Socio-Economic Resilience of Small Island (Semau Island)
Activities :
1. Assessment of potential implementing partners
2. Preparation Workshop with implementing partners
3. Discussion with the partners
4. Kick off Meeting
5. Policy Brief
6. Writing The Knowledge Management
7. Final Celebration for the end of project
1. Assessment of potential implementing partners
2. Preparation Workshop with implementing partners
3. Discussion with the partners
4. Kick off Meeting
5. Policy Brief
6. Writing The Knowledge Management
7. Final Celebration for the end of project
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Project Snapshot
Perkumpulan PIKUL
Area Of Work:
Operational Phase:
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Grant Amount:
US$ 50,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 50,722.00
Project Number:
Start Date:
End Date:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Project Results
Some communities in the villages of Hansisi, Huilelot, Batuinan, Uitiuh Tuan and Uitiuh Ana are willing to give ¼ of their land area to be used as agrosilvopastoral. The total area of ??land provided for agrosilvopastoral is 11.7335 Ha. Ownership of the land provided is individual and some have joint ownership rights (based on clans and groups). In Batuinan Village, the Balle clan provides 2 Ha of land, while the total individual ownership is 3,951 Ha. In the village of Uitiuh Ana, the Sinar Karya and Kontema farmer groups provided 1.12 hectares of land and individuals provided 1.96 hectares of land. The total area of ??land provided by individuals in Hansisi Village is 0.696 Ha, Huilelot Village is 1.057 Ha, Uitiuh Tuan Village is 2.95 Ha. It is possible that the area of ??agrosilvopastoral land will increase because some residents who are willing to give land do not attend the meeting. Individual meetings will be held by partners to get clarity of agreement. The agrosilvopastoral agreement was signed in an official report known and endorsed by the village apparatus. The area of ??production in the yards and local black rice crops has increased. Previously, the yard area was not used, but now the yard has been used to fulfill household needs. The total area of ??the yards used is 3.21 Ha. In 2019, black rice was planted in a planted area of ??0.41 Ha, while yellow corn was planted on an area of ??0.5 Ha. Ecotourism development in Bokunusan and Uiboa villages is community based. The community is given the opportunity to manage ecotourism. The ecotourism area managed by the community is 3.50 hectares for both forest and coastal areas. One of the CIS Timor agendas is to build an agreement with the community and village government in protecting water conservation areas. CIS Timor together with village officials and communities in partner villages will build an agreement on conservation areas both on village and village lands. The agreement is still in process and it is possible to collaborate with GMI partners and the Cemara Foundation who have the same agenda. OCD beach and cafe in its big agenda will make U Cila coast an ecotourism spot. To support this, one of the efforts being made is to protect the coastal ecosystem of Uasiswa by placing artificial bioreeftek. The target area is 1200 Ha. The choice to place artificial bioreeftek is due to part of the coral reefs on the coast of Uuad-eftek in a damaged condition as a result of bombing activities in fishing. Installing a solar water pumping system (SWPS) in Batuinan village is one solution to problems in accessing water. Water is available closer to residential areas. For the sustainability of water availability, Cemara Foundation invites Batuinan villagers to protect the water catchment area (spring conservation). This effort is still in the process of negotiating with village officials and the community as direct beneficiaries. What is negotiated is the area and parties who are willing to give land to be used by non-timber forest products.
All participants involved in partner activities are producers (farmers). Almost all of the training that was attended was related to gardening activities. For example, training related to home farming which is attended by women and training in making animal feed involving farmers. As many as 356 participants were recorded who were involved in activities carried out by partners, with 50% of the participants being women who are sorghum and flour producers
All partner activities related to the agro-ecological system are followed by producers (in this case farmers). As many as producers attended trainings conducted by partners in the village. Women involved in training activities account for as much as% of the total. Female participants are active in activities related to domestic needs in the household.
Animal feed training was conducted in five partner villages of Geng Motor Imut (GMI), namely Hansisi, Huilelot, Batuinan, Uitiuh Tuan and Uitiuh Ana. Training on making pig feed was carried out in March 2019 involving 15-30 farmers who raise livestock in minimal numbers (1 or 2 heads). The involvement of women in training ranges from 18% to 50% of the total participants involved in training. Communities who are involved in the training cannot regenerate animal feed because they are constrained by the availability of raw materials which are affected by the weather. In addition, GMI Partners also distributed teramba lamtoro seeds to be planted on people's land. The number of teramba seeds distributed were 8,862 seeds in five partner villages of Semau. Based on the results of the plant census, there were 69 teramba trees that succeeded in growing. Most of the lamtoro saplings die because they are eaten by livestock and because of water shortages. The application of lamtoro teramba aims to utilize its leaves for animal feed and also take measures to conserve terrestrial ecosystems.
