Developing cycling movement in Belarus regions
Developing cycling movement in Belarus regions
Project goal: : mitigate negative climate effects by developing urban cycling movement in the southeastern Mahiliou Region and other regions. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector due to the cycling movement promotion.
Project tasks:
1. Promotion of cycling infrastructure establishment and development on the regional level (in the southeastern part of Mahiliou Region and in other regions of the country). 2. Promotion of bicycles among the project area residents as a climate neutral means of transport. 3. Reinforcement of the capacity of local authorities and communities in southeastern Mahiliou Region in the sphere of cyclotourism development.
Expected results:
1. Belarus at the national and regional levels (Southeast region of the Mahiliou oblast ) will improve cycling policies, regulations and quality standards for urban cycling infrastructure;
2. Bicycle NGOs and interested non-profit organizations in Belarus will increase their organizational capacity and knowledge to promote cycling and will play an active role in promoting bicycling in urban areas as a climate neutral transport;
3. There will be public/city support for cycling in Belarus and the South-Eastern region of the Mahileu region and the demand for its promotion;
4. Local authorities and local communities in the South-Eastern region of the Mahiliou oblast will begin to show an active interest in the development of cycling;
5. The development of urban cycling will lead to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector of Belarus. 3 information stands about alternative energy are installed.
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Project Snapshot

Minsk Cycling Society
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 46,790.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 154,611.32
Co-Financing in-Kind:
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Policy Influence
A specialized methodology has been developed for assessing the impact of the development of cycling on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. ( The methodology can be applied to assess the actions of cities (including for signatory cities of the Covenant of Mayors) on the development of bicycle infrastructure and their comparison with actions in other (non-transport) areas.
Project sustainability
Thanks to a series of actions, urban bicycle communities are being strengthened in Belarusian cities, their consolidation and the ability to expertly work with the city authorities, establish partnerships with executive committees and other structures, effectively influence decisions made in the development of bicycle infrastructure, and the promotion of urban cycling. Both parties (civil society and the executive branch) gain experience of productive joint cooperation
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Number of innovations or new technologies developed / applied 1
Number of CBOs / NGOs participated / involved in SGP project 25
Number of women participated / involved in SGP project 500
Number of individuals (gender diaggregated) who have benefited* from SGP project 2000

SGP Country office contact

Mr. Yuri Solovjev
+375 17 2995506
+375 17 2995506


room 3, Avangardnaya st. 46,
Minsk, 220037