Promoting energy-efficient and fish enhancing processing technologies for improved incomes in Nkhotakota district
Promoting energy-efficient and fish enhancing processing technologies for improved incomes in Nkhotakota district
The fisheries sector in Malawi supports many population with food as a nutrient source as well as economically. However, fisheries are in a state of decline due to climate variability and change. Again, post-harvest loss is reported to be widespread on the major fisheries sites and aquaculture (Russell et al, 2008). In Malawi, losses are estimated to be as high as 30% during rainy seasons especially due to inadequate processing facilities which consequently lead to low incomes. In addition, fish processors resort to using technologies that result to products of shorter shelf life with heavy contamination or those that use a lot of fuel wood. They also contribute to accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which causes ozone layer destruction. Kapute et al (2015) found that 19.6%, 10.3%, 4.3, 3.4, 2.2% and 2.2% of the fish processors were paraboiling, sun drying, freezing, frying, solar drying, salting and drying respectively.

Just like in frying, fish that is parboiled has short shelf life hence promoting losses and the methods demand use of too much firewood. Sun dried fish is heavily contaminated by sand and dirt as processors do not have control over drying times. The products are of poor quality and fetches low price at the market. Again, most methods are season dependent except for smoking. Unfortunately those who suffer from the vagaries of fish spoils and contamination of fish are mostly women as it is estimated that 80% of fish processors are women. Practical technologies that can be used throughout the year and that are energy efficient, may be a panacea to solving challenges associated with deforestation thereby reducing desertification, soil erosion and destruction of ecosystems. In addition, the contribution to accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which causes ozone layer destruction will be reduced.

3.2 Primary objective
To improve livelihoods of fish processors through promotion of low cost and energy saving fish processing technologies.

3.3 Specific objectives
To build capacity of fish processors, mostly women in the design, construction and utilization of Frismo, Modified smoking kilns and solar tent driers
To facilitate the construction of 15 Frismo kilns, 15 Modified kiln and 5 solar tent driers in at least 3 beaches in Nkhotakota District for fish processing
To facilitate market linkages for processed fish for increased incomes of fish processors
To ensure sustainability of the results that will be achieved at the end of the project, the following steps will be taken during implementation and upon completion of the project;
? Active Community participation to ensure ownership. This has already been initiated through the engagement of community during proposal development
? Trainings for capacity building
? Marketing linkages-The pre identified MBS certified off taker shall provide the beneficiaries with a sustainable market and PERFEPF will introduce them to more other possible markets.
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Project Snapshot

Kawjo Foundation
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 40,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 3,159.34
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 686.81
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed

SGP Country office contact

Ms Nyembezi JENDA
265 1 773 500
265 1 773 637


C/O UNDP Malawi, Plot 7 Area 40, P.O. Box 30135,
LILONGWE 3, Africa, 265