Dalen Mesa conducts training related to business management and marketing in the group. The goal is to support the sustainability of cooperation between Dalen Mesa and its partners both in Kupang and Yogyakarta. The total number of participants who attended the training was 14 people. Women involved in training account for 42% of the total attendance. The low level of community participation is due to training that coincides with village meetings and is busy with gardening.
Coordination with the government at both the village and provincial levels has been carried out by partners. Tafena held meetings with stakeholders at the district and provincial levels to discuss issues related to Semau Island. In addition, the OCD beach and cafe partners are building coordination with the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries in matters of bioreeftek placement. Alfa Omefga Foundation partners are also coordinating with the National Marine Protected Area to discuss plans for ecotourism development in Uiboa and Bokunusan.
A multi-stakeholder forum formed in two sub-districts, namely Semau and Semau Selatan. Members in the forum are key actors recommended by Semau partners. The women involved in the forums for Semau and South Semau were 20% each of the total representatives of each village. Women's involvement is low because women do not have the power to make decisions on the island of Semau. The highest authority is in men.
Landscape management strategy offered by GMI is the availability of ¼ of the total land owned for agro-silvopastoral. The land is used non-timber forest products in the form of honey, leaves as animal feed and fruit from plants. In addition, the area can also be a land conservation area or a water catchment area. "The landscape management strategy in Bokunusan village is through regulations and collective agreements related to area and resource management as well as area conservation. The agreed matters include a schedule for cleaning up the Onanbalu hamlet, a joint movement to report the perpetrators of fish bombing, use of sand on the coast, and land conservation. by planting trees per head of family This agreement is signed by the clan head, pokdarwis, the community and the village head.
The forest management strategy in Uiboa is carried out by providing honey hive to honey breeders. This is done in order to reduce tree cutting activities when taking honey. "The landscape processing offered by CIS Timor is through the protection of water catchments in four villages. The protection will be made into an agreement with village officials and the community. The actors in Batuinan and Ujaman villages have agreed to conserve certain areas to support water availability. In August, CIS Timor and the village government of Uasiswa and Batuinan will hold a meeting to discuss coastal tourism management strategies through mutual agreements with local residents and the village to prohibit the entry of livestock into coastal areas. The agreement has been made and implemented in coastal areas. This can be seen from the construction of fences near the coast and fencing with razor wire in certain places. Another strategy is the manufacture of artificial coral reefs using coconut shells (Bioreeftek). This strategy was chosen as an effort to protect the damaged marine ecosystem as batteries. bat from fishing activity with bombs. And no less important is a conservation plan by increasing the economic value of waste. The rubbish scattered on the coast of Ujaman is rubbish sent from Timor Island. So there is a need for a stimulus to increase the passion of the community in collecting waste. The conservation strategy offered by the Cemara Foundation is to define a conservation area or water catchment area. This is done to support the sustainability of water availability in Batuinan village.
Agrosilvopastoral agreements involve specific groups or clans and individuals. The groups involved in this agreement are the Sinar Karya and Kontema groups in the village of Uitiuh Ana. The clan that was willing to provide the land was the Balle clan in Batuinan village. The individual agreements were carried out by the landowners spread across the GMI partner villages in 5 villages. Yard land use activities are coordinated through women's groups. The groups that were formed made it easier to share information on organic farming and the distribution of vegetable seeds for planting. The women's groups that were formed in 5 Kupang Batanam partner villages ranged from 1-2 groups with 7-15 members. As many as 90% of women are active in the group. The sustainability of ecotourism in the villages of Bokunusan and Uiboa through the formation of a tourism awareness group (Pokdarwis). Group activities range from cleaning the tourist area to building tourism support facilities. The membership is dominated by men, where women's participation in the group is only 13% for Bokunusan village and 30% for Uiboa village. CIS Timor has built an agreement for the use of clean water in Hansisi Village, and compiled a water use plan and water catchment area maintenance. An ongoing process in Batuinan, Uasiswa, and Huilelot villages for the development of conservation of water catchments. In the development of organic fertilizer and sorghum production. Dalen Mesa coordinates and collaborates with 5 farmer groups that have been Dalen Mesa partners in the village of Uitiuhana. In particular, the production of sorghum flour is an activity devoted to women's groups. The development of ecotourism in the village of Uasiswa involves groups of children and adolescents, women and Pokdarwis. Each group carries out its activities in accordance with the objectives of the formation. Women's groups are more concerned with providing consumption for tourists. The number of women involved in ecotourism development ranges from 25 to 30 people. Meanwhile, women's participation in the Pokdarwis group was 28% of the total group membership. In developing SWPS, Cemara Foundation collaborated with 46 water-user families. The water management organization (SWPS) has been established and is operating in Batuinan Village. Women are involved in the structure of clean water management as water distributors in water collection tanks. Women are a group that is specifically involved because culturally in Semau Island, women have a role to take water.
