small-scale alternative, energy-efficient technologies.
The project will use the following technologies:
? Installation of a solar water heater for obtaining hot water for domestic purposes.
? Construction of in-room energy efficient furnaces for cooking and heating.
? Construction of a yard energy efficient furnace for cooking.
? Mobile solar furnaces.
Based on gained experience in the establishment of ecotourism communities, to speed up the implementation of the project and its mass replication in the future, it was decided to introduce alternative and energy-efficient technologies in households in Koshtegermen (100 households) and Kazaktar (112 households) villages of jamoat Sartalo, as well as in high-mountain pastures near the Lake Harykul.
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Project Snapshot

CSO 'Tourism Development Center'
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 27,210.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 24,087.50
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 6,600.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed

SGP Country office contact

Ms Surayo Nazirova
(+992 44) 600 5590


1st passage, 5 Lohuti str
Dushanbe, 734025