Involvement of Community on Restoration and Conservation of White Egrets Habitat at Swamp
Involvement of Community on Restoration and Conservation of White Egrets Habitat at Swamp
Nong Beungxang is well known as a natural swamp for long times ago, the village communities here name their village as Ban Beungxang. Beungxang swamp has a large number of white egrets come and stay as its habitat here. Beside white egrets, there are other kinds of bird also so have like martin, birds of paradise, blackbird etc., that indicates how abundance of food source and exclusive ecology of the swamp. There are 216 households in Ban Beungxang and their main occupation is a farmer, vegetables plantation and livestock culture as backup career in form of economic sufficiency. The recent problem is swamp lack of water in dry season, due to the ditch of dam is broken down one side, so the waste water and other dust from outside are flew into swamp which is causing it shallow. Some of villagers cleared their rice field close to the swamp, and threw out the dust and scattered waste which make swamp getting dirty. The community of Ban Beungxang uses water from the swamp for daily consumption of the household. The project aims at helping the community to conserve the white egret and to promote women to participate in natural resources management by setting and strengthening the regulations to protect the swamp, to create local household waste collection activity, tree plantation and to fix the dam where is broken
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Project Snapshot

Ban Beuangxang; Sonnabouly district; Savannakhet province
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 46,448.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 3,000.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed



SGP Country office contact

Mr. Bounmy Phommakone
Ms. Vilaylack Tounalom


Lane Xang Avenue, P.O.Box 345
Vientiane, Asia & Pacific, Lao PDR