The case study was carried out by the GEF SGP Secretariat. The host has provided the data required to compile the case study. Discussions with temporary compilers took place.
The host together with GMI and CIS Timor partners conducted a landscape study on the island of Semau, involving consultants. The landscape study was carried out in March 2019 and the results have been socialized in Mitra village. The results of this landscape study also serve as guidelines for partners to carry out activities in the field.
Local communities participate in the management of conservation areas on land. The form of community participation is the willingness to provide land for agrosilvopastoral use. The community agreed to use non-timber forest products from plants that grow on the agreed land. The total land area provided is 11.73 Ha. Local communities, in this case the residents of Bokunusan and Uiboa villages, participate in the management of marine conservation areas. The people around the coast set one day a week for community service cleaning the beach. In addition, residents are also trying to protect the coast by agreeing to a ban on bombing fish. The prohibition against bombing fish has been signed in an official report known and approved by the village. The area of ??the coastal conservation area on Semau Island reaches 1,692 ha (Uasiswa and Bokunusan villages). The agreement to safeguard the water catchment areas in the four CIS Timor partner villages is being processed. The community is invited to be involved in protecting the conservation area. The first effort undertaken together with the residents was to make water traps (infiltration holes). Conservation of the coastal areas of the village of Uasiswa involves both men and women. Efforts to protect the coastal ecosystem by making artificial coral reefs (bioreeftek) by utilizing coconut shells. In addition, residents also participate in maintaining the cleanliness of the coast by agreeing to bring livestock to the coast. The coastal conservation area is 1692 Ha (Bokunusan and Ujaman). The ultimate goal of the Cemara Foundation is for local communities to manage the conservation area of ??the catchment area. Mutual agreement with residents is in process so that the total land area cannot yet be conveyed. This agreement will certainly help the sustainability of water availability in Batuinan.
Ui Ade Forest is a clan forest (owner of the Buitlena clan) with an area of ??about 1-1.5 hectares. Plants in the forest are allowed to grow without planting. It was agreed that this forest be used for non-timber forest products, so that it becomes a source of honey.
Training related to the manufacture of organic fertilizers, both solid and liquid, has been conducted in partner villages. Some of the residents who were involved in the training again made organic fertilizers, but some of them did not make organic fertilizers anymore because of the reasons for the availability of materials. Some of the residents re-made organic fertilizers which are used for agricultural crops such as shallots, vegetables and rice with a total area of ??48 hectares. Products that use organic fertilizers have a different taste (vegetables) and have a longer shelf life. Planting vegetables in the yard applies an agroecological system. Vegetables grown in the yard use liquid organic fertilizers and vegetable pesticides to repel pests. Some women have applied organic fertilizers to plants in the garden. Accelerating and increasing the production of bokashi fertilizer to substitute for the use of synthetic fertilizers. Fertilizer production is a collaboration between Dalen Mesa and 5 Dalen Mesa partner farmer groups. Dalen Mesa has made 2 tons of organic fertilizer in 2 growing seasons.
Efforts to plant crops on land belonging to residents and villages are carried out by providing tillers. The total number of chicks given was 30,000. Most of the planted tillers do not grow due to insufficient water availability (low rainfall) and are consumed by livestock. Some residents refuse to accept tillers due to the low rainfall, so the chicks will die. In addition, the availability of tillers at BPDAS is not sufficient for the demand from Semau Island. Until now, there are still some residents who have not yet got tillers to plant. If it is distributed now, it is useless because the water debit has started to decrease. Uiade forest management through planting saplings. Planted saplings are subsidized by the Provincial Forestry and Environment Agency. The number of tillers is approximately 450 puppies. However, only 100 seedlings were planted. Other tillers, such as marungga, will be divided among residents to be planted in their yards. Plants grown in the Uiade Forest include, among others, Trambesi, Jackfruit, Mahogany.
Semau Muda, a partner of Terasmitra, has a collaborative relationship with Mitra Dalen Mesa in marketing sorghum, sorghum flour and honey. The cooperative relationship is established through various discussions between the two parties. Men have a role in producing sorghum and honey, while women have a role in producing sorghum flour. The number of women involved in the process of making sorghum flour is 5 people.
A women's group in a partner village formed by the joint initiation of Kupang Batanam and women. Strengthening group capacity through agricultural training based on agroecology. In addition, women are also trained to process excess food ingredients to increase the selling price of the product. Almost 95% involved in the group were women. A tourism awareness group formed for the sustainability of ecotourism in the villages of Bokunusan and Uiboa. Strengthening group capacity is carried out through environmental critical education, comparative study to ecotourism villages and other training that supports ecotourism development. As many as 13-30% of women are active in the group. The Dalen Mesa group is a partner that has 5 farmer groups, namely the Talenta II, Sinar Karya, Langa Poke, Somba and Paul Baun farmer groups. Activities carried out by Dalen Mesa must include members from each group. The women involved in the groups varied: 24% in the Talenta II group, 5.55% in the light work group, 14.28 in the Paul Baun group, 41.67% in the somba group. Strengthening the capacity of water user groups in Batuinan village through various trainings or workshops related to institutionalization and conservation of water catchments. Women are involved and active in groups in checking water availability. The number of female members involved in the group was 51-55% of the total members.
Training on making biomass stoves has been conducted in five GMI partner villages. After completing the training, GMI gave the furnace mall and printing rights to those who were considered responsible in each village. The stoves that were later printed could be sold at a reasonable price. The sales price of biomass stoves will be negotiated with GMI partners. Apart from reducing the use of firewood, the production of biomass stoves will also support household income. The use of yard land to fulfill household needs also has another positive impact. The excess of the grown vegetables can be sold to those in need. This sale adds to household income but only occurs when there is excess production. The actors who play a role in the use of yard land are women. Sorghum is one of the local products that is being cultivated again on Semau Island. Apart from producing sorghum, sorghum is also processed into flour. The selling price of flour is higher than the price of sorghum in the form of rice. This processing is done by women in Uitiuh Ana village, which of course will increase household income. A total of 5 women are involved in processing sorghum into sorghum flour. In developing ecotourism in Uasiswa, women have a role in providing consumption for tourists. Provision of consumption begins with training in food processing based on local ingredients available in Semau. The women involved in the training are around 5-10 people. The role of providing consumption is an additional activity in the routine of women in the village of Uasiswa, which of course will have a positive impact on the family economy. The certainty related to the additional amount of income cannot be stated because the development of ecotourism is still in the construction process. The excess production of shallots in Batuinan village is seen as a potential that needs to be developed by women. When there is excess production, the selling price of onions is low, so the risk of minimal profits can occur. One of the alternatives chosen is the processing of shallots into fried onions. Cemara Foundation took the initiative to conduct processing training to increase women's capacity in processing. The implementation of the activity will be carried out in mid-August 2020, so it is not yet possible to confirm the amount of revenue from selling fried onions.
Documentation and dissemination related to traditional knowledge of plant resources have not been fully carried out. Local plant resources on Semau Island are documented in the book "Creating Planting Spaces in Yards" by Kupang Batanam. Meanwhile, the dissemination of information on local plant resources has not been carried out.
Documentation and dissemination related to traditional knowledge of plant resources have not been fully carried out. Local plant resources on Semau Island are documented in the book "Creating Planting Spaces in Yards" by Kupang Batanam. Meanwhile, the dissemination of information on local plant resources has not been carried out.
Activities related to farmers' rights to seeds have been carried out by Indonesia Berseru. This activity took place in October 2020 involving 10 partner villages on Semau Island. The meeting was held in two sub-districts, namely Semau and South Semau Districts. Activities carried out in direct discussion with participants from each village. The results of the activities obtained were information related to local Semau seeds that were still available and which were already extinct as well as awareness of farmers' rights to local seeds.
"Increasing Access to Clean Water with Low Emission Technology (SWPS) community-based in Batuinan village. The groups involved include the Uidete water users group and the Uiutlui water users group. Institutions in the group are in process, while the group membership structure has been established. 55% of women from The total membership of the group is actively involved in the Uidete water user group, while 51% of women are active in the Uiutlui water user group.Women play a role in the group to ensure the availability of water in the reservoir.
Other partnerships in managing the development and implementation of low emission systems are partnerships built by GMI with community groups or Bumdes. Partnerships that have been built are related to biomass stoves. After training in making biomass stoves, community groups or Bumdes are given the right to print the stoves and distribute them at a reasonable price. Partnership with Bumdes in Batuinan and Hansisi villages, while partnership with community groups in the villages of Uitiuh Tuan, Uitiuh Ana and Huilelot. This activity only took place in July 2020 so the data is still being inputted by partners into the system. "
The involvement of people's representatives in planning the installation of SWPS can be seen from the first socialization stage to physical works. The Cemara Foundation invites the public to have a discussion. The community involved in the discussion ranged from 10 to 25 people. The first discussion with the management and water users of Uiutlui with the involvement of women 30% of the total participants. This meeting is to discuss the plan to repair damage to water protection houses and piping networks. The second meeting, together with community groups using the water from the Uidete well and the owner of the Uidete well with the involvement of women from 36% of the total participants. The community is also involved in meetings with technical consultants to discuss various technical matters in the SWPS installation and piping network. Informal discussions were also held with 4 community leaders, a deputy head of the BPD and 9 women from Batuinan village.
All participants involved in partner activities are producers (farmers). Almost all of the training that was attended was related to gardening activities. For example, training related to home farming which is attended by women and training in making animal feed involving farmers. As many as 356 participants were recorded who were involved in activities carried out by partners, with 50% of the participants being women who are sorghum and flour producers
All partner activities related to the agro-ecological system are followed by producers (in this case farmers). As many as producers attended trainings conducted by partners in the village. Women involved in training activities account for as much as% of the total. Female participants are active in activities related to domestic needs in the household.
Animal feed training was conducted in five partner villages of Geng Motor Imut (GMI), namely Hansisi, Huilelot, Batuinan, Uitiuh Tuan and Uitiuh Ana. Training on making pig feed was carried out in March 2019 involving 15-30 farmers who raise livestock in minimal numbers (1 or 2 heads). The involvement of women in training ranges from 18% to 50% of the total participants involved in training. Communities who are involved in the training cannot regenerate animal feed because they are constrained by the availability of raw materials which are affected by the weather. In addition, GMI Partners also distributed teramba lamtoro seeds to be planted on people's land. The number of teramba seeds distributed were 8,862 seeds in five partner villages of Semau. Based on the results of the plant census, there were 69 teramba trees that succeeded in growing. Most of the lamtoro saplings die because they are eaten by livestock and because of water shortages. The application of lamtoro teramba aims to utilize its leaves for animal feed and also take measures to conserve terrestrial ecosystems.
Dalen Mesa conducts training related to business management and marketing in the group. The goal is to support the sustainability of cooperation between Dalen Mesa and its partners both in Kupang and Yogyakarta. The total number of participants who attended the training was 14 people. Women involved in training account for 42% of the total attendance. The low level of community participation is due to training that coincides with village meetings and is busy with gardening.
Coordination with the government at both the village and provincial levels has been carried out by partners. Tafena held meetings with stakeholders at the district and provincial levels to discuss issues related to Semau Island. In addition, the OCD beach and cafe partners are building coordination with the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries in matters of bioreeftek placement. Alfa Omefga Foundation partners are also coordinating with the National Marine Protected Area to discuss plans for ecotourism development in Uiboa and Bokunusan.
A multi-stakeholder forum formed in two sub-districts, namely Semau and Semau Selatan. Members in the forum are key actors recommended by Semau partners. The women involved in the forums for Semau and South Semau were 20% each of the total representatives of each village. Women's involvement is low because women do not have the power to make decisions on the island of Semau. The highest authority is in men.
Landscape management strategy offered by GMI is the availability of ¼ of the total land owned for agro-silvopastoral. The land is used non-timber forest products in the form of honey, leaves as animal feed and fruit from plants. In addition, the area can also be a land conservation area or a water catchment area. "The landscape management strategy in Bokunusan village is through regulations and collective agreements related to area and resource management as well as area conservation. The agreed matters include a schedule for cleaning up the Onanbalu hamlet, a joint movement to report the perpetrators of fish bombing, use of sand on the coast, and land conservation. by planting trees per head of family This agreement is signed by the clan head, pokdarwis, the community and the village head.
The forest management strategy in Uiboa is carried out by providing honey hive to honey breeders. This is done in order to reduce tree cutting activities when taking honey. "The landscape processing offered by CIS Timor is through the protection of water catchments in four villages. The protection will be made into an agreement with village officials and the community. The actors in Batuinan and Ujaman villages have agreed to conserve certain areas to support water availability. In August, CIS Timor and the village government of Uasiswa and Batuinan will hold a meeting to discuss coastal tourism management strategies through mutual agreements with local residents and the village to prohibit the entry of livestock into coastal areas. The agreement has been made and implemented in coastal areas. This can be seen from the construction of fences near the coast and fencing with razor wire in certain places. Another strategy is the manufacture of artificial coral reefs using coconut shells (Bioreeftek). This strategy was chosen as an effort to protect the damaged marine ecosystem as batteries. bat from fishing activity with bombs. And no less important is a conservation plan by increasing the economic value of waste. The rubbish scattered on the coast of Ujaman is rubbish sent from Timor Island. So there is a need for a stimulus to increase the passion of the community in collecting waste. The conservation strategy offered by the Cemara Foundation is to define a conservation area or water catchment area. This is done to support the sustainability of water availability in Batuinan village.
Agrosilvopastoral agreements involve specific groups or clans and individuals. The groups involved in this agreement are the Sinar Karya and Kontema groups in the village of Uitiuh Ana. The clan that was willing to provide the land was the Balle clan in Batuinan village. The individual agreements were carried out by the landowners spread across the GMI partner villages in 5 villages. Yard land use activities are coordinated through women's groups. The groups that were formed made it easier to share information on organic farming and the distribution of vegetable seeds for planting. The women's groups that were formed in 5 Kupang Batanam partner villages ranged from 1-2 groups with 7-15 members. As many as 90% of women are active in the group. The sustainability of ecotourism in the villages of Bokunusan and Uiboa through the formation of a tourism awareness group (Pokdarwis). Group activities range from cleaning the tourist area to building tourism support facilities. The membership is dominated by men, where women's participation in the group is only 13% for Bokunusan village and 30% for Uiboa village. CIS Timor has built an agreement for the use of clean water in Hansisi Village, and compiled a water use plan and water catchment area maintenance. An ongoing process in Batuinan, Uasiswa, and Huilelot villages for the development of conservation of water catchments. In the development of organic fertilizer and sorghum production. Dalen Mesa coordinates and collaborates with 5 farmer groups that have been Dalen Mesa partners in the village of Uitiuhana. In particular, the production of sorghum flour is an activity devoted to women's groups. The development of ecotourism in the village of Uasiswa involves groups of children and adolescents, women and Pokdarwis. Each group carries out its activities in accordance with the objectives of the formation. Women's groups are more concerned with providing consumption for tourists. The number of women involved in ecotourism development ranges from 25 to 30 people. Meanwhile, women's participation in the Pokdarwis group was 28% of the total group membership. In developing SWPS, Cemara Foundation collaborated with 46 water-user families. The water management organization (SWPS) has been established and is operating in Batuinan Village. Women are involved in the structure of clean water management as water distributors in water collection tanks. Women are a group that is specifically involved because culturally in Semau Island, women have a role to take water.
The case study was carried out by the GEF SGP Secretariat. The host has provided the data required to compile the case study. Discussions with temporary compilers took place.
The host together with GMI and CIS Timor partners conducted a landscape study on the island of Semau, involving consultants. The landscape study was carried out in March 2019 and the results have been socialized in Mitra village. The results of this landscape study also serve as guidelines for partners to carry out activities in the field.
Local communities participate in the management of conservation areas on land. The form of community participation is the willingness to provide land for agrosilvopastoral use. The community agreed to use non-timber forest products from plants that grow on the agreed land. The total land area provided is 11.73 Ha. Local communities, in this case the residents of Bokunusan and Uiboa villages, participate in the management of marine conservation areas. The people around the coast set one day a week for community service cleaning the beach. In addition, residents are also trying to protect the coast by agreeing to a ban on bombing fish. The prohibition against bombing fish has been signed in an official report known and approved by the village. The area of ??the coastal conservation area on Semau Island reaches 1,692 ha (Uasiswa and Bokunusan villages). The agreement to safeguard the water catchment areas in the four CIS Timor partner villages is being processed. The community is invited to be involved in protecting the conservation area. The first effort undertaken together with the residents was to make water traps (infiltration holes). Conservation of the coastal areas of the village of Uasiswa involves both men and women. Efforts to protect the coastal ecosystem by making artificial coral reefs (bioreeftek) by utilizing coconut shells. In addition, residents also participate in maintaining the cleanliness of the coast by agreeing to bring livestock to the coast. The coastal conservation area is 1692 Ha (Bokunusan and Ujaman). The ultimate goal of the Cemara Foundation is for local communities to manage the conservation area of ??the catchment area. Mutual agreement with residents is in process so that the total land area cannot yet be conveyed. This agreement will certainly help the sustainability of water availability in Batuinan.
Ui Ade Forest is a clan forest (owner of the Buitlena clan) with an area of ??about 1-1.5 hectares. Plants in the forest are allowed to grow without planting. It was agreed that this forest be used for non-timber forest products, so that it becomes a source of honey.
Training related to the manufacture of organic fertilizers, both solid and liquid, has been conducted in partner villages. Some of the residents who were involved in the training again made organic fertilizers, but some of them did not make organic fertilizers anymore because of the reasons for the availability of materials. Some of the residents re-made organic fertilizers which are used for agricultural crops such as shallots, vegetables and rice with a total area of ??48 hectares. Products that use organic fertilizers have a different taste (vegetables) and have a longer shelf life. Planting vegetables in the yard applies an agroecological system. Vegetables grown in the yard use liquid organic fertilizers and vegetable pesticides to repel pests. Some women have applied organic fertilizers to plants in the garden. Accelerating and increasing the production of bokashi fertilizer to substitute for the use of synthetic fertilizers. Fertilizer production is a collaboration between Dalen Mesa and 5 Dalen Mesa partner farmer groups. Dalen Mesa has made 2 tons of organic fertilizer in 2 growing seasons.
Efforts to plant crops on land belonging to residents and villages are carried out by providing tillers. The total number of chicks given was 30,000. Most of the planted tillers do not grow due to insufficient water availability (low rainfall) and are consumed by livestock. Some residents refuse to accept tillers due to the low rainfall, so the chicks will die. In addition, the availability of tillers at BPDAS is not sufficient for the demand from Semau Island. Until now, there are still some residents who have not yet got tillers to plant. If it is distributed now, it is useless because the water debit has started to decrease. Uiade forest management through planting saplings. Planted saplings are subsidized by the Provincial Forestry and Environment Agency. The number of tillers is approximately 450 puppies. However, only 100 seedlings were planted. Other tillers, such as marungga, will be divided among residents to be planted in their yards. Plants grown in the Uiade Forest include, among others, Trambesi, Jackfruit, Mahogany.
Semau Muda, a partner of Terasmitra, has a collaborative relationship with Mitra Dalen Mesa in marketing sorghum, sorghum flour and honey. The cooperative relationship is established through various discussions between the two parties. Men have a role in producing sorghum and honey, while women have a role in producing sorghum flour. The number of women involved in the process of making sorghum flour is 5 people.
A women's group in a partner village formed by the joint initiation of Kupang Batanam and women. Strengthening group capacity through agricultural training based on agroecology. In addition, women are also trained to process excess food ingredients to increase the selling price of the product. Almost 95% involved in the group were women. A tourism awareness group formed for the sustainability of ecotourism in the villages of Bokunusan and Uiboa. Strengthening group capacity is carried out through environmental critical education, comparative study to ecotourism villages and other training that supports ecotourism development. As many as 13-30% of women are active in the group. The Dalen Mesa group is a partner that has 5 farmer groups, namely the Talenta II, Sinar Karya, Langa Poke, Somba and Paul Baun farmer groups. Activities carried out by Dalen Mesa must include members from each group. The women involved in the groups varied: 24% in the Talenta II group, 5.55% in the light work group, 14.28 in the Paul Baun group, 41.67% in the somba group. Strengthening the capacity of water user groups in Batuinan village through various trainings or workshops related to institutionalization and conservation of water catchments. Women are involved and active in groups in checking water availability. The number of female members involved in the group was 51-55% of the total members.
Training on making biomass stoves has been conducted in five GMI partner villages. After completing the training, GMI gave the furnace mall and printing rights to those who were considered responsible in each village. The stoves that were later printed could be sold at a reasonable price. The sales price of biomass stoves will be negotiated with GMI partners. Apart from reducing the use of firewood, the production of biomass stoves will also support household income. The use of yard land to fulfill household needs also has another positive impact. The excess of the grown vegetables can be sold to those in need. This sale adds to household income but only occurs when there is excess production. The actors who play a role in the use of yard land are women. Sorghum is one of the local products that is being cultivated again on Semau Island. Apart from producing sorghum, sorghum is also processed into flour. The selling price of flour is higher than the price of sorghum in the form of rice. This processing is done by women in Uitiuh Ana village, which of course will increase household income. A total of 5 women are involved in processing sorghum into sorghum flour. In developing ecotourism in Uasiswa, women have a role in providing consumption for tourists. Provision of consumption begins with training in food processing based on local ingredients available in Semau. The women involved in the training are around 5-10 people. The role of providing consumption is an additional activity in the routine of women in the village of Uasiswa, which of course will have a positive impact on the family economy. The certainty related to the additional amount of income cannot be stated because the development of ecotourism is still in the construction process. The excess production of shallots in Batuinan village is seen as a potential that needs to be developed by women. When there is excess production, the selling price of onions is low, so the risk of minimal profits can occur. One of the alternatives chosen is the processing of shallots into fried onions. Cemara Foundation took the initiative to conduct processing training to increase women's capacity in processing. The implementation of the activity will be carried out in mid-August 2020, so it is not yet possible to confirm the amount of revenue from selling fried onions.
Documentation and dissemination related to traditional knowledge of plant resources have not been fully carried out. Local plant resources on Semau Island are documented in the book "Creating Planting Spaces in Yards" by Kupang Batanam. Meanwhile, the dissemination of information on local plant resources has not been carried out.
Documentation and dissemination related to traditional knowledge of plant resources have not been fully carried out. Local plant resources on Semau Island are documented in the book "Creating Planting Spaces in Yards" by Kupang Batanam. Meanwhile, the dissemination of information on local plant resources has not been carried out.
Activities related to farmers' rights to seeds have been carried out by Indonesia Berseru. This activity took place in October 2020 involving 10 partner villages on Semau Island. The meeting was held in two sub-districts, namely Semau and South Semau Districts. Activities carried out in direct discussion with participants from each village. The results of the activities obtained were information related to local Semau seeds that were still available and which were already extinct as well as awareness of farmers' rights to local seeds.
"Increasing Access to Clean Water with Low Emission Technology (SWPS) community-based in Batuinan village. The groups involved include the Uidete water users group and the Uiutlui water users group. Institutions in the group are in process, while the group membership structure has been established. 55% of women from The total membership of the group is actively involved in the Uidete water user group, while 51% of women are active in the Uiutlui water user group.Women play a role in the group to ensure the availability of water in the reservoir.
Other partnerships in managing the development and implementation of low emission systems are partnerships built by GMI with community groups or Bumdes. Partnerships that have been built are related to biomass stoves. After training in making biomass stoves, community groups or Bumdes are given the right to print the stoves and distribute them at a reasonable price. Partnership with Bumdes in Batuinan and Hansisi villages, while partnership with community groups in the villages of Uitiuh Tuan, Uitiuh Ana and Huilelot. This activity only took place in July 2020 so the data is still being inputted by partners into the system. "
The involvement of people's representatives in planning the installation of SWPS can be seen from the first socialization stage to physical works. The Cemara Foundation invites the public to have a discussion. The community involved in the discussion ranged from 10 to 25 people. The first discussion with the management and water users of Uiutlui with the involvement of women 30% of the total participants. This meeting is to discuss the plan to repair damage to water protection houses and piping networks. The second meeting, together with community groups using the water from the Uidete well and the owner of the Uidete well with the involvement of women from 36% of the total participants. The community is also involved in meetings with technical consultants to discuss various technical matters in the SWPS installation and piping network. Informal discussions were also held with 4 community leaders, a deputy head of the BPD and 9 women from Batuinan village.
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